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Today's pickup code:
Contains the direction of BTC, Ethereum points, as well as a summary of the highlights of the live channel just now, the take-profit points for long positions, valid until around 22:00 in the evening, and the follow-up pickup code will be updated for the next wave.
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What time does Fengge go live every day?
I just subscribed to the newcomer, how to get notified for the live stream?
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Today's market:
One: After BTC touched 52500 in the morning, it pumped 1000 points and then moved sideways slightly, with short-term support between 53600 and 54500. This kind of sideways movement may continue until around 21:00 in the evening, so today's operation is to do some small swing trading.
Second: ETH followed BTC to drop to 2150 at 5 am, then rose 70 points to 2220. The Fluctuation of ETH today is between 2210 and 2250. If these two points are broken, it's easy to trend, and it's slightly upwards Sideways.
Last night's POPCAT was profitable for both long and short orders, following the points mentioned in the tweet. For today's POPCAT, regardless of the entry price, set a stop loss of 0.01 points for the short order and continue swing trading with small fluctuations if BTC continues to move sideways to protect profits.
3: Regarding the control of Position, since September 1st, stable orders and dream orders with pickup codes have been more profitable than losing, coupled with the downward trend, contracts have been made out of necessity. Operating according to the points, the profits are basically around ten times. Calculating according to Spot or 1x contract short, there are also quite a few profits, so there is profit, and some coins are stored in the balance treasure to earn Interest.
Four: Join the startup and plaza tasks when you have nothing to do, and do a 5-minute swing trading. Stay tuned for the updated pickup code.
#popcat# #dogs# #btc# #wif# #mew#
[Coffee][Heart]subscription price is 1 GT/month, experts never rely on subscription to make money[Heart][Coffee]
Apple phone users need to log in to the web page subscription using a mobile browser:
Open with a mobile browser or a computer browser to subscribe.
[Gift] From mid-July to the end of August, it increased by four 100%. The performance in September is as follows [Gift]
In the future, I will organize the coins I mentioned in my tweets for everyone to summarize and discuss:
stop loss: ---------❌ pump percentage: ------📈
take profit:---------[strong] Downward percentage:------📉
Take profit in advance: -----⭕ The statistical record is addition.
In Holdings: -------❗
Popcatshort order0.625,take profit0.53
Popcatshort order0.56,take profit0.5
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All in All in 🙌
WAGMI 💪WAGMI 💪WAGMI 💪Buy the Dip 🤑WAGMI 💪Buy the Dip 🤑WAGMI 💪Buy the Dip 🤑WAGMI 💪Buy the Dip 🤑Buy the Dip 🤑Buy the Dip 🤑WAGMI 💪WAGMI 💪Buy the Dip 🤑
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1: Today, I wrote some materials after dealing with some things and just took some time to check the crypto world, also thinking about my brothers.
2: Talk about today's market, BTC has not dropped enough yet, the pressure for long positions is at 55000, the small support below is at 53000. For those who want to catch the bottom with long positions, it's around 53000, and for pullback, you can take a small position. Currently, there is still room for the decline, but not much, and the trend of pullback and pump has not formed yet, profitable Short Positions, etc., to look at.
3: Before going out today, I mentioned that the long order of Popcat is between 56-57, take profit. At 21:00 tonight, it also reached the take profit level of the long order. The take profit level given for the subsequent short order is around 50-52, which is almost there now, and the short order can also take profit.
Protect profits, go to sleep, the market is always there, both long and short can make money, follow subscription tweets, follow tomorrow's update, accumulate strength and wait for tomorrow's battle.
#popcat# #dogs# #btc# #wif# #mew#
The subscription price is 1GT/month. Professionals do not rely on subscriptions to make money.
Apple phone users need to log in to the web page subscription with the mobile browser:
Open with a mobile browser or a computer browser to subscribe
[Gift] From mid-July to the end of August, it increased by four 100%. The performance in September is as follows [Gift]
In the future, I will organize and review the coins mentioned in my tweets for easy summarization and discussion.
stop loss:---------❌ pump percentage:------📈
take profit:--------- 下跌百分比:------📉
Take profit in advance: -----⭕ The statistical record is addition.
