
In the world of crypto, Ethereum is the source of innovation, where DeFi, NFTs, Layer 2, and numerous new technologies were created. One of its co-founders, Vitalik Buterin, is a key opinion leader in the crypto world. Ethereum launched a series of important upgrades to transition from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS), which may help to break down the Blockchain Scalability Trilemma and makes Ethereum a “ultra-sound money”.

Artículos (399)

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How do layer 2s really differ from execution sharding?

How do layer 2s really differ from execution sharding?

This article, written by Vitalik Buterin, explores the similarities and challenges of Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) and execution sharding in blockchain scaling. The article explains that the L2 ecosystem is actually sharding on a technical level, and discusses the diversity of execution environments, security trade-offs, transaction speed, and the organizational and cultural benefits of L2. At the same time, Vitalik highlighted the coordination challenges faced by the L2 ecosystem and raised the importance of cross-L2 infrastructure.
Jun 02, 2024
StakeStone Analysis: Full-chain liquidity infrastructure not limited to re-staking

StakeStone Analysis: Full-chain liquidity infrastructure not limited to re-staking

StakeStone, through its full-chain liquidity distribution network, provides users and developers with a new platform for liquidity release and utilization. By packaging ETH staking and potential blue-chip re-staking rewards represented by Eigenlayer into STONE, StakeStone plays a role in standardizing and improving the efficiency of users, blockchain, and the entire ecosystem. With the emergence of more Layer 2 and application chains, StakeStone's full-chain liquidity distribution network will become increasingly important, expected to serve as a bridge connecting different chains and ecosystems, providing users with a richer and more efficient asset utilization method.
Jun 02, 2024
When OP Stack Evolves into the Concept of OP "Superchain"

When OP Stack Evolves into the Concept of OP "Superchain"

Optimism is a Layer 2 solution based on Ethereum that provides fast, stable, scalable and low-cost blockchain services. By running on Layer 1 of the Ethereum main chain, it helps alleviate network congestion, thereby reducing Transaction costs and processing time. Hyperchain is a multi-chain network structure based on Layer 2 technology that solves the horizontal scalability challenges of traditional blockchains. By treating each chain as an interchangeable computing resource, the commercialization of blockchains allows Developers to build cross-chain applications without increasing systemic risks, sharing not only security and communication layers but also an open-source technology stack. This design allows developers to focus more on building applications on the entire super chain, without having to worry about the specific technical details of individual chains.
Jun 02, 2024
Wormhole (W) Research Report

Wormhole (W) Research Report

Wormhole, a universal messaging protocol that employs externally validated cross-chain bridge solutions to achieve AMB (Arbitrary Message Bridge)
May 31, 2024
Crypto Pulse-Digital Asset Investment Products See $1.05 Billion Net Inflow for Third Consecutive Week

Crypto Pulse-Digital Asset Investment Products See $1.05 Billion Net Inflow for Third Consecutive Week

Crypto Pulse focuses on the latest developments in the cryptocurrency industry, delivering up-to-date market analysis and insights.
May 31, 2024
Taiko: ETH L2 Solution Achieving Seamless Scalability and Full Compatibility

Taiko: ETH L2 Solution Achieving Seamless Scalability and Full Compatibility

The Taiko project is a Layer 2 solution leveraging zkEVM technology dedicated to extending the functionality of Ethereum through the decentralized Ethereum equivalent of zkRollup. It allows developers and users to seamlessly extend Ethereum without changing existing decentralized applications (dApps). Key features of Taiko include fully EVM-compatible zkEVM Type 1, open source code, complete decentralization, and transaction sequencing by Ethereum validators. The Taiko protocol ensures transaction correctness and network security through smart contracts and decentralized verification. Additionally, Taiko includes innovations based on Contestable Rollups (BCR) and Booster-Based Rollups (BBR), as well as TKO tokens for validator rewards, transaction fees, and network governance.
May 31, 2024
EigenLayer Staking: A Potential Wealth Secret or Hidden Risk?

EigenLayer Staking: A Potential Wealth Secret or Hidden Risk?

