The reality show is playing "Metaverse", how can "All Members Accelerate 2023" achieve 1.4 billion broadcasts?

Source: Entertainment Unicorns

Author: Mia

Original title: "The First Island of the Metaverse × "All Members Accelerating 2023" is out of the circle, behind this "Number One Player""

The first broadcast was the first in ratings on the three networks. Maoyan data shows that the cumulative broadcast volume has exceeded 1.4 billion, with a total of 969 hot searches on the list. As the first star-studded "Metaverse Variety Show", "All Members Accelerating 2023" With a full sense of technology and an always-on content core, the "Metaverse Gulangyu Bit Space" will be out of the circle quickly this summer.

"Acceleration City", "Meta Hunter", "Acceleration Team Homo Sapiens" and other metaverse new settings, and the extraordinary recording method of the metaverse, made the program go to the seventh episode, and its popularity continued unabated. Social media The discussion on the Internet about the "metaverse presentation" in the show has also become more heated.

"Who would have thought that the most fun part would be the metaverse link, where the cute little stupid pig passed out!"

"Have you all watched 2023 in Acceleration! Metaverse Gulangyu Bit Space is so cool, I can't help but come to one~ Being handsome by William Chan, calmly facing the hunter who is only four meters away, so cool and brave!"

"Su Xing commanded his teammates in the bit space of Gulangyu Island in the Metaverse to break through the maze, his brain power is so handsome!!"

"Ahhhhh, is the speed of this Yuan Hunter serious? Why do I think it's even scarier!"

Returning to the screen after seven years, "All Staff Accelerating 2023", which once established the golden age of "outdoor reality show", still lived up to the expectations of "old fans". **Behind the show, what we see is a tribute to and transcendence of classics, and a precise insight into the emotions of the current era. **

The "Metaverse" digital intelligence space endows the classic IP with a sense of immersion in the "Great Variety Theater", and also brings more imagination to the digitalization of cultural tourism. ** Hunan Satellite TV, Mango TV and China Mobile Migu joined hands in the "All Staff Acceleration" In "2023", we found a new model opened by "Metaverse + Variety Show", and a new sample of "Variety Show + Cultural Tourism" interacting and integrating. **

Figure: Real players do tasks in the Metaverse through equipment

Seven years of classic variety shows return, "Yuan Universe" helps IP upgrade

"Metaverse + Variety Show" has become an important attraction in the variety show market in the past two years. From Jiangsu Satellite TV's audio variety "2060 Vowel Realm" to iQiyi's virtual reality breakthrough reality show "Vowel Adventure", the combination of "Metaverse" and variety shows has become a new track for major platforms to compete.

As a category with deep integration of content and technology, the "Metaverse" variety show itself is also bringing more possibilities to the variety show industry. Different from other "Metaverse" variety shows, "All Members Accelerating 2023" is compatible with multiple cores such as classic IPs that cannot be copied, large-scale real scenes with a sense of technology, and cultural and travel imaginations that are highly integrated online and offline.

In the first episode of the show, "City of Acceleration" Metaverse Gulangyu Bit Space was exposed for the first time: under the purple sky with a sense of sci-fi blockbuster, there are radiant silver air passages and buildings, and the mascot of Ludao Island, the egret, shuttles Among them, it was the "collision between the future world and traditional culture" that made the acceleration team members sigh "a bit handsome".

From the fierce laser battle of He Junlin and other guests in the first episode, to the second episode where Ouyang Nana, Song Yaxuan, Liu Yaowen, and He Junlin faced Yuan Hunter's "speed of life and death", and then He Junlin and Wu Dajing entered the secret realm of the No. 5 accelerated space station gallery. Teammates cooperated tacitly, and successfully restored the "Wind River Map" while successfully avoiding the meta-hunters. The "meta-universe" element became one of the main lines of this season's "All Acceleration". At this moment, **The metaverse described in "Avalanche" and the oasis described in "Ready Player One" have come true in "All Accelerated 2023". **

**The popularity of variety shows has also led to the emergence of its "digital location" Metaverse Gulangyu Bitspace. **

On July 8th, as Xiamen and China Mobile Migu created the "Yuanverse First Island" - Metaverse Gulangyu Bit Space officially launched the online test, fans who have been eager to experience the same style of a star have changed. As a "digital islander", check-in stars have the same "meta hunter chasing and fleeing" experience. This enthusiasm has further extended to the offline tourism market in Gulangyu Island, Xiamen. The popularity of the program coincided with the peak season of summer tourism, and the "classic and famous scenes of the check-in program" became a major motivation for tourists to go to Gulangyu Island.