In Holdings: -------❗
Popcatshort order0.625,take profit0.53
Popcatshort order0.56,take profit0.5
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Brother Feng, are you broadcasting today?
Did Feng return after the meeting? Is Dreamland still waiting for the best get on board position?
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1. The BTC price in the morning is 56270, the long order is at 57000, and it has not reached yet.
2. The live broadcast will not be available today, so don't go short.
2. The pick-up code for today includes swing trading of long orders and short orders, with updates on the positions of a stable coin and a dream currency.
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popcat Fengge still looks quite stable,
After 30u, I ran again......
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1. Yesterday, the short order WIF in the live channel was recovered after a Long Wick Candle, reaching the take profit level. If you're still holding it, you can take profit now.
Secondly, regarding yesterday's subscription post, after POPCAT dropped from 625 to 53, some people took profit while others held a losing position. After this correction, the first take profit point has already reached 0.53, and the current price is 0.529, so you can take profit. If you want to hold and see, you can also take a look at the second take profit point.
3: The best entry point for the dream order has not yet appeared. Those who want to wait can wait.
Four: There is still some rebound momentum for BTC today, with the current price at 56270, there is still a trend to pull back to 57000, you can take a small long position, ETH is currently priced at 2371, and may pull back to 2410.
5: subscription updates are only available when there is an opportunity. For those who have not caught up with this order and have not eaten enough, please wait for the next order to update the pickup code.
#popcat# #dogs# #btc# #wif# #mew#
subscription price 1GT/month, experts never rely on subscription to make money
Apple phone users need to log in to the webpage subscription using the mobile browser:
Open with a mobile browser or a computer browser to subscribe
[Gift] From mid-July to the end of August, it increased four times, and the performance in September is as follows [gift]
In the future, I will organize and review the coins in my tweets for everyone to summarize and discuss:
stop loss:---------❌ pump percentage:------📈
take profit: --------- Percentage of decline: ------📉
Take profit in advance: -----⭕ The statistical record is the addition operation
Holdings: -------❗
Popcat short order 0.625, take profit 0.53 [strong]
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Start copy trading, bro
BTC Halving ile Moon'a 🚀
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Today's meal pickup code contains a stable order and a dream order
The WIF short position of the live channel
WIF first take profit 1.52
stop loss 1.61
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Bro, when will the pick-up code be sent today?
Can reef still connect?
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Today's market:
Firstly, today's BTC resistance level is 58500. It will reach a new high after breaking through. Short orders can choose to close position after the breakthrough. The support below is at 56000 after falling below the resistance level of 57500.
2. ETH resistance level is 2510, support is at 2410 below, and the support after breaking is at 2340.
Three: The upper resistance of popcat today is at 62. If it falls below 60, you can continue shorting. If it pumps above 62, then there will be a new trend, which is also the best entry position for the previous wave. For short orders without take profit, this level is the last line of defense.
Summary: Today's market, the pump strength is not obvious, need to break through the key point to consider long orders, the current trend is still short. The subscription tweet from the day before yesterday has reached a 3-day cycle, the profit-taking point is not ideal, but entered according to the point, now there is also profit. Profit from short orders, operated at the key point above, or follow today's subscription tweet update.
#popcat# #dogs# #btc# #wif# #mew#
subscription price is 1GT/month, experts never make money by subscription
Apple phone users need to log in to the web page subscription with a mobile browser:
Open it in a mobile browser or computer browser to subscribe.
[Gift] From mid-July to the end of August, it increased by four 100%, and the performance in September is as follows [Gift]
In the future, I will organize the coins in my tweets for easy summary and discussion:
stop loss: ---------❌ pump percentage: ------📈
take profit: ---------[Strong] falling percentage: ------📉
Take profit in advance: -----⭕ The statistical record is addition.
Holdings in: -------❗
Popcatshort order0.625,Holdings中
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Brother Feng, which website can I use to download the app on my iPhone? A friend wants to download the subscription, but the phone can't download it.
do we have meal today ?
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BTC's resistance level is at 57200. After breaking through, pay attention to Close Position for short orders, take profit, and then fall before going short again. The support level below is at the previous low of 55900.
