Articles (4051)

Web3 Payment Explained: Global Payments’ Future

Web3 Payment Explained: Global Payments’ Future

Payments are a crucial scenario in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, with tens of thousands of cryptocurrency payments occurring both on-chain and off-chain every day. A new cryptocurrency often appreciates in value due to its practical use in payments, making payments an essential bridge connecting the Web2 and Web3 worlds. In recent years, traditional payment providers have been actively entering the Web3 payment space, launching products such as stablecoins and peer-to-peer transaction infrastructures. The driving forces behind this trend include the high profit potential of the cryptocurrency industry, intense competition and high operational costs in traditional payment businesses, and the payment advantages brought by new technologies. As more countries begin to regulate and legalize cryptocurrency payments, the prevalence of crypto payments will further increase. The development of blockchain technology and applications will further enhance the convenience, efficiency, and security of Web3 payment services
A Deep Dive into Stablecoins: Models, Trends & Hong Kong

A Deep Dive into Stablecoins: Models, Trends & Hong Kong

Stablecoins are a significant presence in the cryptocurrency market. They are essentially defined as cryptocurrencies that are pegged to fiat currencies or other assets to achieve stable value. Currently, mainstream stablecoins are mainly distinguished based on the type of collateral and the degree of centralization in their issuance. Those backed by fiat currencies are mostly issued in a centralized manner and currently dominate the market. On the other hand, those backed by crypto assets or algorithmic stablecoins are mostly issued in a decentralized manner. Each category has its leading figures, and every stablecoin design framework has its advantages and disadvantages.
Overview of the emerging Bitcoin Layer 1 DEX landscape

Overview of the emerging Bitcoin Layer 1 DEX landscape

This article analyzes the current state of decentralized finance (DeFi) on Bitcoin, introducing the emergence of meta-protocols such as Ordinals, Runes, BRC20, and TAP, and the challenges faced when trading tokens.
SPL-404: Revolutionizing NFT and DeFi on Solana Integration

SPL-404: Revolutionizing NFT and DeFi on Solana Integration

SPL-404Token 標準是爲 Solana 區塊鏈提出的 Token 標準,盡管它可能尚未被廣泛認可,SPL-404 專注於優化效能、增強功能和促進互通性,在 Solana 生態系統內 DeFi、NFT 等領域與各種應用中充滿創新解決方案的潛力,有望爲一個強大且多功能的區塊鏈基礎設施做出貢獻。
Are Altcoins Cooked?

Are Altcoins Cooked?

Regardless of continuous favorable price action displayed by majors and the US stock market, confidence in altcoins seems to be at an uncharacteristic low. Expectations instilled by previous cycles have left many disappointed and in a state of disbelief while their portfolio returns stagnate in an uptrend.
A Whirlwind Tour of Chain Abstraction

A Whirlwind Tour of Chain Abstraction

鏈抽象化旨在簡化與鏈上金融互動的複雜性,將這些複雜性隱藏起來,讓終端用戶和開發者免於面對這些問題,鏈抽象的目標是讓開發者能夠快速、安全地建立鏈無關的應用程序,這些應用程式可以無縫地在所有 rollup 上運行,而無需擔心底層的執行複雜性,其願景是讓用戶能夠與去中心化應用程式交互,而不需要理解其背後的加密概念。其目的是消除所有技術複雜性,提供直覺的用戶體驗。
State of Crypto+AI 2024

State of Crypto+AI 2024

This article provides an in-depth analysis of 67 Crypto+AI projects, categorizing them from the perspective of Generative AI (GenAI), and explores how cryptocurrency supports AI and its associated benefits.
Exploring SocialFi: Solana Actions & Blinks vs. Ethereum Farcaster & Lens

Exploring SocialFi: Solana Actions & Blinks vs. Ethereum Farcaster & Lens

Solana and Dialect have jointly introduced the new Solana concept "Actions and Blinks," which enables one-click swap, voting, donations, minting, and other functions via a browser extension. This allows various operations and transactions to be executed efficiently, ensuring network consensus and consistency through time synchronization and sequential recording. The strategy is compared to Ethereum's Farcaster protocol and Solana's approach.
What is LUNA?

What is LUNA?

LUNA is an altcoin of the Terra ecosystem that maintains the price peg of the algorithmic stablecoin UST. It has experienced significant growth, along with a tremendoushorrible collapse, which will be explained in detail.
Seven Emerging Trends in Crypto

Seven Emerging Trends in Crypto

This article explains that the cryptocurrency market is on the verge of significant changes. Despite current price volatility, the underlying mechanisms continue to operate, bringing new trends and opportunities.
Analyze the Relationship Between BTC Spot ETFs and CME's Massive Short Positions

Analyze the Relationship Between BTC Spot ETFs and CME's Massive Short Positions

This article analyzes the recent panic in the cryptocurrency market, focusing on the large short positions in Bitcoin futures at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Since launching BTC futures trading in 2017, CME now holds 28.75% of the market. Currently, CME's short positions amount to $5.8 billion, raising concerns about large-scale shorting of BTC by Wall Street. The author analyzes the data and suggests that these short positions are likely due to institutional investors arbitraging the price difference between CME futures and Bitcoin spot ETFs, rather than simply being bearish on the market. The article also discusses the potential impact of this arbitrage strategy on ETF net inflows and Bitcoin prices, urging investors to reassess the significance of the relevant data. Additionally, it points out that there are still bearish forces in the market, so caution is advised.
What is SatoshiVM? All You Need to Know About SAVM

What is SatoshiVM? All You Need to Know About SAVM

SatoshiVM is a decentralized Bitcoin ZK Rollup Layer 2 solution that employs the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) for off-chain computations like smart contracts and decentralized finance.
Top 15 AI Crypto to Invest in 2024

Top 15 AI Crypto to Invest in 2024

Looking for the best AI crypto investments? Explore the top 15 AI cryptos to invest in 2024 and secure a financial future with cutting-edge technology.
What is Radio Caca? All You Need to Know About RACA

What is Radio Caca? All You Need to Know About RACA

Radio Caca is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) focused on building its metaverse project and integrating decentralized finance, NFT, and play-to-earn features.
Breaking Down AI Data Barriers: Why Data DAOs Are Crucial Now

Breaking Down AI Data Barriers: Why Data DAOs Are Crucial Now

This article examines the current limitations of AI data sources and suggests that Data DAOs can provide new, high-quality datasets to advance AI models. Data DAOs can enhance AI training with real-world data, personal health data, and human feedback, but they also face challenges like incentive distortion, data verification, and benefit evaluation.

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