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Brothers and fellow investors, I've been traveling in Japan these days, so the data update is slow. Currently, the main theme of #BTC is still bullish. It's just that if it rises, it will definitely pull back. Buying long on dips is still the best approach. Anyway, if you can't predict my actual trading, you can refer to the data. Feel free to leave comments below whether you are bullish or bearish and let's communicate. Fans can give a thumbs up.
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ETH sees 2950
Ambush 100x coin 📈
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The recent market has been continuing to rise as expected. This trend will continue for at least half a month, and any pullback during this period will be a good opportunity to increase the position. There is a great chance of reaching a new high. Currently, 68000 is just a matter of time, and 70000 is the resistance level. So 67000 is not high, and during bearish times, even 60000 is considered high. This is the charm of futures contracts. Seize the opportunity.
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The boss is doing so well with the order now, but I followed a fool yesterday and lost half of my assets in an hour.
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People who drown are usually good swimmers. In the past few days, the market trend of #btc has caused those who rely on technical candlestick indicators to continuously lose money. This market trend is stable, and a daily fluctuation of 1000-2000 points is actually normal. The trend is still towards long. So be cautious about shorting [grinning]
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bull回速归 🐂
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This wave of btc market should have started for sure. 6.6-6.8-7.0 are all opportunities to go long, but it's suitable for quick in and out. If you hold the contract for more than 2 weeks, it's definitely going long. On the contrary, if you short above the mentioned points with 20x leverage, take profits and leave. Personally, I think this market will continue until August and break new highs. Let's go long on btc and eth.
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This wave of rise is not unexpected, BTC is likely to hit a new high from this month to early August. I hope everyone can earn their own share. Interest rate cuts and appointments have not yet released official news. Let's wait and see.
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Thank you for sharing
gzgis hdhkdhk uhskgsgi fhxhx fjsys
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I haven't posted for a long time, because most brothers and sisters like to enter and exit quickly. I basically make money a few times a month through swing trading. The position is extremely strict, and the understanding of the points is also very profound. This time I made money again. This time it should go up to above 68,000. Contracts are always for seeing results, not for losing money.
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Trump has been nominated as the Republican presidential candidate, with Pence as the vice presidential candidate. As long as Trump doesn't die, the presidency is basically guaranteed to him. Pence is also a supporter of BTC. If Trump wins in November's election, people in the cryptocurrency community will get rich.
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In the past few days, with the daily closing of btc rising, there is a high probability of a sudden pull, with a target of 64500. Both going long and spot trading are relatively safe, and you can do some small swing trading. When you watch me trading live, sometimes I operate against the trend, just taking a small swing. As for futures, you can profit from both the rise and fall, even a small amount is worth picking up.
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Pro, the mentality is bull
To Da Moon 🌕
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Every time an order is placed, it is not to avoid losses, nor is it for speculation. Clearly understanding the trend, regardless of right or wrong, the risk must be controlled reasonably. Looking long a week ago, the harvest is imminent, this wave should be satisfying. Strive for the top 10 in live trading rankings.
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You are so skilled at hedging operations like a fish in water.
Why are we short again?
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Opportunities are always there. Do not focus on short-term gains and losses. As long as the contract is not delivered and there is no forced liquidation, there will always be opportunities. It's best to catch the trend, but don't panic if you open a wrong position. Take a look back at the historical trend, and there will always be a chance to profit from unwinding positions. Remember not to blindly add positions.
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Can you see around 63500?
Hold on
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Dear old leeks, this bottom fishing can basically recover the small loss of the last order. Although, the next few days still look mostly long. Now there are too many large BTC investors coming in, it's not difficult to pull up a few thousand points. Making money whether the contract goes up or down, as long as you don't get liquidated, there's a chance. Don't go all in when opening a position, choose your own position, it's just for fun, being serious means losing.
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Good mindset!
The eldest brother resisted a month of shorts and had a super good mentality
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Dear brothers and pro traders, and old leeks, these days I am traveling. Currently, the trend is downwards, but there will always be a reversal for us. After all, the funding fee is eating up a lot every day. Even if it's sideways, there is no need to worry, as the return on investment is extremely high. Success or failure is determined by mindset. Let's encourage each other.
