
Prix ForceFORCE

Rang #15363

À propos de Force (FORCE)




Clone Force: Battle for the Blockchain is a hyper casual, narrative driven mobile card battle game where users from across the globe come together to fight powerful enemies in live gaming events. As these events conclude, the story is driven forward, creating a sense of purpose for players as their participation is what brings forth the next phase in the Clone Force universe. Instead of following the meta, Clone Force aims to look beyond the future to create something truly spectacular and sustainable. We have identified a number of common issues surrounding blockchain gaming models and plan to deliver accordingly. Allowing for purchases of in game assets to be made by the native token means the token value must always be dynamic , thus devaluing the token on the free market entirely. Or, the value of in game assets are not dynamic and in turn can end up costing a fortune, meaning no one will wish to purchase these assets using valuable tokens. All ideologies break apart at their highest state; decentralisation is great until there is no one to enforce penalties on those who steal and scam. We are here to create a fairer, safer blockchain driven by ethics and ethos. In Battle for the Blockchain, players experience raid-like battles via card based logic, allowing them to Earn, Build, Trade, and collect via sophisticated upgrade and progression mechanics, alongside web3 trading and ownership.

Force (FORCE) Tendances des prix

Haut 24H$0.004532
Bas 24H$0.004339
Volume 24 h$581.77
Plus haut historique (ATH)$0.0072
Circulating Supply
Plus bas historique (ATL)$0.003618
Approvisionnement total
299.79M FORCE
Market Cap/FDV
Approvisionnement maximal
299.79M FORCE
Fully Diluted Valuation
Sentiment du marchéConfirmer

Actualisation du prix de Force (FORCE) en live

Le prix de Force aujourd'hui est de $0.004507 avec un volume de trading sur 24 heures de $581.77. Par conséquent, Force a une market cap de --, ce qui lui donne une domination du marché de 0.000048%. Le prix Force a fluctué de +2.98% au cours des dernières 24 heures.

Montant restant
% de variation

Plateforme d'échange de FORCE populaires



Qu'est-ce qui détermine l'évolution du prix de Force (FORCE) ?

Quel est le prix le plus élevé dans l'historique de prix de Force ?

Quel est le prix le plus bas de Force dans son histoire ?

Quel est le market cap actuel de Force?

Combien de Force y a-t-il sur le marché ?

Quelle est la max supply de Force?

Quel est le market cap (ou FDV) entièrement dilué de Force?

Quelle est la prédiction de prix de Force ?

Force est-il un bon investissement ?

Comment acheter Force?