Regarding Position management, short term, medium term, and long term can be easily understood by a few simple sentences! Be sure to take a look!
Brother Saogao's main focus is on medium to long term excess profits! This medium to long term is defined as follows:
One, medium term
1. Start reducing positions when profits reach 15%, regardless of the time cycle. Sell while the price rises, until the principal plus at least half of the profits are dumped. Only when the remaining positions are all profits can you hold for a long time.
2. The medium term is generally expected to be between 15-30 days for Brother Sao, and can be extended to 60 days if the trend is good. However, there must be a 'reduce position' condition during this period, which is condition 1. If condition 1 is met, reduce, reduce, reduce, and don't ride the roller coaster frequently.
二、long term
1, this is calculated on an annual basis. Brother Sāo will Auto-Invest in a portfolio, and regularly invest in the favored Auto-Invest portfolio every month. This can ignore any price Fluctuation and hold it for 25 years!
2, long term, I won't operate manually. Anyone who operates manually without stopping won't be able to get long term.
Three, short term
1. It's just the daily pig trotter rice. The BTC reference points in this daily analysis are for taking a few hundred dollars in profit and running freely, not for medium-term or long-term operations.
2, short term can be run in three to five points, fast is within a few minutes, slow is within a day to complete a round of ultra-short cycle, must run, definitely won't overnight!
Position Management:
1. Generally, allocate 70% to Auto-Invest for long-term investment, aiming to achieve 5-10 times the baseline return of the annual plan!
Second, remaining 30%, 70% medium term rollover, 30% short term!
Third, taking $10,000 as an example, allocate $7,000 to long term Auto-Invest, which will be automatically invested every month; of the remaining $3,000, at least $2,100 should be rolled over for medium term; $900 for short term trading within the day!
Fourth, a medium-term position of $2100, so the usual medium-term layout refers to the allocation of this $2100, for example, 30% is allocated to ETHFI, which means $630 is used for trading, and $310/$310/$310 can be divided into three parts for buy low layout! The remaining $1470 is used for exciting margin replenishment during a big dump and increasing the position!
Five, a $900 short-term within the day, this is considered as a Position where you don't feel sorry for losing, and you can reimburse a day's expenses with the gains, so you can be a little willful, but you cannot mix long-term, medium-term, and short-term Positions together!
The above is Brother Sao's operation strategy for short, medium, and long-term layout and Position allocation!
Must be strictly enforced, take profit and loss as they come, control the Position, fear no ups and downs, attack and defend as needed! Only then can we survive longer, accumulate wealth bit by bit, truly achieve stability and steadily gain profits!
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