There is a line in "Spiritual Journey": "It is not necessary to be successful to be alive. A life that only likes to look at the sky, take a walk, and eat pizza is also very good. I came to this world just to see how the flowers bloom, how the water flows, and the sun. When the sun rises, when does the sun set. Experience interesting things and meet unforgettable people.” Indeed, we are so busy that we ignore a truth, that is, many things don’t need to be meaningful. It doesn’t mean that it is meaningful. There is no standard answer in life, but what is imprinted in our minds is to get ahead. When you are anxious and infighting, please remember that life is just the superposition of various experiences. This answer sheet is full of random writing. As long as you want, you can do those seemingly meaningless things, such as being in a daze, watching the sunrise, and counting the stars. Your experience is the greatest meaning. Life does not have to do what the world thinks is meaningful, the meaning is bestowed by oneself. This is right, don't be defined by others, in a short life, we should spend our life happily. It is the wilderness, not the track. As long as you are enjoying it at the moment, it is meaningful. There is only one kind of true heroism in the world, and that is Recognize the truth of life and still love life, be your own hero!
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