Last night, BTC probed the lowest point at 56862 and touched the highest point at 58290. The first key level given last night was at 56700±200, which was exactly hit, providing a space of 1400 dollars! The opportunity for the night has ended. It is advisable to wait for a pullback today. If you immediately chase rising prices as soon as you wake up, that is definitely a sucker's operation strategy!
At this moment, wait patiently for a 4-hour pullback. Today's space is larger, allowing the Market Maker to leverage up and down more thoroughly!
Pressure 60000/61000
Trading advice: Be patient today and wait for a pullback. The opportunity is not as good as Monday and Tuesday, and there will be more volatility. Pay attention to the rhythm! All short-term trades should gradually recover the principal, and those aiming for a bigger picture should hold onto the profit pattern at most!
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