Harga Youcoin YOU

Terendah 24 jam$0.00001952
$0.00001955 Tertinggi 24 jam

Tentang Youcoin (YOU)

What is the project about? Youcoin is a decentralized protocol focusing on proof of personhood and reputation within the digital world. Designed to foster trust and authenticity without reliance on centralized entities, Youcoin introduces a revolutionary way to approach identity and reputation. Through this protocol, individuals are empowered to control their identity, build their reputation, and engage in digital interactions with confidence. What makes your project unique? Youcoin aims to reshape the landscape of identity and reputation in the digital world. By decentralizing these aspects, it removes reliance on centralized and often exclusionary systems, such as government-backed identification or credit scores. Its social-based verification fosters a more inclusive and human-centric approach to identity, empowering individuals and communities alike. History of your project. Youcoin development began 6 months ago, with a public announcement and token launch on 3 Aug 2023. What’s next for your project? In Aug 2023, our whitepaper with detailed technical implementation will be released, along with a PoC detailing how our reputation protocol works. Efforts to bring ecosystem partners on board will also begin. What can your token be used for? The YOU token is designed to have governance properties, empowering users by giving them a say over the future of the protocol. After launch, the YOU core contributors will collaborate with the community and ecosystem partners on key decisions and future initiatives for the protocol and token.
Volume 24J$10.94
All-Time High(ATH)$0.003131
All-Time Low(ATL)$0.00001412
Kapitalisasi Pasar$19.55K
Fully Diluted Valuation$19.55K
Kapitalisasi Pasar/FDV100%
Sirkulasi Pasokan1.00B YOU
Total Pasokan1.00B YOU
Pasokan Maks1.00B YOU
Sentimen PasarPositif
* Data dari pihak ketiga

Tren Harga Youcoin (YOU)

Periode waktu
Ubah jumlah
% Perubahan

Indikator Kredibilitas


Skor Realibilitas

Peringkat #1



TOP 50%

Live Pembaruan Harga Youcoin (YOU)

Harga Youcoin hari ini adalah $0.00001955 dengan volume perdagangan 24 jam $10.94, dan dengan begitu Youcoin memiliki kapitalisasi pasar $19.55K, memberikan dominasi pasar sebesar 0.00000070%. Harga Youcoin bergerak +0.14% dalam 24 jam terakhir.

Youcoin mencapai harga tertinggi di 2023-10-07 ketika diperdagangkan pada level tertinggi sepanjang masa di $0.003131, sementara harga terendahnya tercatat pada 2024-01-25 ketika diperdagangkan pada level terendah sepanjang masa di $0.00001412. Harga terendah saat ini sejak siklus tertinggi terakhir adalah $0.00001412, dan harga tertinggi sejak siklus terendah terakhir adalah $0.003131. Sentimen sosial Youcoin saat ini Netral.

FAQ: Harga Youcoin (YOU)

Apa yang menentukan pergerakan harga Youcoin (YOU)?

Berapa harga tertinggi dari harga Youcoin dalam sejarah?

Berapa harga terendah dari harga Youcoin dalam sejarah?

Berapa kapitalisasi pasar Youcoin saat ini?

Berapa banyak Youcoin yang ada di pasar?

Berapa maksimum pasokan Youcoin?

Berapa kapitalisasi pasar fully diluted (atau FDV) dari Youcoin?

Apa prediksi harga Youcoin ?

Apakah Youcoin investasi yang bagus?

Bagaimana cara membeli Youcoin?

Tokenomik Youcoin

Analisis Data Youcoin

Persentase Aliran Dana

Aliran Masuk Utama Bersih


Aliran Masuk Ritel Bersih


Sentimen Pasar


Tidak ada catatan

Analisis Aliran Dana

Pesanan Jumlah Kecil

Arus Masuk Bersih ($)


Aliran masuk ($)-
Aliran keluar ($)-

Pesanan Jumlah Sedang

Arus Masuk Bersih ($)


Aliran masuk ($)-
Aliran keluar ($)-

Pesanan Jumlah Besar

Arus Masuk Bersih ($)


Aliran masuk ($)-
Aliran keluar ($)-

Catatan Aliran Dana

Waktu Transfer
Aliran masuk ($)
Aliran keluar ($)
Arus Masuk Bersih ($)
Tidak ada catatan

Memegang Distribusi

5 Alamat TeratasTotal
Kapitalisasi Pasar
2024-09-19$19.55K559.67K YOU$0.00001955N/A
2024-09-18$19.53K527.82K YOU$0.00001953$0.00001955
2024-09-17$19.78K527.82K YOU$0.00001931$0.00001953
2024-09-14$19.78K888.03K YOU$0.00001978$0.00001931
2024-09-13$19.76K888.03K YOU$0.00001976$0.00001978