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Left too early, if I wait a few more days, I can make a lot of money. It seems that there is still a lot of psychological pressure [smile]
When to open a position
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The news we see is all intended for us to see. According to the current situation, there should be another big fall. Hold on to the orders to reap big profits. There is no endless rise, nor continuous fall. We still need to take profits when the time comes. The daily chart is currently precarious, a big drop is not impossible, maybe even tonight.
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Ah, I haven't placed a single order.
The margin is increasing more and more, and the more you play, the bigger it gets hahahaha
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Dear pro and fellow traders, there was a small dip in the market, but it has already recovered half of it. The trend is definitely downward. I didn't add many positions because of the leverage. Patience is key. Time is the best remedy 😀 If you are impatient with contracts, you will only be slaughtered. Until the positions are closed, everything is just passing clouds ☁️.
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Keep it up!
Infinite love brings to our platform.
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I can't fall
Mutual likes, first like as a sign of respect.
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Dear pros and experienced traders, we are still holding our positions and not worrying about the floating profit and loss. The funding rate has been quite high recently. We can earn more than 100u every day. If we keep sideways, we won't be at a loss even after more than 250 days [grinning]. Although this is a joke, the return rate is indeed impressive. We just need to wait for a big drop, and it will be a great opportunity.
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As long as the margin is sufficient, you will make money sooner or later.
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#共庆Gateio11周年# I have been with the platform for almost 7 years, from being a newbie to a seasoned investor. From being trapped and trembling in fear, to now being indifferent and carefree, the platform has provided us with a gateway to wealth. I am grateful for the platform. Gains and losses are not important, as the crypto world is always full of myths. What is lacking is your confidence to stay with the platform through thick and thin. Although the contracts are currently trapped, we understand that big ups and downs are the norm in the crypto world. I hope to have good luck during the platform's anniversary celebration. I also appreciate the attention from all the pros and fellow investors. Thank you 🙏
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#共庆Gateio11周年# The platform has accompanied me for nearly 7 years, from being a newbie to becoming an experienced investor in the crypto world. From trembling in fear after being trapped once, to now being indifferent and calm, the platform has provided us with a gateway to wealth. I am grateful to the platform. Gains and losses are not important. The crypto world always has its own myths, what is lacking is your confidence to move forward and retreat together with the platform. Although the current contract is trapped, we understand that ups and downs are normal in the crypto world. I hope to have good luck during the platform's anniversary celebration. I would also like to thank all the pros and experienced investors for their attention. Thank you.
When can it come down?
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Today, it continues to move sideways. I have increased the position slightly. The daily chart is slowly closing lower, and tomorrow should make a judgment. If it continues to move sideways, I will continue to increase the position on rallies. It's time to start taking 25% of the profit. Dear experts and veteran traders, time will give us the answer, and we will walk together.
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Can I come back, big brother, I'm just like you
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Today has been sideways all day, altcoins and platform coins are all bearish. After 3 days of consolidation, it's always necessary to choose a direction. I plan to increase my position if there is a rise, so that it's easier to adjust my position when the plummet comes. Hope everything goes well, good night everyone 😴
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I'm ready to go empty too, plus 10,000u
Take the career of bearish traders to the end, haha, I like your style [grinning face]
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Dear big shots and fellow traders, I know that the recent continuous unilateral rise must have caused many brothers to bear the positions. There are also many cool comments in the comment section. I think we are all retail investors. I have been in the crypto world for nearly ten years, and have experienced the 5/12 of the contract at the beginning. My mentality has already stabilized. Everyone pays too much attention to short-term gains in contracts, which easily leads to anxiety and loss. If you extend the cycle to three months, what do you see after a big rise? I only care about maintaining a good position. Let's encourage each other, my frens who are holding the positions. As for those advanced manipulators who claim to know the future, I just want to say that it's not too late for you to criticize when you reach a higher point.
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You are quite stable.
Tonight is expected to exceed 68,000.
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