It is understood that this space is a "digital twin" created for the real scene of Gulangyu Island based on a 5G+ computing power network and cloud rendering fusion innovation engine, an immersive MR digital real scene interactive metaverse open world. Its birth may push the industry to bid farewell to green screen synthesis and turn to remote shooting and cloud creation. The future beneficiaries will be far more than "All Staff Accelerating 2023".

From this point of view, the latest "IP + metaverse" is a new solution to the comprehensive N-generation renewal and breaking the circle, and it is also the source of power for the classic IP "All Staff Accelerating" to radiate new space and imagination. **The entertainment industry needs innovative new technologies, and the grand concept of "Metaverse" also requires the actual implementation of content. The cooperation between China Mobile Migu and Hunan Satellite TV also provides an ideal model for the entertainment industry to cooperate with the technology industry.

**From Gulangyu Island to "The First Island of the Metaverse", can the future of "Digital Hengdian" be expected? **

As the "water, electricity and coal" in film and television production, the digital construction of variety shows has just started in China, and with the popularization of ChatGPT and Metaverse technology, digital entertainment based on computing power will become a trend in the future.

"The current degree of digitalization and Internetization of the industry is actually not too high." A producer in the industry introduced to entertainment unicorns the pain points of special effects in traditional film and television comprehensive production.

CG is costly and irreproducible, and is limited by multiple factors such as artist time and venue. "Of course we welcome the new information infrastructure very much, but many of them are still in the early conceptual stage. Is there any one that can be actually combined and applied to the production level?"

The "Acceleration City" created by China Mobile Migu for "All Acceleration 2023" in the bit space of Gulangyu Island in the metaverse, let us see the possibility of answering this question.

As a strategic partner of Mango TV, China Mobile Migu participated in the whole process of co-creation of gameplay, scene construction and creation of metaverse bit space in "All Members Accelerating 2023".

In order to present the audience with the best visual experience and concept expression, China Mobile Migu assisted Mango TV to complete the construction of two "accelerated area" scenes in Gulangyu Island of the Metaverse in a very short period of less than four months. Recording and shooting provide digital scenes, and complete the production of 15 star Sapiens and multiple hunter NPCs. So in the program, we saw that the acceleration team members wore motion capture equipment and VR glasses, landed on Gulangyu Island in the Yuanverse, transformed into the image of a Sapiens, and controlled their Sapiens in the Yuanverse through a universal treadmill device to avoid Hunter NPC and UAV capture, find the portal to complete the program task.

With the support of VR technology, iris recognition technology, AI artificial intelligence and other hard-core technologies, "All Staff Accelerating 2023" successfully completed the technical realization of the first time a star in the show entered the metaverse, and also made Gulangyu Island the first in the metaverse. The bit space presented in satellite TV programs constantly brings new highlights to the program.

As early as in the "5G Digital Intelligence New Era Metaverse Development Forum" at the China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival in 2022, China Mobile Migu released the "XR Film and Television Metaverse Factory Based on Computing Power and Cloud Rendering", which once provided the metaverse for the film and television industry. Cosmic solutions come to the imagination. Based on China Mobile's Migu computing power and cloud rendering platform, XR virtual studio, film and television Sapiens, XR production capabilities of Metaverse, ultra-high-definition naked-eye 3D production capabilities, creative planning capabilities, immersive movie viewing scenes, and eight capabilities for publicity, it can Better empower the film and television industry to transform towards virtualization of filming, digitalization of production, and immersive experience. In cooperation with the digital production of "All Staff Accelerating 2023", Migu is promoting the implementation of the above capabilities.

