Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm _EdDSA_ is a cryptographic algorithm used by ADA, Stellar, Lisk, NEM, XMR, Tezos.
A cryptocurrency airdrop is an event to send coins to eligible wallets for free
AI Security
One of the Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020 proposed by Gartner.
Alliance Chain
It can be regarded as a type of private chain. It is generally operated by multiple organizations and it is partial-decentralized compared to a public chain.
One of the key features of blockchain. It enables a higher level of privacy of the transaction without revealing information about the trading parties.
Accidental Fork
It refers to a situation where two or more miners successfully calculate the harsh at the same time, which means finding the block.
Within Blockchain industry, it is the abbreviation form of Application Programming Interface.
It is one of the characteristics of Blockchain technology.
Comprised of a series of letters and numbers, it is similar to a bank account, which is used to transfer and receive cryptocurrencies.
Asset Token
It is a type of cryptocurrency that can be regarded as an asset such as stocks, securities.
Asymmetric Cryptographic Algorithm
Known as a cryptographic algorithm, it requires 2 keys, the public key for encryption and the private key for decryption.
It refers to a type of trading by maximizing profits on price differences between exchanges.
Algorithm Stablecoin
Attack Vector
It is a technique by which unauthorized access can be gained to a device or a network to exploit the sys tem‘s vulnerabilities.
Cosmos is a decentralized network of independent parallel blockchains, each powered by BFT consensus algorithms like Tendermint consensus. It officially launched in March 2019.
Anti-Money Laundering
It refers to a series of laws and regulations decreed by authorities in order to prevent criminals from disguising illegal obtained funds as legitimate income.
Algorand_s consensus mechanism is permissionless and pure proof-of-stake. It ensures full participation, protection, and speed within a truly decentralized network.
It refers to alternative cryptocurrencies launched after bitcoin.
Short for “ask me anything”. It refers to the activities held by exchange representatives or project managers to answer questions from the users.
Axie Infinity
Axie Infinity is a popular game on Ethereum.
The bit is a basic unit of information in information theory, computing, including digital communications.
Blow Up
It happens when a trader‘s loss exceeds the deposit in his or her account due to the variation of the market.
Mining a Block
When miners help create a new block, they will get 6.25 Bitcoins as a reward. This process of updating the public ledger is called mining a block.
Refers to a computer file that records transaction information. A blockchain is created when blocks are connected as a continuous chain.
It is comprised of blocks and become a chain. The block refers to a digital piece of information of a database.
A 51 percent Attack
Created by Satoshi Nakamoto, it is a cryptocurrency integrated with the subjects of Cryptography and Consensus Mechanism.
Byzantine Generals Problem
Proposed by Leslie Lambert in 1982, it is the fault-tolerant problem of peer-to-peer network. Bitcoin solves this problem by Proof of Work Consensus.
Brute Force Attack
It refers to a method in cryptography which obtains information such as passwords by trying all the possible answers.
When a trader believes that an asset will rise in value, he or she is “bullish“ on the asset.
Bytom Blockchain Protocol
It is an interactive protocol of multiple byte assets.
Bitcoin Pizza
It is an event that took place on May 22, 2010.
Big Pie
A Chinese saying of BTC.
Bull Market
Refers to the positive market trend.
Bull Trap
It refers to the inaccurate signal that indicate market price increases but in fact, the price will continue to decrease.
Beta Coefficient:
Bear Market
It refers to a gloomy and negative market condition.
The Impossible Triangle
In the distributed area, the impossible triangle refers to partition tolerance, availability, and consistency.
Black Swan Event
Refers to the unpredictable and influential events such as 911 and Brexit.
It refers to contributing to the blockchain eco_ rather than HODL passively.
This refers to the price fluctuation of cryptocurrencies in the investment market. It’s usually in the form of figures or diagrams.
Risk hedging
In this investment process, investors stay put or invest in assets of low fluctuations, to minimize risks and maximize security.
When a traders believe that an asset will drop in value, he or she is “bearish“ on the asset.
Block Reward
Refers to the rewards that miners receive for finding new blocks by using mining devices. Different cryptocurrencies have different rewards based on respective blocks in the blockchain.
Block Height
The number of blocks within the blockchain from its genesis block.
Edge computing
It is similar to a kind of distributed computer network that enables the processing of large amounts of data to reduce latency.
Black- Scholes option pricing model
The Black-Scholes model is a mathematical model specifically used to price financial derivatives of European options, and can be abbreviated as the BS formula.
