Guangzhi Technology: Merencanakan restrukturisasi aset besar-besaran untuk membeli 44,9% saham Xian Dao Xicai, saham dihentikan

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Data Gold 29 September, Guangzhi Technology announced that the company is planning to purchase assets and related party transactions through the issuance of shares, with the target company being Xian Dao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. The company plans to purchase 44.9119% of the target company's shares held by Xian Dao Rare Materials through the issuance of shares, and also intends to purchase shares held by other shareholders of the target company. Due to the uncertainty of the relevant matters, the company's stock will be suspended from the opening of the market on September 30, 2024. The company expects to disclose the transaction plan within a maximum of 10 trading days. If the transaction plan is not disclosed within the specified time, the company's securities will resume trading from October 21, 2024 at the latest and the related matters will be terminated.

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