Good weekend, friends. I looked at a set of data this morning. In this fluctuating market, where there is no significant volatility, 50,000 people got liquidated in 24 hours! Cherish your capital, those who fantasize about getting rich overnight with high leverage will eventually end up with nothing. As a good brother, I have always told you that this kind of market is the darkness before dawn. The more such a market, the more you must control your hands and trade less. It's better to do less than to do more, and it's better to do nothing than to do less.
If you don't lose money, you make money. Those who don't trade frequently have already outperformed 80% of the market. I have always told you that in several bull market cycles, only 10% of the people make money in the end, and the remaining 90% lose money! These 90% of people died chasing rising prices and selling with bearish market in the new spot market, couldn't hold the spot, died with full leverage, and fantasized about contract wealth without stop-loss. Cherish it!
Profit comes from patience, not frequent trading. Risks should not be underestimated, ignoring them will only lead to negative consequences. Avoiding loss expansion is the primary rule of investment.
❤ Be brave to pursue, but also understand how to take risks.
❤ Strict implementation of stop loss strategy is crucial to protect the principal.
❤When the market trend is contrary to expectations, decisively leave, otherwise you will suffer.
❤When investing, only focus on risk, return, and capital management.
❤ Always control the risk, and there is no need to worry too much about anything else.
❤Timely stop loss is the key to avoiding further losses.
❤️Mindset control is the premise of successful investment, followed by risk control, and finally trading strategy.
❤ When losses trigger negative emotions, exit decisively and wait for the next opportunity.
History is always surprisingly similar. Drawing on the past helps make accurate judgments about the future.
The premise of making a profit is to control losses and ensure that they do not exceed the tolerance level.
Don't focus too much on daily profits, long-term stability is more important ❤.
❤ The trading objective is to find the best trading opportunities, and profitability is a natural outcome.
❤Timely rest, maintaining calm and alertness, helps to prolong the cycle of success.
❤ Avoid investing a large portion of funds at once, spread the risk
❤Realizing that investment cannot be perfect, a higher correct rate than error rate is sufficient.
Investment requires long-term efforts, but destroying it often happens in an instant. Wait for the best opportunity before taking action and avoid overtrading.
❤ Successful traders are the result of rigorous training and constant practice.
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