Block Trading
It refers to the large volume trading.
Bitcoin ETFs
Bitcoin ETF, namely an open-ended exchange-traded fund, is a regulated investment fund that tracks the price of Bitcoin.
The uncertainty principle states that one cannot assign exact simultaneous values to the position and momentum of a particle.
Bounce Back
It is a word which can be used to describe both the stock market and cryptocurrency market when the price of an asset keeps declining, but turns to rise again.
Bitcoin Gold
It is a new token created by a hard fork of the original open-source cryptocurrency which took place on October 24, 2017, with a total issue amount of 21 million.
Quoted currency
The quote currency, commonly known as "counter currency," is the second currency in both a direct and indirect currency pair
Standard money
It is a monetary unit which is designated by a government to serve as the basis of its currency _.
Bretton Woods system
The Bretton Woods Agreement and _ created a collective international currency exchange regime
Coin Hoarding
Behavior where an investor starts to purchase and hoard a large sum of some currency.
Copycat Coin
All cryptocurrencies except Bitcoin can be called a copycat coin. However, they are not counterfeit, but rather a new kind of coin developed based on Bitcoin source code.
Cryptocurrency Speculation
It is a type of trading to gain profits by speculating on crypto price.
Cryto-crypto Trading
It refers to the type of trading by purchasing one crypto at the price of another crypto, such as purchasing Bitcoin using USDT(as in BTC/USDT).
Coin Shuffling
It is a privacy service.
The practice of obeying rules or requests made by an authority.
Operation Code
A series of instruction sequence code specifies the operation to be performed by CPU. An operation code represents an order.
Contract Layer
It is one of the layers of a blockchain sys tem, consisting of va rious scr ipts, algorithms, and smart contracts.
Consensus Mechanism
It is a sys tem to reach agreements about whether a piece of information.
Core Wallet
It contains the entire blockchain. Users can not only receive, store and send cryptocurrencies with it but also program on it.
Replay Attack
A replay attack is a form of network attack in which valid data transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated
It could be seen as a token given away to users.
Computational infeasibility
It refers to a situation where the computation is computable, but it will take an unrealistic amount of time to process
One of the Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020 proposed by Gartner.
Confirmation of transaction
It happens when a transaction is recorded and confirmed.
Cold Storage
It means to keep your crypto offline for the sake of security.
Canary Network
In real life, canaries are often used in underground mining operations. When toxic gasses _carbon monoxide, etc._ are emitted underground, canaries will shout to remind miners.
Candidate Block
It is a temporary block created by a mining node using transactions selected from the memory pool in order to receive the block rewards.
Cut Loss
It refers to the act of reducing the amount of crypto assets in position when the prices are dropping.
Refers to the encrypted form of the plaintext.
Capital Gains Tax(CGT)
It refers to the taxes levied on the profits obtained from the sale of assets, generally for real estate, stocks, bonds, precious metals, etc.
Cold Wallet
It is a wallet that is not connected to the network and therefore it is more secure to store crypto assets.
Computational Power
As the measurement of Bitcoin network processing power, it can measure the speed of the Hash Function output calculated by CPU.
88% Curse
It refers to the fact that when the position level reaches approximately 88%, the market often falls sharply, and the position has become the "reverse indicator" of the market.
It is a virtual currency developed by using cryptography and encryption techniques.
Chinese Chives
It is a Chinese metaphor in the crypto industry which describes investors who are not familiar with the cryptocurrency market.
Cryptography is a branch of Mathematics and Computer science.
It refers to individuals or organization that try to make profit from any situation with large amount of capital.
A consensus is an agreement reached by different parties.
Consensus Algorithm
It is a process in computer science used to achieve agreement on a single data value among distributed processes or _s.
Guide to Contract Trading
Contract Trading
It is a type of standardized futures trading.
Confidential Transaction
It is a cryptographic protocol that is able to conceal the crypto assets’ amount value and the address of the recipient.
It refers to the behavior of buying-in more of the asset that is already in position when the price of that asset drops so that the cost can be diminished.
Specifically referring to people accumulating assets through crypto market trading or offering tokens through projects.
Chive Harvesting
t refers to a phenomenon that big dealers purchase a large amount of some crypto asset at its lowest price in order to raise the price.
Dark pool
A dark pool refers to an exchange organized by the internal _ of other security companies rather than by a trading _.
These are special financial products whose values derives from its underlying financial assets.
Drop Below Market Debut
It refers to the situation where the price of a coin or token drops below its issuing price.
