
Score FiyatSCO

7192. Sıra

Hakkında Score (SCO)





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UFFS is a fantasy sports platform, built on blockchain technology, that introduces true in-game ownership of franchises, players,player contracts and prospects as NFTs. Unique to UFFS, our users will own their franchise and their players indefinitely, unless they wish to sell or trade. This concept is made possible by the indisputable nature of blockchain’s Ledger and Smart Contract protocols. UFFS is made possible and exceptional by: confirming ownership, providing secure transactions, and ensuring that no asset can be duplicated. UFFS strives to mirror real world professional leagues as closely as possible. We take into account such things as: league play, size of the league, regulations, and overall sport governance, and bring it all into the digital world. UFFS can use this innovative platform for all sports around the globe. UFFS will also introduce DEFI to this NFT platform and the sports world via Sports Swap and a other DEFI protocals.

Score (SCO) Fiyat Trendleri

24H Yüksek$0.00006668
24H Düşük$0.00006655
24S Hacim$10.85
Piyasa Değeri
Tüm Zamanların En Yüksek Seviyesi (ATH)$0.2346
Sirkülasyondaki Arz
100.00M SCO
Tüm Zamanların En Düşük Seviyesi(ATL)$0.00001982
Toplam Arz
100.00M SCO
Piyasa Değeri/FDV
Maksimum Arz
100.00M SCO
Tam Seyreltilmiş Değerleme
Piyasa DuyarlılığıTarafsız

Canlı Score (SCO) Fiyat Güncellemesi

Bugün Score fiyatı $0.00006658 olup 24 saatlik işlem hacmi $10.85'dir ve bu nedenle Score, $6.65K piyasa değerine sahiptir ve 0.00000020% piyasa hakimiyetine sahiptir. Son 24 saatte Score fiyatı +0.037% hareket etti.

Zaman aralığı
Değişim miktarı
Değişim %


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