Broker: Trading Gateway Flow Fee Temporarily Exempt Aims to Reduce Market Burden, Drop Market Costs

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On September 29th, Jin10 Data reported that the transaction gateway flow fee in the Shanghai Stock Exchange is temporarily exempt from collection. Specifically, Shanghai Stock Exchange Technology Co., Ltd. has decided to temporarily exempt the transaction gateway flow fee from January 22, 2024 to November 30 of the same year. The specific collection time will be notified separately. The news was interpreted by the market as a fee exemption measure newly introduced by the Shanghai Stock Exchange after the abnormal stock trading on September 27th. In this regard, a securities dealer explained, 'This is two separate matters, and the notice was issued on the afternoon of September 26th.' It is understood that the temporarily exempted fee this time involves the transaction gateway, not the well-known and constantly used trading unit. The transaction gateway was newly launched this year, and the temporary exemption of flow fee collection is mainly based on the consideration of reducing the market burden and dropping market costs, said the aforementioned securities dealer.

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