One of the Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020 proposed by Gartner.
Distributed Ledger
One of the key features of blockchains. It enables the transparency and availability of the blockchain ledger to all the nodes in the network.
Delegated Proof of Stake
It requires coin/token holders to vote for representatives who are responsible for validating the transaction and maintaining the network.
It refers to the private network connected by non-standard protocol and ports, and credible nodes, which cannot be accessed by regular protocols.
It is the abbreviation form of Decentralized Application which is run on a P2P network.
Distributed Ledger
It is a shared and synchronized database based on P2P technology for data and asset transaction records. Blockchain is regarded as a type of distributed ledger.
It refers to the bankruptcy, liquidation or absconding of the debtor or his company, resulting in the inability to recover the property lent by the creditor
It is a word used to assess whether an Exchange is capable of remaining stable when there is a lot of large volume trading.
Digital Signature
Similar to a personal signature singed on paper, a digital signature is a string of encrypted numbers developed by the message sender and impossible to forge by others.
Deposit Level
Which is specifically divided into financing deposit ratio and securities lending deposit ratio.
Double Spending
It refers to a given amount of coins that are spent twice or more.
Dead Cat Bounce
It refers to the price of some coin that keeps declining and then temporarily bounces. But it keeps dropping afterward.
Deep Web
It is the world wide web whose hidden contents cannot be visited by search engines.
Decentralization is an updated sys tem to access, store, and update data on the internet from not only a few connected portals.
Decentralized Exchange
Short form for Decentralized Exchange, which does not rely on a central authority and allows peer-to-peer trading.
DeFi(Decentralized Finance)
Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS Attack)
It is a cyber-attack in which the perpetrator overwhelms a server with traffic, slowing down and disrupting the normal traffic of the server and making it unavailable for others.
Distributed Cloud Computing
It is the technology to have multiple computers work at the same on a single problem.
It refers to the funds paid by the buyer or seller according to the standards specified in the trading market
Dust Transaction
Refers to transactions of minuscule amounts of token/coins in which the value of the token/coins is lower than the cost of spending it.
t is a cryptocurrency featuring a likeness of the Shiba Inu dog with the “Doge“ Internet meme as its logo.
Secure multi-party computation
Secure multiparty computation _MPC_ is a technology
It is an investment strategy used in a fixed period of time.
Difficulty Bomb
It refers to the increase of difficulty in the Ethereum mining process.
Difficulty Target
The level of difficulty at which a new block is created every 10 minutes.
Formerly named DarkCoin, is the first privacy-centric cryptographic currency with anonymous block transactions powered by DarkSend.
DeFi 2.0
DeFi 2.0 is created to make up for the drawbacks of Liquid Mining in DeFi 1.0.
DYOR-Do Your Own Research
DYOR is short for “doing your own research”.
Exchange Rate
It refers to the value or price of one currency expressed in another currency.
Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020
Proposed by Gartner in 2019.
Ethereum is an open-source, decentralized blockchain operating _ that is not controlled by anyone and is currently the most active smart contract network.
Eater Address
Refers to an address that is not recognized by the Blockchain or loses its private key.
Encryption Algorithm
It is a kind of algorithm which encrypts the original information into a series of unreadable cipher-text, while the process is irreversible.
Eclipse Attack
Refers to the malicious act that aims to attack some node in the network. It prevents a certain target from getting an accurate picture of the real network state.
ETH 2.0
ETH 2.0 is the last phase of the development of ETH
Exchange Trading
The opposite of OTC, meaning that the trading activity occurs on an exchange.
Exchange Dividend
It is the bonus distributed by an exchange that users receive by holding the token issued by that exchange.
It is an official protocol for proposing improvements to the Ethereum (ETH) network.
FOMO-Fear of Missing Out
FOMO, short for fear of missing out, refers to the emotion of fear of missing out and suffering from gains and losses.
Fiat Currency
It is the lawful currency issued by the central bank of a country, such as Chinese Yuan, US Dollar, and Japanese Yen.
Fiat Currency Trading
It is the trading within users. For example, after transferring fiat money to a seller, the buyer receives the crypto from the seller.
Fully Invested
Refers to the behaviour of investing all the funds to purchase crypto asset at one time.
Financial service
It refers to economic services involving financial transactions,etc.
Fat-finger error
Fat-finger error refers to erroneous transactions in the financial market caused by wrongly keyboard input, such as wrongly input transaction volume or transaction price.
