Interest rate cuts and artillery flights, the market continues to fall without stopping

Abstract generation in progress

Author: Liu Jiaolian

  1. While we are busy playing around, certain groups in the West are stepping up to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble. "10.1 Teaching Chain Internal Reference: There is no war on the Eastern Front, and the Western Front is not peaceful", Powell made a speech, denying that 50bp interest rate cuts have become the norm, sending a tone to the market that it is not in a hurry to cut interest rates too quickly, and hitting the market's illusion of rapid easing of Liquidity. At the same time, Israel's ground forces invaded Lebanon, and the situation in the region heated up suddenly. The Pentagon said the United States would "defend" Israel by sending thousands more U.S. troops (bringing the total number of U.S. troops in the region to 43,000).

Rhetoric and heavy artillery have boosted the dollar and sunk risk assets. U.S. stocks fell across the board. BTC also fell for three consecutive days from its highest point of 66k on September 30th, plunging significantly to the MA30 level around 60k.

Now the A-share market is closed due to the National Day holiday. I didn't expect the Americans to make such a big move during this time. With the risk market being manipulated by Powell and Israel, I wonder if the retail investors who chased the market before the holiday are trembling in fear of the judgment when the market opens after the holiday?

Imperialism is imperialism, whether you love it or hate it, it has to devour others in order to thrive, at the cost of other people's money and even lives. Unlike the 'cautious warfare' mindset in Eastern culture, it not only has the audacity to kill and plunder, but also does so wantonly.

The Jiaolian chain once again recalls the day when Satoshi Nakamoto went online with the BTC (BTC) Genesis Block on January 3, 2009, and the other news on the same day in The Times: 'Israel prepares to send tanks and infantry into Gaza'.

15 years have passed, and the underlying color of this world has never changed. It is a bright red color of blood.

"Why is the war flag beautiful? The hero's blood has dyed it red. Why is the earth always in spring? The hero's life blooms flowers."

Why can we travel and vacation with peace of mind? Because the color of the five-starred red flag is dyed with blood. The heroes of steel have dyed the five-starred red flag with their blood. The heroes' steel has always been defending the people under the five-starred red flag.

Money and steel are two sides of the same coin. Those who cannot see this will fall into subjective fantasies about economic data, monetary policy, macro-control, and other dazzling concepts and terms.

The United States is a good teacher. It will definitely coordinate military actions when it is engaged in currency regulation.

Although the United States ideologically opposes mentors, in practice it is the most loyal student of mentors, always practicing the mentor's profound words in the Introduction to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law: 'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism by weapons, material force can only be overthrown by material force'.

Powell's rhetoric is a critical weapon. The big guns of the US military and Israel are critical weapons.

The mentor continued, "As long as the theory convinces people, it can control the masses; and as long as the theory is thorough, it can convince people."

In the value system of the jungle, power is justice, and cannons are truth. Therefore, the empire is full of confidence, believing that it holds the most powerful truth on earth, and thus can persuade people, persuade the largest masses in the world.

However, the empire's confidence in this kind of truth running rampant is suffocating the world, like black man Floyd unable to breathe.

However, it forgot the last two sentences of the mentor: 'To be thorough means to grasp the essence of things. But the essence of human beings is human beings themselves.'

The truth of the empire, although still powerful, is becoming increasingly detached from the masses. In the eyes of the empire's elites, there are only suckers, consumables, dogs, and AI robots, where are the 'people'? For the elites who are detached from the lower class and high above, the majority of the world's 8 billion people are not seen as 'people' by them. Suckers are repeatedly harvested by them, sucking out every last bit. Consumables are sent to the Western Heaven by their cannons. Dogs and AI robots are the ones who post and comment every day, singing praises to them and smearing their enemies.

This thing is a rebellion in the world. Satoshi Nakamoto brought BTC to the world. With immense Computing Power (physical force) to confront the weapons of the empire (physical force), a tiny crack has been torn open in the powerful imperial territory, allowing people to regain the freedom to breathe.

A dike of a thousand li (a Chinese unit of length), can be destroyed by an ant-hole. An empire's hegemony can be ruined in an instant.

"We can win an important battle in an arms race and take over a new territory of freedom within a few years." - Satoshi Nakamoto, January 16, 2009

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