Pump PVP Manual: Scythe and Sucker Evolve Together

Original | Odaily Planet Daily

Author | Southern citrus

Pump PVP手册:镰刀与韭菜相互促进进化

Before the Pump.fun epidemic, Solana meme investors long "10 u God of War" for security reasons, in order to prevent Rug operations such as DEV removal of Liquidity. In March, due to the influence of BOME and SLERF, the meme Token of super-large pools began to be popular in the Solana, but it also entered the freezing point again due to factors such as the overall market downturn and the gradual increase in Rug Pull events long

Since then, Pump has begun to relay - convenient opening methods, secure token endorsement, making meme tokens on Solana popular again. Affected by the attack, Pump.fun launched a 7-day zero-fee campaign, and the number of new Token on Solana continues to hit a record high, with more than 20,000 new Token per day.

However, the emergence of Pump has changed the characteristics and gameplay of Meme again, and the play people for suckers of malicious DEVs have also evolved. In this article, Odaily will analyze the characteristics of the market and some of its methods.

Token market characteristics

Tokens born in Pump have some distinguishing features, which we summarize below.

Rub the heat

Pump.fun extremely convenient way to generate coin has led to a rapid increase in the number of DEVs dedicated to hot projects. In the same way that anything Musk tweets in the past will be dismantled into a myriad of Ethereum dogs, Pump long targeted a number of Solana ecosystem startups, including Ansem, Yelo, and others. Pay attention to such big Vs, and you can expect to get early chips in the first place. However, it is often the case that there are five or six Token of the same keyword in a minute or two, in which case the first Token is not the main advantage, and it is more long to be decided by chip distribution and buying speed.

The inner disc is dead

The Pump.fun is divided into an inner disk and an outer disk, and the inner disk needs to be purchased for 85 SOL to end, and LPs will be added and destroyed after the end. However, due to the fact that the difference between the chip cost of the early and tail participants in the internal market is particularly large, usually at least five or six times different, Xu long DEV often takes profits directly at 80%-90% of the time in the internal market. How to deal with it? **The most simple way to do this is to stare directly at the chip list on the pump screen and exit as soon as the DEV leaves. In addition, users can try PlonkBot, which has the function of running out of the market with DEV, but the success rate is limited.

There is a clear upper limit on market capitalization

The sheer number of Tokens disperses funds while also fragmenting the creation of meme consensus. Even if they succeed in living the inner market, only a few Tokens can break through the 300,000 market capitalization. According to some users who participate in the Pump project a large number of times, There is a clear step-by-step limit in the reachable market capitalization, and when breaking through one boundary, it is easy to pump up to the next limit, and users can summarize it by themselves.


Websites & Communities

Generally speaking, having a well-made website can greatly contribute to the early pumping of the Pump Token, and it is not critical to have a community at this time. However, community and cultural Consensus is the key to breaking through the conventional ceiling, such as the recent DJCAT, NAMI and other Tokens, the former is pumped by the Community Take Over, and the latter builds consensus through the continuous theme picture creation of the project party.

However, it should be noted that some DEVs promote by buying X accounts with high followers, or assembly line production websites, and then dump them at the high point of the internal market. As a reference, you can use the TG tool of "** soil dog website duplicate check****" to detect the website, which can query longest websites deployed by the same IP**, but if the website developer uses some third-party services (such as CDN), there will be hundreds of websites made by the same IP, which needs to be screened by the user.

Pump PVP手册:镰刀与韭菜相互促进进化

GMGN indicator

At present, there are many long Pump-oriented tools on the market, and GMGN is one of the more comprehensive data websites, which provides long-dimensional data such as progress, creation time, capital inflow speed, transaction volume and number of reviews, which can comprehensively evaluate investments.

Pump PVP手册:镰刀与韭菜相互促进进化

But in the same way, DEV is also evolving, and there have been a large number of DEVs developing their own robots to brush volume indicators, and there are also operations such as DEVs long Wallet purchases and the number of comments on the Pump interface, building a false prosperity scene, and then selling at the high point of the internal market.

Be cautious about copy trading

Copy trading Satoshi Wallet is a regular operation to discover early projects, but it is not suitable for Pump at the moment, because basically all Token LP pools are very small, and buying after the Satoshi Wallet is purchased, and even pulling the price up several times again. **Chinese and foreign big V have been exposed to the use of copy trading mechanism to collect play people for suckers copy trading, long wick candle to this problem, choose a Address with a low winning rate and a high profit and loss ratio for copy trading, which is far more appropriate than a account with a high win rate and a low profit and loss ratio. **

(Odaily Planet Daily Note: Because the latter may use copy trading to raise the price and exit quickly, making Address data with a high win rate.) )


The methods of malicious play people for suckers are constantly evolving, and this article can be used as a part of the reference to counter them, but when everyone uses the same or similar strategy, the strategy becomes invalid. Only by constantly evolving can we survive in the market.

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