Popcat is still the same, rising against the market. If it falls back, you can follow up with a short order. You can go short near the resistance level of 60 and pull back, with a stop loss of 61 and a first take profit of 49 unchanged. If the stop loss is triggered, you can go short again when it falls back to 61.
Popcat, the best entry point is 62, the first take profit level is 49, the lowest is at 52. If you want to hold without taking profit from 53-55, pay attention to 60 and maintain some profit.
Dogs is a coin available on multiple platforms, don't play too much, follow the price to operate.
#popcat# #dpgs# #btc# #wif# #mew#
subscription price is 1 GT per month, experts never rely on subscription to make money
Apple phone users need to log in to the webpage subscription using the mobile browser:
Open it with your mobile browser or computer browser to subscribe
[Gift] From mid-July to the end of August, it increased by four 100%, and the performance in September is as follows [Gift]
In the future, I will organize the coins mentioned in my tweets for everyone to summarize and discuss:
stop loss: ---------❌ pump percentage: ------📈
take profit:---------[strong] Percentage of decline:------📉
Take profit in advance: -----⭕ The performance statistics are additive.
Popcatshort order0.625,Holdings中
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neiroth should take huge dump
Last night, I set a 615 stop loss while sleeping, but it ended up at 6155.
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Temporarily unable to return, today's live broadcast is starting first, don't go empty, the current market pullback is not significant, still following the points mentioned in the subscription tweet.
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Isn't this a return of emptiness? One-sided pump followed by one-sided decline.
bullish traders in Margin Replenishment, bearish traders pump them!
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There's nothing much to say today, just follow the tweet points to operate.
#popcat# #dogs# #wif# #mew# #sun#
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Rebound is weak
The ETH2320 and BTC56500 56200 for lying in Ambush have been received. Take it, and take the long term if you want.
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Here? After the clouds clear, you can see the moon. If we can reach the take profit level tonight, remember to take profit on the pullback.
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bull return speed 🐂
Silky smooth
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BTC pressure 60300, if it breaks 60500, don't enter the short order
ETH has a resistance of 2600.
The stablecoin has reached the entry position, and the dream order is almost ready.
The pickup code is as follows:
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Must set the take-profit level
Oh, dogs1178 almost ran out of gas [tears]
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The benefit of live channel every day is that there are some coins I can't see, but fans can. Today, a fan in the live channel named 'Wind Blowing Memories' asked about a coin, REEF. I mentioned in the live channel that the shape of this coin is good. I rarely record some coins in the live channel, but I recorded this one in the past few days. It has increased by 40% today. Congratulations to the fan who caught this coin by himself. So, it is still necessary to listen to the segment where fans ask about coins in the live channel every day. Even if it's not the coin you hold, listening more will give you more opportunities.
Staring at BTC pullback without sleeping, those who are sleeping can check it again in the morning, and follow the specific entry point in the morning subscription tweet.
This morning's subscription tweet, when it was first released, I also thought the best entry position was relatively high, and many fans also said that the position was too high to get on board. Since it is a subscription tweet, the quality is still worthy of recognition. Now, looking back, both the stable order and the dream order of the previous subscription tweet have the opportunity to reach the best entry position.
#reef# #popcat# #dogs# #mew# #sun#

Subscription price is 1GT/month. Experts never rely on subscription to make money.
Apple phone users need to log in to the web page subscription with their mobile browser.
Open it with a mobile browser or a computer browser to subscribe.

[Gift] From mid-July to the end of August, it increased by four times, and the performance in September is as follows [Gift]
In the future, I will organize the coins I mentioned in my tweets for everyone to summarize and discuss:
stop loss:---------❌ pump percentage:------📈
take profit:--------- 下跌百分比:------📉
Take profit in advance: -----⭕ The statistical record is an addition operation
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It's really hard to say whether this daily candlestick will form a bullish engulfing pattern. Wait for a stop-loss level before entering again.
How much pressure is there on BTC?
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The subscription tweet this morning, when it was first released, I also felt that the best entry position was relatively high. Many fans also said that the position was too high to get on board. Since it is a subscription tweet, the quality is still worthy of recognition. Now, looking back, both the stable and dream orders in the previous subscription tweet have the opportunity to get on board at the best entry position.
