Harga CryptoAI CAI

Terendah 24 jam$0.001515
$0.0021 Tertinggi 24 jam

Tentang CryptoAI (CAI)

CryptoAI is an ERC20 project which launched on 27th January 2023. The native token of the CryptoAI project is $CAI, it has a total supply of 100 million tokens. CryptoAI is a project that leverages Artificial Intelligence to provide real solutions for the cryptocurrency space. CryptoAI aims to revolutionize the crypto landscape by providing users with powerful and innovative tools in the form of powered telegram bots whose solutions are to gain time, automate things and make it easier to trade cryptos. Ultimately, CryptoAI's mission is to make artificial intelligence accessible to the masses and create a bonding between the cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence sectors. No need to register anywhere or be worried about collected data: their bots are safe, anonymous, free, and fast to use. Their economic model mostly relies on the advertising system linked to their bots. A part of their revenue is used to buy back and burn $CAI tokens. By doing this, they assure themselves that their cryptocurrency is deflationary, which means that the supply will reduce over time, driving the price up. This consistent ecosystem is made to sustain the project in the long term.
Volume 24J$10.94K
All-Time High(ATH)$0.112
All-Time Low(ATL)$0.001069
Kapitalisasi Pasar$173.94K
Fully Diluted Valuation$173.94K
Kapitalisasi Pasar/FDV100%
Sirkulasi Pasokan100.00M CAI
Total Pasokan100.00M CAI
Pasokan Maks100.00M CAI
Sentimen PasarPositif
* Data dari pihak ketiga

Tren Harga CryptoAI (CAI)

Periode waktu
Ubah jumlah
% Perubahan

Indikator Kredibilitas


Skor Realibilitas

Peringkat #1



TOP 35%

Live Pembaruan Harga CryptoAI (CAI)

Harga CryptoAI hari ini adalah $0.001739 dengan volume perdagangan 24 jam $10.94K, dan dengan begitu CryptoAI memiliki kapitalisasi pasar $173.94K, memberikan dominasi pasar sebesar 0.0000063%. Harga CryptoAI bergerak -4.04% dalam 24 jam terakhir.

CryptoAI mencapai harga tertinggi di 2023-02-07 ketika diperdagangkan pada level tertinggi sepanjang masa di $0.112, sementara harga terendahnya tercatat pada 2024-08-31 ketika diperdagangkan pada level terendah sepanjang masa di $0.001069. Harga terendah saat ini sejak siklus tertinggi terakhir adalah $0.001069, dan harga tertinggi sejak siklus terendah terakhir adalah $0.112. Sentimen sosial CryptoAI saat ini Netral.

FAQ: Harga CryptoAI (CAI)

Apa yang menentukan pergerakan harga CryptoAI (CAI)?

Berapa harga tertinggi dari harga CryptoAI dalam sejarah?

Berapa harga terendah dari harga CryptoAI dalam sejarah?

Berapa kapitalisasi pasar CryptoAI saat ini?

Berapa banyak CryptoAI yang ada di pasar?

Berapa maksimum pasokan CryptoAI?

Berapa kapitalisasi pasar fully diluted (atau FDV) dari CryptoAI?

Apa prediksi harga CryptoAI ?

Apakah CryptoAI investasi yang bagus?

Bagaimana cara membeli CryptoAI?

Tokenomik CryptoAI

Analisis Data CryptoAI

Persentase Aliran Dana

Aliran Masuk Utama Bersih


Aliran Masuk Ritel Bersih


Sentimen Pasar


Tidak ada catatan

Analisis Aliran Dana

Pesanan Jumlah Kecil

Arus Masuk Bersih ($)


Aliran masuk ($)-
Aliran keluar ($)-

Pesanan Jumlah Sedang

Arus Masuk Bersih ($)


Aliran masuk ($)-
Aliran keluar ($)-

Pesanan Jumlah Besar

Arus Masuk Bersih ($)


Aliran masuk ($)-
Aliran keluar ($)-

Catatan Aliran Dana

Waktu Transfer
Aliran masuk ($)
Aliran keluar ($)
Arus Masuk Bersih ($)
Tidak ada catatan

Memegang Distribusi

5 Alamat TeratasTotal
Kapitalisasi Pasar
2024-09-20$172.59K1.65M CAI$0.001725N/A
2024-09-19$149.80K214.76K CAI$0.001498$0.001725
2024-09-18$130.40K30.94K CAI$0.001304$0.001498
2024-09-17$121.00K41.35K CAI$0.00121$0.001304
2024-09-16$156.61K58.13K CAI$0.001566$0.00121
2024-09-15$172.47K1.97M CAI$0.001724$0.001566
2024-09-14$169.61K723.21K CAI$0.001696$0.001724
2024-09-13$150.40K96.53K CAI$0.001504$0.001696