Favourable Information
It refers to the news favourable to the rise of currency price.
Distributed Cloud
One of the Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020 proposed by Gartner.
Federated Byzantine Agreement
It is a form of Byzantine Fault Tolerance. It requires nodes to be known and verified ahead of time before users request any performance from the FBA.
Intentional Fork
The general term for both a hard fork and a soft fork.
Forked Coin
It is a new cryptocurrency generated from a blockchain_s hard fork. e.g BCH is BTC_s fork coin.
Fiat Collateralized Stable Coin
It refers to a type of stablecoin which is backed by a fiat currency.
Flash Loans
Flash loans of blockchain technology refer to a type of unsecured loan contract.
Combating the financing of terrorism
Combatting the Financing of Terrorism _CFT_ is focused on restricting the movement
Floor Price
Floor price refers to the bottom price of collectibles in the market.
A quantum algorithm that can search targeted number in digital field.
Public Cloud
A sharing platform for storing and resource applications
Gate.io Smart Pool
Generally, it is only for different coins under the same algorithm
Genesis Block
The 1st block created in the Blockchain.
The Ghost Protocol
It was introduced and implemented by Ethereum.
Grayscale Investments
Grid Trading
Grid trading, also known as fishing net trading, is a market investment strategy.
GameFi, namely Game Finance, refers to decentralized financial products packaged in a game mode.
Observer effect
In physics, the observer effect is the theory that the mere observation of a phenomenon inevitably changes that phenomenon.
The photon is a type of elementary particle. It is the quantum of the electromagnetic field including electromagnetic radiation such as light and radio waves.
Foreign exchange purchasing
To purchase foreign currency, one needs to exchange the domestic currency in his account. Then, the purchased currency will remain as his bank record.
High Energy Chain
High energy chain is a Metaverse-related business of the bullet screen video website Bilibili.
Hybrid Consensus
It is a sys tem designed to enhance the efficiency of a single consensus mechanism, usually integrated with more than 2 consensus protocols.
The amount of one‘s crypto asset in position.
Hash Algorithm
An encryption function that is able to transform any information into a fixed-length string.
Hard Fork
Refers to a situation where a new kind of Blockchain is diverted from the original.
Currency Crisis
Currency crisis includes a broad currency crisis and a narrow currency crisis.
Hot Wallet
This is a sort of wallet used to store coins online, but it only can be used when there is a network connection, so it is less safe than a cold wallet, which stores coins offline.
Hedging Transactions
As a trading method, hedging transaction follows the principle of "market neutrality".
It refers to the mechanism that the bitcoin block reward will be reduced by half every 210,000 blocks, so as to the control the supply and maintain the value of the currency.
It is a risk management strategy used to offset potential losses on investment by investing in another venture which is expected to perform the opposite way.
It is an open-source project which aims to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies.
A typo of “Hold.“ It refers to the strategies of holding crypto assets and not selling them.
How to Buy Dogecoin (DOGE)
Dogecoin is a peer-to-peer and open-source digital currency that’s similar to Bitcoin _BTC_ and Litecoin _LTC_.
Hashed Timelock Contract
It is a technology that enables transactions and transfer of tokens issued on different blockchains.
It generally refers to experts who have an advanced understanding of computer _s and networks such as programmers.
Honeypot technique
It is a deception technique used to upgrade _ defense ability.
Blackbody radiation
A blackbody is an idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation.
Incentive Layer
One of the layers in blockchain, which is mainly about a reward distribution mechanism.
The amount of extra money paid at a certain rate to the lender by borrowers over a certain period of time.
Iceberg order
A large order which is presented as a smaller limit order to hide the actual order quantity.
Similar to an Initial Coin Offering (IC0), Initial Exchange Offering is a fundraising method for cryptocurrency projects when first listed on an exchange.
It is a kind of fundraising method for cryptocurrency projects when they are about to issue their token or coins.
Classical algorithm
A classical _or non-quantum_ algorithm is a finite sequence of instructions
Extremal optimization (EO)
A heuristic initially proposed by Boettcher at the World Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation.
One of the Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020 proposed by Gartner.
Financial Openness
A situation where a country or region open the financial market to the world, or a situation where the financial market of a country or region turns into openness from blockage.
Regtech is the management of regulatory processes
Nodes are devices or data points on a larger network, such as network node and GGSN.
Classical mechanics
Classical mechanics describes the motion of macroscopic objects at low speed.
