
Blockchain is the underlying technology for almost all cryptocurrencies. It is a distributed ledger jointly maintained by decentralized nodes around the world. Blockchain is hailed as "the trust machine", enabling trustless peer-to-peer payments. Blockchain will become the infrastructure for the next generation of the Internet - Web 3.

статті (1582)

Останні оновлення
What is a public chain?

What is a public chain?

A public chain is a decentralized, open and transparent blockchain technology system. It allows anyone to participate and ensures tamper-proof transactions through consensus mechanisms and smart contracts. Its development has gone through enlightenment, infrastructure construction, and ecosystem competition. These three stages to solve performance, scalability and market demand issues.
Mar 26, 2024
How will AO Impact the New Narrative of Blockchain?

How will AO Impact the New Narrative of Blockchain?

Following the AO launch event, the Arweave ecosystem once again captures attention. PermaDAO invites experts to discuss AO's concepts, design, and user experience, focusing on the new opportunities it brings to developers and the entire blockchain industry, as well as its impact on shaping a new narrative.
Mar 26, 2024
Nervos’ Chief Architect: We need to build Web5 (= Web2 + Web3).

Nervos’ Chief Architect: We need to build Web5 (= Web2 + Web3).

This article summarizes the content of a speech titled "Bitcoin Renaissance: Why & How?" from Bitcoin Singapore 2024, focusing on the viewpoint that blockchain does not need to be entirely on-chain.
Mar 26, 2024
In-depth analysis of Avalanche architecture

In-depth analysis of Avalanche architecture

The Avalanche network aims to build an interoperable, flexible, and high-performance blockchain, steadily emerging as the premier platform for constructing high-performance blockchains.
Mar 26, 2024
All You Need to Know About Bitcoin Layer2 BEVM

All You Need to Know About Bitcoin Layer2 BEVM

This article introduces the prospective Bitcoin Layer2, BEVM. It is EVM-compatible, uses Bitcoin as a gas fee, and aims to promote the rapid development of the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Mar 26, 2024
Decentralized Solution for the Domain Name System: Handshake ($HNS)

Decentralized Solution for the Domain Name System: Handshake ($HNS)

Meta Description: Handshake is a protocol that offers a decentralized solution for top-level domains in the DNS. This article introduces its features, tokens, minting processes, and ways of accessing domain names, along with some basic information. It also offers an analysis of its adoption data and prospects.
Mar 26, 2024
Stacks: Ten Years of Sharpening a Sword

Stacks: Ten Years of Sharpening a Sword

Stacks is a long-term project aimed at turning Bitcoin into a productive asset by establishing bidirectional connections with Bitcoin and rapidly producing blocks. Following the upgrade, users can generate sBTC on Stacks, equivalent to BTC at a 1:1 ratio, without any fees. The Stacks team is dedicated to cultivating the Bitcoin ecosystem, boasting a strong technical background and extensive experience. While the valuation of STX is relatively low, the potential for development is worth noting, especially with the convergence of bullish factors such as BTC L2 narratives and the Nakomoto upgrade. Investors may keep an eye on the development of the upgraded DeFi ecosystem and the adoption of sBTC.
Mar 25, 2024
Introduce the blockchain children's charity project CAF

Introduce the blockchain children's charity project CAF

The Children's Aid Foundation (CAF) is a charity project dedicated to improving global child welfare through blockchain technology. Since its launch, the price has increased fivefold. Despite the lack of compliance audits, it has demonstrated the potential of public welfare projects with its decentralization and transparency advantages.
Mar 25, 2024
Parallel EVMs: Monad, Sei v2, Neon & Eclipse

Parallel EVMs: Monad, Sei v2, Neon & Eclipse

Monad is a high-performance EVM blockchain that utilizes the Monad BFT consensus protocol and parallel execution technology to enhance scalability and transaction speed. Sei V2 is an upgraded version of the Sei network, supporting backward-compatible EVM smart contract porting and Optimistic parallelization. Eclipse is a next-generation Optimistic Layer 2 solution that integrates Neon EVM for full EVM compatibility, aiming to address Ethereum's scalability challenges. Despite skepticism, Eclipse merges the advantages of Ethereum and Solana, supporting DApp-specific Layer 3 Rollups, and has strong competitive potential. Long-term success depends on attracting developers and building a robust community.
Mar 25, 2024
Interview with Fiat24: Building a Web3 Bank on Blockchain

Interview with Fiat24: Building a Web3 Bank on Blockchain

This article explains how the Fiat24 Banking Protocol, built on blockchain and driven by smart contracts, innovates traditional banking, finance, and payment systems in the crypto-friendly regulatory environment of Switzerland.
Mar 24, 2024
Arweave 2.6: Potentially Aligning Better with Satoshi Nakamoto's Vision

Arweave 2.6: Potentially Aligning Better with Satoshi Nakamoto's Vision

This article argues that Satoshi Nakamoto's vision—consensus accessible to everyone via CPU—has yet to be fully realized. The iterative mechanisms of Arweave may align more faithfully with Nakamoto's original vision, with version 2.6 marking a significant step towards fulfilling his expectations.
Mar 24, 2024
Exploring the Value of Memes

Exploring the Value of Memes

Meme coins are controversial, but they reflect a commitment of society to uphold digital property rights through free markets. They are not just financial phenomena but also a form of cultural expression, through which people express collective humor, dissent, or friendship. While financial nihilism reflects a distrust of the existing system, questioning traditional systems is not a moral failing but rather a challenge to existing rules. Fraudulent behaviour should be eradicated, but people should also have the right to use any medium for transactions. Meme coins serve as an important litmus test for financial freedom and hold social value.
Mar 24, 2024
ArkStream Capital: Why We Invested in IO.Net

ArkStream Capital: Why We Invested in IO.Net

ArkStream Capital announces its Series A investment in IO.Net, marking a significant move in the AI and decentralized infrastructure sectors. IO.Net presents innovative solutions, harnessing encryption technology to coordinate global human computing power, positioning itself as the “new oil” of GPU computing capabilities and demonstrating its potential in the AI era.
Mar 23, 2024
State of Solana DeFi 2024

State of Solana DeFi 2024

Solana DeFi was declared dead in 2023, but made a strong comeback in 2024, involving 100+ projects, TVL reaching $3.8 billion, and daily trading volume reaching $2.5 billion. Solana has 50 top teams. Its advantages are low fees and high throughput, attracting a large number of users and developers. Solana is connected to multiple platforms, has friendly wallets and bridges, and will launch more cross-chain applications in the future. Major DeFi projects on Solana include DEX, lending markets, and derivatives, with more innovations expected in the future. Solana’s composability and infrastructure development have allowed the DeFi ecosystem to grow rapidly.
Mar 23, 2024
Exploring 14 Top Projects: How Did They Rise from Scratch?

Exploring 14 Top Projects: How Did They Rise from Scratch?

The article analyzes key factors contributing to the success of crypto projects, including having an excellent team background, unique market positioning, the ability to secure funding from top institutions, ecosystem development, and innovative products addressing market sticking problems.
Mar 23, 2024
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