Meme project Cheems: will shape into a Meme culture project completely driven by the community, the current Top 2 holding AddressToken will be used to promote community development

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BlockBeats news, on October 13, the well-known Meme project Cheems in the BNB Chain ecosystem officially announced on social media that it will build a Meme cultural project completely driven by the community, dedicated to creating a truly Decentralization, open and transparent community, ensuring that every holder can actively participate in future decisions. According to the official introduction, the largest holding Address of Cheems is the team's repurchase reserve Address for Liquidity and listing preparation; while the second largest holding Address contains Tokens that have not yet been migrated from zkSync, and this portion of Tokens will be fully managed by the community, with holders determining their specific usage direction through voting. The Cheems team stated that this move is aimed at promoting the development of community autonomy and the Decentralization concept, truly making every holder a core force in the project's growth.

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