Base currency
The base currency is the currency against which exchange rates are generally quoted in a given country. Examples: USD/RMB, the US Dollar is the base currency.
Exchange settlement
Foreign-exchange transactions are settled via correspondent banks.
Gold standard
The gold standard is a monetary _
Gold parity
It is the ratio of two monetary units calculated on the basis of their legally fixed gold content.
Reversible computing
Reversible computing is a model of computing where the computational process to some extent is time-reversible.
Open Source
Open source, unveiling the source program, allows people to visit, share and modify the program.
Empty Block
A limited-capacity block that only contains one piece of information but also has the ability to transfer tiny data, which can only help the block discovered.
Financial technology (fintech)
The combination of technology and innovation encouraged and supported by the government,
Know Your Customer
A standard procedure to verify a customer’s identity in order to deter illegal behaviors such as money laundering.
Cross-Chain Interaction
A mutual communication of information on different blockchains that allows asset exchange, e.g. transferring ETH with BTC.
Kangaroo Market
A Kangaroo Market refers to the market that bounces frequently up and down over a while, without any stable rising or declining trends.
Quantum key distribution
Quantum key distribution _QKD_ is a secure communication method
Quantum state
In quantum physics, a quantum state is the state of an isolated quantum _.
Quantum computer
Universal quantum computers leverage the quantum mechanical phenomena of superposition and entanglement to manipulate information.
Quantum algorithm
Based on classical algorithms, quantum algorithms use some essential features of quantum computation
Quantum logic gate
A quantum logic gate _or simply quantum gate_ is a basic quantum circuit operating on a small number of qubits.
Quantum entanglement
Quantum entanglement occurs when two particles become inextricably linked,
In quantum computing, a qubit is the basic unit of quantum information.
Quantum Prime Factor
In the quantum algorithm, the figure that can decompose prime numbers is called a prime factor, e,g, in the equation 50=2*5*5, 50 is a prime factor, and 2,5,5 are prime numbers.
That is, sell after buying, or buy after selling.
Large Position
It refers to the situation where an investor buys a lot of crypto with funds and holds a lesser amount of cash.
Lock-up Position
It refers to the situation where tokens or coins are not allowed to be traded in a certain time period.
Chain Circle
It is a circle consisting of experts and professions concentrating on blockchain technology
An unissued cryptocurrency proposed by Facebook on 2019 June and planned to be launched in 2020.
Known as ‘blockchain revolution,’
Zero-sum Game
Long Selling
Investors start to buy some currency with the expectation of a price rise in the future. Once its price rises, they sell it at a high price to be able to take profits.
Lighting Network
This term was first proposed in 2015 with the purpose of improving the scalability of Bitcoin transactions.
Long Range Attack
It is an attack where an adversary creates the other branch on the blockchain, starting from the Genesis block and replaces the legal mainchain.
Long Wick Candle
It appears when the price of a stock or token decreases or increases dramatically within a short period of time, indicating that the price might see a reverse trend.
Large Investors
Refers to those investors who have access to massive capital and conduct a large amount of trading - in frequency and in quantity.
Loot, an NFT project deployed on the Ethereum network, became popular in the crypto space as soon as it was released.
Layer 2
In a broader sense, layer 2 protocols create a secondary framework
Quantum mechanics
Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that describes nature at the smallest-including atomic and subatomic-scales.
It refers to an individual who wants to get the block reward by using computers to calculate the encryption functions.
It is a process using high-performance computing devices to tackle complicated computational math problems, and as a result, tokens are rewarded to the miner completed the block.
Mining Rig
It is used to calculate encryption functions, usually performing a single calculation program and being equipped with a mining chip.
Mining Pool
Miners combine their computational power over a network and become a joint mining group. The mining pool assigns calculation tasks to each miner (mining rig) connected to the pool.
Mining Farm
A place which has a large number of mining rigs to mine cryptocurrencies.
Money Supply
It refers to the entire stock of a country‘s fiat currency. It consists of the cash in circulation and the deposits.
Cypherpunks are activists who advocate the use of cryptography and privacy-enhancing technologies as a way to social change.
Full Block
A limited-capacity block that is filled with information.
Moving Bricks
Malicious Node
The nodes created to attack other networks.
It is a mechanism requiring multiple keys to authorize a transaction.
Merkle Tree
Also known as Hash Tree, a Merkel Tree is a tree-like data structure.
Mainstream Token
Refers to cryptos whose market values rank the top. Common mainstream currencies are BTC, LTC and ETH etc.,
Mainnet is a reliable network protocol of blockchain where transaction information can be verified and recorded.
