On the fifth day of the injection, I had a fever for five consecutive days and finally the fever went down, leaving only a cough, which made my back ache!! The subscription discount will be postponed and will return to the original price on July 5th. Thank you for your support. Whether it's spot or not, the principle of being a good brother has always been upheld. Today, let's talk about why the rich become rich: The reason why the rich become rich is often because they suddenly make money at a certain stage of life, and then use this accidental original accumulation to start trying to make more investments, thereby continuously accumulating wealth. Good brother said that hard work and sweat cannot earn money, that's a trick that the upper class has been playing on the lower class for thousands of years! It's the art of emperors. The art of fools.
There is no need to mythicize the wealth creation process of the rich, nor to belittle the entrepreneurs who are still striving for success. In fact, there is only a thin line between the two, which is whether they have caught the wave.

Most people in society actually have a limited understanding that remains at the stage of school education. In essence, the knowledge from school education is severely disconnected from the practical knowledge of society. Venturing into the harsh reality of society with only book knowledge can easily lead to setbacks and hardships.
Wealth has always been a compensation for cognition, not a reward for diligence.
Knowing how to judge the industry cycle, strive to earn enough money when it is time to do so, and work hard! Rich people have always been like this, staring at the industry in an upward trend, no matter how fierce the situation is, they must participate with all their might, earn enough money for two years, and have no problem lying down for twenty years.
Don't wait until it's hard to earn money to regret not working hard when you should. In times of economic downturn, keep an eye on the money in your pocket, don't make blind investments, conserve your energy, and wait for the next wave of opportunities, which is the best strategy.
Just like running, when it's time to sprint, don't hesitate to rush to the finish line without regard for life. After reaching the interim finish line, you should slow down, start to walk slowly, relieve stress, and repair the body and spirit.
People who keep running without resting are also prone to exhaustion. Working too hard and being self-critical is another form of cognitive deficiency. When the economic environment is not good, it's better to lie down and take a break. This is not about giving up, but rather a strategic choice. Smart people know how to use strategies instead of relying on simplistic thinking to blindly work hard.

The reason why you have been working hard but have not achieved great results is not actually about your abilities, but rather determined by the cyclical nature of the industry.
An industry is always the most profitable in the early stages, without any threshold, as long as you are lucky enough to participate, you can make money, such as Taobao from 2005 to 2008. At that time, as long as you posted a link, it would definitely sell, and the merchants did not need to bear the postage, nor deal with various unreasonable after-sales issues, with frighteningly high profits. Early participants in the crypto world make money blindly buying anything. Doubling is always at high multiples.

When the market demand exceeds supply and the industry is rapidly developing, whoever participates will make money. However, when a business is very profitable, it means that a large number of competitors will enter the market. At this time, the market supply will expand rapidly, and consumers will have more choices, naturally becoming more picky. The coin market makes money quickly, but a large number of 'suckers' have also entered. At the beginning, there were only two 'suckers,' slowly playing people for suckers. Now, tens of thousands of 'suckers' have come in even before the coins rise, and they strike immediately.
This is the core reason why it will be increasingly difficult to make money later.
By doing well in the current affairs and improving your competitiveness in the industry, will the industry's money tilt towards you, allowing you to accumulate more ammunition.

When the real fortune and opportunity appear in your destiny, you will definitely get on board faster than others, because while others are complaining about the lack of opportunities and giving up, you have been steadily making progress.

Small opportunities depend on oneself, while great opportunities depend on the times. Self-pitying individuals like to blame society and complain about why they are never involved in getting rich. They hope to get rich overnight through the lottery, but they have completely given up their own initiative. Even if the opportunity does appear in front of them one day, they will turn a blind eye, simply because they are used to squandering good luck.
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