Ex-Google Brain top researcher launches AI research firm Sakana AI in Tokyo

According to a Reuters report on August 17, former Google Brain top researchers David Ha and Llion Jones announced the establishment of artificial intelligence research company Sakana AI in Tokyo. The company declined to disclose financing details. It is reported that Jones is the fifth author of Google's 2017 research paper "Attention Is All You Need", which introduced the "transformer" deep learning architecture, which later became the basis of ChatGPT, and is also the current development driven by generative artificial intelligence. basis of the product. Ha was a research director at Stability AI and a Google Brain researcher.

Jones said Sakana AI will focus on creating new architectures for the underlying models. "Instead of building one giant model that sucks in all this data, our approach is to use a large number of smaller models, each with their own unique strengths and smaller datasets, and let those models communicate with each other," Ha said. Collaborate to solve problems."

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