When fall long, you long buy a little, pump long can sell a little, the All in habit developed in the last Bull Market has been maintained for 3 years, almost tormented me for 3 years, and now it is slowly changing, no matter how strong the support and pressure is, it is only dealer to draw for you, try to reduce the contract leverage, unless you can withstand the overnight zero, there are long few people are: I will take a little money out to make a contract, and the rest is Spot, when it comes to big dump, sell Spot to make up for the Margin, while selling Spot while scolding in my heart, yes, I would have known that I would not do the contract. How can this market be known so long early? Don't ask me when I can buy the dips, when I can escape the top, I'm a rookie, when I hit the BTC of 57300 to buy 10% is not too much, and then secretly bought another 10%, yesterday the dog sold 25% when the news came out, just lucky to meet these, I have hardly pushed coins in recent years (simply do not want to be scolded), and don't blame those bloggers in the square, people want to make money, can only push vigorously, and longest people will unsubscribe if they don't push coins every other week. Gate's biggest lie is the VIP level.

I'm going to work tomorrow, don't panic.
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