Let's talk about tonight's resistance level:
If BTClive channel has mentioned breaking 58000, it is highly likely to touch 59000.
The second resistance is at 60000, if there is a pullback near 59000, you can enter a short position with an initial position, stop loss of 200 points, for example, if there is a pullback to 59100, the stop loss should be set at 59300.
ETH, there are two resistance levels above, 2570 and 2600. The operation is the same as BTC, short when there is a pullback.
The recent average price has been Sideways for the past few days, with Long Wick Candles both up and down. Whether it's a long order or a short order, if there is a profitable pullback, remember to take profit. If it really deviates from the direction, lock up the position first, and find me tomorrow in the live channel for explanation.
#popcat# #dogs# #mew# #sun# #pepe#

[Coffee][Heart]subscription price is 1GT per month, experts never rely on subscription to make money[Heart][Coffee]
Apple phone users need to log in to the web page subscription with their mobile browser:
Open it with your mobile browser or computer browser to subscribe.

[Gift] From mid-July to the end of August, it increased by four 100%, and the performance in September is as follows [Gift]
In the future, I will organize the coin of my tweets for easy summary and discussion:
stop loss: ---------❌ pump percentage: ------📈
take profit:--------- 下跌百分比:------📉
Take profit in advance: -----⭕ The statistical record is addition.
Holdings: -------❗
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bull return speed 🐂
bull return speed 🐂
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Today's meal pickup code: one stable order, one dream order.
Cycle of three days.
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When can Brother Feng short ETH?
I added 58080 more and ate a little, and 58455 went short.
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BTC took back its momentum at 58000, and long positions can follow suit.
Reply 666 under this tweet for a chance to win, 5 lucky winners.
The live broadcast will start at 14:10 and the draw will take place at the end of the broadcast.
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Congratulations to the following fans who won the lottery rewards yesterday. Please leave your ID below this tweet to receive the rewards. Don't be discouraged if you didn't win. There will be a lottery session around 12 o'clock today. Let's see how BTC performs after today's subscription tweet and stay tuned.
Winning user:
Feng Ge's little follower

Fantasy Night i



Li Mingqi
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To Da Moon 🌕WAGMI 💪BUIDL 🧐Wen Lambo? 🏎️
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58000, the global economic situation is that the Nasdaq rebound has reached its peak, and the Nikkei is also not moving much. This pullback wave has not reached the height of starting to fall, so short positions still have the advantage, but not so strong, direction: Sideways slightly downward.
ETH is under pressure at 2610 and below at 2470.
Sideways also has profit points, and take profit should be done in a timely manner when there is profit.
Today is the first day of September, and a new brilliance is about to begin. Please be patient. Good indicators will be updated as soon as possible. There will also be Dreamcoin recommendations today.
subscription price 1GT/month, masters never rely on subscription to make money
Apple phone users need to log in to the web page subscription with a mobile browser.
Open with mobile browser or computer browser to subscribe.
[Gift] From mid-July to the end of August, it increased by four 100%, and the performance in September is as follows [Gift]
In the future, I will organize the coins mentioned in my tweets for everyone to summarize and discuss:
stop loss:---------❌ pump percentage:------📈
take profit:--------- 下跌百分比:------📉
Pre-take profit: -----⭕ The performance statistics are addition.
In Holdings: -------❗
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Turned red [pouting]
Ambush 100x coin 📈 All in 🙌 and make a fortune with the bull's return speed 🐂 Seize the trend and earn big in 2024! 💸
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In the previous subscription to pick up the code, dream list, born for the dream, with both income and risk, do not chase, it's time to take profit, take profit. If you missed it, just watch the fun and wait for the next one.
Next, enter the lottery section: comment 666 below, draw 5 $ gift cards for 5 people. The rewards from yesterday have been submitted and will be distributed soon. The event is genuine and valid. The event ends when the live channel ends, live channel lottery.
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KAS has incurred losses again.
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Today's take-out code content:
Stable coins need to wait, there is only one dream coin with a large fluctuation, not recommended, the points are as follows:
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Ambush 100x coin 📈
6 than
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