Dự án Meme Cheems: sẽ hình thành thành một dự án văn hóa Meme hoàn toàn do cộng đồng điều hành, hiện tại 2 địa chỉ Địa chỉToken hàng đầu sẽ được sử dụng để thúc đẩy phát triển cộng đồng

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The BlockBeats news on October 13, BNB Chain's well-known Meme project Cheems announced on social media that it will build a Meme cultural project that is completely community-driven, dedicated to creating a truly decentralized, open and transparent community, ensuring that every holder can actively participate in future decision-making. According to the official introduction, Cheems currently has the largest reserve address for buybacks for liquidity and listing preparations; the second largest holder address contains Tokens that have not yet been migrated from zkSync, and this portion of Tokens will be managed by the community through voting to determine their specific use direction. The Cheems team stated that this is to promote the development of community autonomy and decentralization concept, truly making every holder the core force of project growth.

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