Market Stabilization
It is a behavior to stabilize the price of a cryptocurrency by purchasing a large number of it to prevent its price from plunging.
Multi-signature Wallet
It is a type of wallet that requires at least two private keys to authorize a transaction.
Multichain Wallet
It is a type of wallet that enables transactions of crypto assets on different mainnets. It can store more than one type of crypto asset.
Maker and Taker
Maker & Taker
“Metaverse” is made up of two parts: “Meta”, which means “transcendent” and “Verse”, which means “universe”.
Merkle Root
It is the final hash left after multiple calculations.
Mining Difficulty
It refers to the amount of time used in mining.
Margin Trading
It refers to the trading activity which allows traders to trade with borrowed funds to increase their sums of capital.
Neutrality of Money
It is an economic theory that the changes in the supply of money have no impact on the overall economy.
This is a string of automatically generated numbers during the process of mining. Using this string of numbers, miners are likely to figure out Hash Function to get the block reward.
It refers to a connecting point in a decentralized network. A node can be a mobile phone, a computer or a mining rig. The more nodes a network has, the more secure it will be.
Non-Fungible Token
Built on the ERC-721 standard, it is a particular type of cryptographic token representing something unique that cannot be interchanged for another.
NFT(Non-fungible Token)
Non-Transferable Token
They are the tokens that are nontransferable nor interchangeable.
Offline wallet
It means cold wallet.
Orphan Block
They are the blocks that are not recogized by the Blockchain.
Generally refers to a monopoly enterprise or capitalist in an industry.
In the cryptocurrency field, any transactions completed outside the Exchange can be seen as OTC.
Overbought and Oversold (In Crypto Space )
Overbought refers to the over-buying of crypto assets and is used when cryptocurrency is believed to be trading at a level above its intrinsic value.
Position Opening
Investors create positions by buying or selling a certain amount of future contracts.
Public Blockchain
It is a type of blockchain that allow anyone to check, exchange transaction data, and participate in the process of consensus.
Private Chain
Pixiu stock
Pixiu stock refers to projects that can only be bought but not sold.
One of the key features of blockchain.
Proof of Work
Proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto, it is designed to solve the Byzantine Generals Problems.
Proof of Stake
It is a mechanism designed to distribute interest according to the number of tokens that users are staking.
Peer-to-peer networking
Peer-to-peer _P2P_ network is a decentralized communications model
Payment Token
It is a type of cryptocurrency that is considered as a medium of payment, such as BTC and LTC.
Ponzi Scheme
It is a form of fraud created by Chales Ponzi.
P2P Storage
It is a decentralized storage sys tem which leverages the storage capacity of each node of a network and therefore enhancing the network efficiency.
Private Key
Public and private key pair is a pair of closely related cryptographic keys. Associated with the address of a crypto, the private key is non-public.
Public Key
The public key and private key are a pair of keys generated from encryption algorithm.
It refers to the readable information transmitted from a sender to a receiver.
Potential Blockchain Project
It means a crypt token that is considered worth investing in.
Polkadot Parachain Slot Auction
Pyramid Scheme
It is a scheme that uses funds of multiple users to pay back other users.
Periodic Investment Plan
It is a common investment strategy that allows an investor to invest their funds by making small periodic payments.
Peak Sale
Refer to the act of selling an asset in a period of time at a relatively higher price compared to the stocking price.
Planck constant
Planck constant is a physical constant that is the quantum of electromagnetic action, which relates the energy carried by a photon to its frequency.
Position Proportion
If you sell all BTC, your position will be short.
Signature algorithm
A signature algorithm is a cryptographic algorithm that protects the security of blockchain.
Simplified Payment Verification
A wallet, providing good users experience, that can only save self-related blocks data with small occupied memory.
Layer 0
Layer 0 is the lowest layer. The first component of Layer 0 provides the necessary networking capabilities necessary for building peer-to-peer networks.
Foreign remittance
Foreign remittance is a transfer of money from a foreign worker to their family or other individuals in their home countries.
Ring Signature
In cryptography, a ring signature refers to a kind of digital signature that is created by any member of a group of users, which each have their own keys.
Human Augmentation
One of the Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020 proposed by Gartner.
Road map
It refers to the project schedule of a blockchain project
Ren is an open protocol that allows users to bridge their assets across the chain to Ethereum.
Raiden Network
It is an off-chain scaling solution that enables instant and low-fee payments.
