View of the current market

Recently, the fall has stopped, and any downward retracement is a buying opportunity.
It is not certain whether it will continue to decline in the long term, so it is suitable to do short term or medium term at the moment, Buy the Dips, sell when it rises, and buy low for high selling.
Many currencies have dropped to historically low levels on the daily chart. If you are considering long-term investment, buying at the current level may be feasible, as long as you can withstand the prolonged market volatility or paper losses. You can gradually accumulate positions, but keep the total position within 50% of the total position. However, I am currently only focusing on short-term trading and not building a long-term position for now.
The currencies for catching the bottom are still being screened, but there are some currencies that are recommended to avoid, such as MEME coins and AI coins, which have already risen many times before. These currencies are currently not suitable for long-term investment. However, they can be considered for short-term investment.
Is it suitable to catch the bottom now? It is suitable to catch the bottom in the short term. You can buy it when it dips down, and the best buying point is the previous low point on July 5th (yesterday).
If it is long term catch the bottom, able to withstand floating losses or long-term volatility, you can also Build a Position.
I will share the specific bottom-sweeping currency after a comprehensive analysis for everyone to refer to in the dynamic section.
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