Re-staking is emerging as a technology gaining attention inside and outside the industry, allowing ETH already staked on the Ethereum mainnet to be reused to support the security of other projects. This method enables users to earn returns from their original staking while also increasing potential rewards by supporting more projects. EigenLayer's staking mechanism is significantly different from the Ethereum mainnet's PoS staking. This article analyzes the EigenLayer staking mechanism, the possible rewards, and the potential risks.
May 30, 2024
Detailed explanation of ERC-7683 led by Uniswap

Detailed explanation of ERC-7683 led by Uniswap

Uniswap launched the ERC-7683 standard, aiming to improve cross-chain technology and provide users with one-click cross-chain services. Project parties such as Optimism and Krystal also hope to liberate liquidity and bring more vitality to the chain. ERC-7683 is in the review and discussion stage and is expected to be officially implemented after further refinement and approval. In the near future, Uniswap and AcrossProtocol will hold an exchange meeting to introduce the practical application and more details of the ERC-7683 standard.
May 30, 2024
Detailed explanation of ERC-7683 led by Uniswap

Detailed explanation of ERC-7683 led by Uniswap

Uniswap launched the ERC-7683 standard, aiming to improve cross-chain technology and provide users with one-click cross-chain services. Project parties such as Optimism and Krystal also hope to liberate liquidity and bring more vitality to the chain. ERC-7683 is in the review and discussion stage and is expected to be officially implemented after further refinement and approval. In the near future, Uniswap and AcrossProtocol will hold an exchange meeting to introduce the practical application and more details of the ERC-7683 standard.
May 29, 2024
The near and mid-term future of improving the Ethereum network's permissionlessness and decentralization

The near and mid-term future of improving the Ethereum network's permissionlessness and decentralization

Ethereum client teams working together to ship the Pectra devnet. Given this greater technical capacity, one important question to be asking is: are we building toward the right goals?
May 29, 2024
Multidimensional gas pricing

Multidimensional gas pricing

There has for a long time been interest in the concept of multi-dimensional gas, and with EIP-4844 we actually have multi-dimensional gas working on Ethereum today. This post explores the benefits of this approach, and the prospects for increasing it further.
May 29, 2024
Morph's Approach to Building a Prosperous L2 Ecosystem

Morph's Approach to Building a Prosperous L2 Ecosystem

This article discusses Morph's new L2 ecosystem development strategy, which aims to address the issues of "ghost chain effect" and "fake TVL prosperity" on public chains by combining incentive airdrops and developer-centric ecosystem development. The article analyzes both the airdrop strategy of Blast and Morph's comprehensive approach, which includes incentives for testnet airdrops, a developer-centric ecosystem development fund, and strategies for attracting user and developer participation. Morph encourages AI, GameFi and other projects to build on Morph through a series of actions, such as the Sparkloom Builder Program and incubator programs, while providing financial support and airdrop incentives for participants..
May 29, 2024
Crypto Pulse-Digital Asset Investment Products See $1.05 Billion Net Inflow for Third Consecutive Week

Crypto Pulse-Digital Asset Investment Products See $1.05 Billion Net Inflow for Third Consecutive Week

Crypto Pulse focuses on the latest developments in the cryptocurrency industry, delivering up-to-date market analysis and insights.
May 29, 2024
Starknet Comprehensive Report

Starknet Comprehensive Report

In the past two years, the development speed of ZK has far exceeded expectations. The two leading ZK Rollups, ZkSync, and Starknet, have made significant progress in performance and costs. This article explores Starknet's technical advantages in a straightforward manner and simplifies the explanation of the ZK proof process.
May 29, 2024
Impact of EIP-3074 on Wallets and DApps

Impact of EIP-3074 on Wallets and DApps

EIP-3074 enables externally owned accounts (EOAs) to delegate control to a specified contract, thereby obtaining the extensive execution capabilities akin to contracts. This significantly enhances user experience and can redefine the current familiar authorization methods, improving security while maintaining usability. Nic from imToken Labs analyzes the impact of EIP-3074, including improvements to asset authorization methods.
May 28, 2024
Su puerta de entrada al conocimiento sobre criptomonedas: reciba alertas de artículos directamente en su bandeja de entrada.
Su puerta de entrada al conocimiento sobre criptomonedas: reciba alertas de artículos directamente en su bandeja de entrada.