Reverse Indicator
More often, it refers to those indicators that are different from the general trend.
It is an operation of restoring a program or data to its previous status due to data process errors.
Risk Management
It is the process of identifying, analyzing, and mitigating the risks in investments.
Rug Pull
A rug pull is a malicious maneuver in the cryptocurrency industry where a certain crypto developer abandons a project and runs away with investors’ funds.
It is a type of pr_ent malicious software.
It is a situation that occurs when the price drops to the bottom line but later keeps rising, showing a “V” shape on the chart.
A supercycle is defined as a sustained period of abnormal increase in the prices of bulk commodities _energy commodities, basic raw materials, agricultural and sideline products_.
Shor's Algorithm
A quantum algorithm that can both operate large integer factorization and discompose discrete logarithm.
Secure Hash Algorithm 256
An abstract in computing that can be achieved by SHA256Managed. SHA256 has values of SHA256 is 256 bits.
Small Position
It refers to the situation where an investor holds more cash and a small amount of crypto in his account.
It refers to the exchange of money or security between trading parties on the settlement date as agreed.
Seed round
It refers to the first round of investment funding raised for a blockchain project.
It is a software which enables you to confirm the transaction without downloading the entire blockchain.
Private Cloud
A sharing platform for storing and resource application
Practical Blockchain
One of the Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020 proposed by Gartner.
Digital News
A kind of news reported in the form of figures and statements or graphs. Compared to the traditional news report, digital news can catch the gist faster with a concise form.
Soft Fork
Refers to the procedure of a temporary program upgrade.
Swing Trading
It is a style of trading that attempts to gain profits by going long or short in multiple trading sessions in a shorter period (several times at a day or in a week).
Sybil Attack
It refers to an individual who manages to create multiple accounts for the purpose of controlling the whole network by getting enough nodes.
Stable Coin
A coin whose price can remain stable without significant fluctuation.
Atomic Swap
This is a smart contract technology that enables the transaction of one cryptocurrency for another without intermediaries.
Satoshi Nakamoto
The creator of Bitcoin, but his real identity remains unknown.
Smart Contract
First proposed by Nick Szabo in the 1990s, it is a kind of computer protocol aiming at disseminating and verifying contracts.
Short Selling
Investors sell the currency at the current price with the expectation of price decline in the future.
Short Position
It refers to the state in which investors sell out all their commodities _such as commodities, raw materials, stocks, futures, currency products, etc._ and hold cash without commodities.
Sideways Trend
Refers to the stable average price during a period of time that no obvious fluctuations was observed.
Settlement Reserve
The minimum balance of the settlement deposit shall be stipulated by the exchange.
it refers to an altcoin that has no intrinsic value since it does not have any use cases or a proper project behind it.
It is a method used to divide an extensive database into smaller parts in order to make it faster and easier to process.
A sidechain is a separate blockchain attached to its mainchain.
Single-signature Wallet
It is a type of wallet that requires only one private key to authorize a transaction.
Super-sovereign Reserve Currency
A super currency is a hypothetical global currency.
Regulatory sandbox
A regulatory sandbox is a framework set up by a regulator.
Strategy Analysis
In accounting and finance industries, it is an analysis of a business_s financial state - including health, competitors, and markets.
Squid coin
Squid coin marketed itself as a play-to-earn cryptocurrency that can be used to play in a new type of online game.
It is the minimum unit of a Bitcoin nominated by Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin.
Secondary Market
It is a market where investors buy and sell assets they already own. _ious exchanges can be regarded as the biggest secondary market so far.
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm _ECDSA_ is a cryptographic algorithm used by Bitcoin,
Turnover Rate
Indicates the frequency of the exchange of cryptocurrency being traded during a certain period as a reflection of liquidity.
The medium of exchange
In modern transactions, the common medium of exchange is currency.
Tokens refer to the Blockchain circulating units such as BTC, ETH, etc.
Cross-Chain Interaction of Isomorphic Chains
One of the cross-chain interactive technology, which is easy to achieve interaction between the chains.
Transaction broadcast
It refers to a situation where transaction information will be relayed in the network, and the nodes will confirm the process.
Transparency and Traceability
One of the Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020 proposed by Gartner to reduce the risk of privacy leak and guarantee data security under the crisis of confidence.
One of the key features of blockchain.
It refers to the sign that is set to mark events, and it can record what has happened at a certain time. Each transaction is arranged in order by the marked time.
The annualized rate of return
It is a profit on an investment over a period of time, which is typically a year.
