Wu learned that the latest QCP report pointed out that BTC broke through a historical high this morning, reaching $97,900. This was driven by institutional funds inflows and increased attention from companies to encrypted assets. The strong demand for call options in January, March, and June indicates a strong confidence in the long-term prospects of the market. The BTC ETF has accumulated a net inflow of $1.84 billion in the past three days, and the net inflow of US ETFs this year has exceeded $29.4 billion, becoming the main driving force for BTC capital inflows. Against the backdrop of further easing of monetary policy by central banks worldwide, BTC prices are expected to remain strong at the end of the year.
QCP Capital: O preço do BTC tem potencial para se manter forte até o final do ano
Wu learned that the latest QCP report pointed out that BTC broke through a historical high this morning, reaching $97,900. This was driven by institutional funds inflows and increased attention from companies to encrypted assets. The strong demand for call options in January, March, and June indicates a strong confidence in the long-term prospects of the market. The BTC ETF has accumulated a net inflow of $1.84 billion in the past three days, and the net inflow of US ETFs this year has exceeded $29.4 billion, becoming the main driving force for BTC capital inflows. Against the backdrop of further easing of monetary policy by central banks worldwide, BTC prices are expected to remain strong at the end of the year.