
Trading Bots
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The highest state of trading - trading is life
Admiring the wisdom of the ancestors, the twelve characters of the "Tao Te Ching" can summarize the whole transaction. Throwing bricks to attract jade, talk about personal superficial understanding.
Honesty: A sense of personal fulfillment, or a definition of success, is neither given nor taken away by anyone else. Correct your outlook on life and values, and walk the right path no matter you are rich or poor, high or low. With great power comes great responsibility. Do good and don't do evil, benefit others first.
Take advantage of the trend: a big development trend that is not influenced by individuals, understand the trend and follow the trend. If you go with the trend, you will get twice the result with half the effort, but if you go against the trend, you will get twice the result with less money. This wave of violent bull market has created a group of trend traders such as Fei Zhai. Even if our cognition can't reach the height of these "trend players", we must always know that we should not go short or short short, and don't go against the general trend. This is the "general trend", and there are countless "small trends" under the "general trend". On February 7th, the dynamic "Ultra-short Lecture Lecture 1: The Pendulum Theory" talks about how to grasp every "small trend". Further speaking, if BTC is the "big trend" and other currencies are "small trend", the little brother will look at the big brother. And if you find that a certain younger brother is going against the big brother's "potential", follow him, and there will be big moves in the future. The dynamic FIL trend on February 9 is very typical.
Mingdao: Form your own unique trading model and strict trading discipline. There is no fluctuation in the heart, and you can advance and retreat freely. Strict position management, do a good job of risk control, stop profit and stop loss in time, and add one more for ultra-short positions: sleep soundly overnight with short positions.

Excellent technique: It is to continuously improve methods, optimize skills, and accumulate experience that suits you. Each of the three hundred and sixty lines has different methods and experiences, so you won't panic if you hold a skill in your hand. My ultra-short "skill" is niche, and I only look at price jumps. For ultra-short trading, any technical indicator has hysteresis and incompleteness. All market sentiment is most directly reflected in the price, and the fewer references, the faster the response. Look for entry and exit points in the speed and acceleration of price changes.

Hezhong: share cognition, promote each other, and improve together. Cognitive improvement often comes from outside the transaction, not within the transaction. All the way to the present, I have encountered many obstacles and bottlenecks, and I have received support and guidance from many noble people such as "Sister Lobster", "Sister Sauerkraut", "Old Hunter", "Lu Yao". Thanks for meeting, thanks for sharing.

Practice: No matter how good theories and methods are, they will always belong to others if they are not practiced by themselves. The key is not to be a bystander, but to enter the game.
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All in All in 🙌
Ambush 100x coin 📈
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Poetry and the Far 2024 Base 3
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Join gate Reply and earn
Participate in the quiz to win great prizes
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See a lot of young ladies.
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Early bird registration for S6 has started. Poetry and faraway places, a team with warmth and the ability to make money, welcomes your joining!
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let me join
All in All in 🙌
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Poetry and the Faraway 2024 Second Base
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All in All in 🙌
Grasp the trend and make a fortune in 2024!💸
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gate Happy birthday! All friends who see this message are financially free!
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Ambush 100x coin 📈
I've been busy this year and haven't had time to socialize.
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2024 Poems and Distant Horizon Part I
Wishing all friends a wealthy Year of the Dragon, reaching for the sky!
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pro take me 💰
2024 The first foundation of poetry and distance
I wish my friends a prosperous Year of the Dragon and a soaring pillar!
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#2023 年度账单#
Hello friends, this is my keyword of the year in in 2023
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Withstand waterfalls and surges
It's too strong, Guo million
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In the wind and rain, poetry and distance are waiting for you
How many people sign up at 12 noon, how many bao of you
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In the wind and rain, poetry and distance are waiting for you
You need to do it yourselfNo, no, no
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S5 is lying down until now, can stand up [snicker]
Operation strategy: take a large needle; Breakout chasing
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Can't play it?
Mr. Guo: How does the team keep signing up 😵😵
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The bonus of S5 has arrived, and the relevant benefits need the cooperation of partners.
1. Divide the captain bonus of the top 10 equal division of the amount of earnings/trading volume. Some of them have been given in place through the site code, and some of them have at least one dynamic if they are not connected to x, and they will be given in the form of tips. In addition, leave a small number (recommended level 2 or below) UID in this dynamic and send VIP5.
2. The top ten in terms of revenue and the top three in terms of trading volume have trophies, and those who have the receiving address at hand have been filled in uniformly, and if not, please submit them through the link
Thank you all for your support, thanks!
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Mr. Guo: I've added a team
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S5, which lasted nearly a month, has come to a successful conclusion. With the joint efforts of our comrades, we have achieved a brilliant record of ranking second in revenue and third in transaction volume. Thank you very much for your efforts.
Comrades are also asked to pay attention to the follow-up updates of this account regarding the division of captain bonuses and other related benefits promised before the game.
I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day in advance!
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Mr. Guo: I've added a team
Sitting and waiting for Teacher Guo's welfare
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This dynamic draws 5 VIP5
The competition has reached the final sprint stage. Thank you to all the "Shiheyuanfang" family members for their hard work. No matter what the final result is, I am grateful to my family for being with me every step of the way.
How to draw VIP5: All friends whose trading volume in the team is not 0, leave your uid in the comment area (it is recommended to have a number below level 2, not necessarily a participating uid), we will first draw a uid outside the venue, and with The four numbers (for example, 95 96 94 97 93, and so on) that are closest to the mantissa of the uid (such as 95) are the lucky numbers.
Deadline for messages/Lottery drawing time: 12:00 on the 23rd.
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Position management
Position management
Position management
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They are all open market, and Gouzhuang doesn't have much money, so he just keeps an eye on these few orders, and he pays more attention to them than the professional watchers.
Is Teacher Guo’s mentality broken? In the past, he would go long when the currency went up, but now he goes short when the currency goes up🤣🤣
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Maintain ranking in trading volume and strive for ranking in income
The trading volume is real, and there are no surprises
The income is accumulated little by little, step by step
Poetry and distance are worthy of your choice
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How to join
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Is a group of short-handed people the favorite of the platform [laughing]
In the wind and rain, poetry and the distance are waiting for you
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Just do it and it's over
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Those who play contracts, poetry and Yuanfang welcome you, here are all macho [Da Bing]
Those who do not play contracts can also sign up for spot individual competitions
Tomorrow, the first round of the lottery draw in the competition does not require trading volume, and it is a free opportunity. Friends, don’t miss it
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Teacher Guo, I signed up, but I don’t know how to play [daze]
My trading volume is more than 200,000 U, come on guys
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I don’t post any pictures today, I’m focusing on a wayward
In the wind and rain, poetry and the distant team are waiting for you
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give nothing
In wind and rain, poetry and distant places are waiting for you
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rush rush
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