A public blockchain consists of its mainnet and testnet.
To the moon
It means the surge of a token‘s price. Some joke about linking this phenomenon with the possibility of buying a Lamborghini, saying “When moon, When Lambo“.
The Intranet
It is a network connected to, interacting with and recognized by general (household)objects.
It refers to a trader who place an order that trades immediately by filling an existing order on the order book.
Trading Deposit
It refers to the funds deposited by the settlement member into the special settlement account of the exchange to ensure the performance of the contract.
Triple Momentum Trading Model
As a simple timing model, the triple momentum trading model is built on ROC, a momentum-based indicator.
Homomorphic encryption
Homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption
Taproot is a soft fork that optimizes Bitcoin _s. Taproot is the biggest upgrade to the Bitcoin network since 2017.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Elliptic curve cryptography _ECC_ is a public key encryption technique
TRON is committed to promoting the decentralization of the Internet and is committed to building infrastructure for the decentralized Internet.
Tether issued an extra 1 billion USDT
Tether issued an extra 1 billion USDT
Unfavourable Information
It refers to the news that leads to the decline of currency price.
Utility Token
It is a type of cryptocurrency that is issued in order to fund the development of the cryptocurrency which later can be later used to purchase a good or service offered by the issuer.
Unplugging the Network Cable
Volcanic Bond
Refers to the one billion dollar bonds issued by El Salvador.
Vampire Attack
Similar to vampires, who use others to replenish their vitality.
Virtual Property Virtual Real Estate
Virtual property refers to the real estate in the Metaverse where each piece of land can be treated as a unique NFT.
Designed to keep cryptos, a wallet consists of an address which is connected to the respective blockchain.
Wrapped Bitcoin(wBTC)
Similar to RenBTC, wBTC is also an ERC20 token, which is anchored 1:1 with Bitcoin.
White Paper
It is an introduction to a Blockchain project, including its mission and purpose, technical background, team, token allocation, etc.
It is a collection of trusted individuals, computer programs or cryptocurrency addresses.
It is often used to describe an individual or an organization that holds a large sum of crypto assets and can impact the markets.
“Two clouds” in physics
The British physicist Lord Kelvin gave a speech entitled “Nineteenth-Century Clouds over the Dynamical Theory of Heat and Light”.
Web 1.0, also known as the first stage of the World Wide Web evolution, features one-way information transmission.
Web2.0 Social Web Participative Web
Web 2.0, which is also referred to as the second generation of the World Wide Web, features interpersonal communication tools using the Internet.
The term Web 3.0 currently refers to an imagination of a potential future internet that is decentralized.
The Inter Planetary File System (IPFS)
A protocol and peer-to-peer network that can achieve decentralization.
Formal Verification
Also known as modeling, a method to verify the problems of a program or _ with mathematical modeling, mostly applied to the hardware and gradually used in the software.
Crisis of Confidence
A situation where the leak of data and other information insecurity problems arose distrust
Virtual address
Physical addresses refer to hardware addresses of physical memory.
Erwin Schrödinger's Cat
Schrödinger_s cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935, though the idea originated from Albert Einstein.
Cloud mining
It is a kind of service provided to those who want to conduct mining but do not want to buy mining devices.
Cross-Chain Interaction of Heterogeneous Chains
One of the cross-chain interactive technology,
Hard Link
A directory entry that associates a name with a file on a file _.
The Onion Routers ( TOR)
A free open source that can provide triple encryption for users when they visit the website. It is also the most popular method to visit the dark web anonymously.
Oracle machine
An oracle machine is an abstract machine used to study decision problems.
According to the concept proposed by Aristotle, Aether is the material that fills the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere.
Jamaica Accords
In 1950, the U.S. balance of payments swung negative,
Longest Chain Rule
A principle based on which only the longest PoW chain is valid
Common Block
A limited-capacity block whose capacity is larger than the blank block’s but smaller than the full block’s.
State Channels
A mutually virtual channel that provides state services for users,
A data transmission channel found between two users or services, e.g. repeater, relay circuit.
Autonomous Things
One of the Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020 proposed by Gartner.
Zero-confirmation transaction
It refers to a transaction confirmed by the seller without being recorded and verified on the blockchain.
Self-regulatory organization
A self-regulatory organization _SRO_ is a non-governmental organization
It refers to a method of proofing
It is a decentralized and open-source privacy-focused cryptocurrency that first applied zero-knowledge proofs.
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