Not only is the technological upgrade at the production level, but the dual value of entertainment and cultural tourism is also magnified in the bit space of Gulangyu Island in the Metaverse: Just like "Going to a Windy Place" brought fire to Dali, "Three Thousand Miles of Chang'an" brought Dali to life. Fire Xi’an, "All Staff Accelerating 2023" also brought fire to Gulangyu Island and the bit space of Gulangyu Island in the Metaverse. After all, you can feel the charm of Gulangyu Island, a world cultural heritage in the variety show scene, and enjoy the "World Architecture Museum" while punching in the same challenge of the variety show The integrated experience of culture + entertainment + tourism can target and take into account the needs of more diverse groups of people, meet the needs of cultural life consumption, and realize the two-way output of value.

As an observer of the entertainment industry, ** from the perspective of the long-term significance of the metaverse Gulangyu bit space to the entertainment industry, entering the metaverse space to complete "digital intelligence production", the original narrative mode, production method, and business model of film and television variety shows will all be changed. Changes occurred: **

In the future, film and television production may be completed directly in the "Metaverse" space, and even drive the audience into a more personalized check-in space, injecting new impetus into the future vision of "Digital Hengdian"; in the future, the Metaverse space may be further subdivided like Hengdian Operation and check-in experience are becoming personalized and differentiated, leading to unlimited imagination such as digital photography, digital role-playing film and television plot experience, and digital shopping.

**Technology protects cultural innovation, a "two-way rush" for the content industry? **

**Looking at all film and television variety shows with long-term influence, finding their commonalities is inseparable from "content + technology + integrated innovation". **The same is true for the popularity of "All Staff Accelerating 2023". It uses technology integration as the starting point to innovate content, and brings freshness and inspiration to the comprehensive N-generation upgrade through the Metaverse; Leading the content, in the entertainment atmosphere of variety shows, understand Chinese traditional culture, witness China's rapid development, and inspire more young people of the era to move forward bravely.

The program went into 12 places of China's speed marks in turn. On the one hand, the great power and the Chinese-style take-off miracle "exploded" for a summer, bringing a baptism of mainstream values that penetrated into the soul. On the other hand, as a star-studded variety show, the content of promoting traditional Chinese culture also aroused the audience's yearning for the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, adding fuel to the revival of this summer's "cultural tourism craze". **

Offline, the program takes guests and audiences to step into the ancient village of Rebala in western Hunan to experience the intangible cultural heritage, to Zigong, the "capital of dinosaurs and the hometown of lantern festivals", to inherit and protect the intangible cultural heritage of Zigong lanterns, and to go deep into the Nanjing Garden The Expo Garden has a taste of traditional garden art; online, through the combination with the scene of "Metaverse Gulangyu Bit Space", the digitally intelligent reproduction of the beautiful landscape of Gulangyu, a world cultural heritage, enters the audience's eyes, and the theme of promoting excellent traditional culture runs through the program All along, it outlines a magnificent picture of China alone.

From a more macro perspective, the digitization of the cultural and tourism industry is part of the national strategic plan. In the first half of 2022, a series of policy documents such as the National "14th Five-Year Plan for Tourism Industry Development" and "Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of the National Cultural Digitalization Strategy" were issued, pointing out that digital cultural tourism should be vigorously developed to promote the high-quality development of the cultural tourism industry. It is an important content of building a socialist cultural power.

The "metaverse" is the vast space of the future, while the reality is the vast land of "all staff acceleration". "Metaverse" not only represents the innovation direction of future science and technology, but also the spiritual totem of the rise of a great country's culture. **On the way of "the rise of great powers", how many enduring classic IPs were born. For example, behind the explosion of Disney and Universal Studios, there are a series of classic films such as "Transformers", "Jurassic Park", and "Snow White" that have shocked human beings. **

**To export influence to the world, China also needs an IP like Disney and Universal Studios for users to experience content and culture in one stop. This may also be the reason why China Mobile Migu and Hunan Satellite TV jointly created "All Staff Accelerating 2023" with Metaverse Gulangyu Bit Space and Hunan Satellite TV. **

In the process of exploring "content + technology + integrated innovation", the cosmic Gulangyu bit space created by Migu has presented a new business card of digital intelligence about China's excellent traditional culture to the industry and the world. As a bitspace product with its own cultural and tourism IP attributes, China Mobile Migu has promoted Gulangyu Island as the "First Island of the Metaverse" since its cooperation with the Xiamen Municipal Government, and entered the National Two Sessions and the 22nd China International Investment Important scenes such as the trade fair, the 2022 Qatar World Cup, and the CBA All-Star Weekend have realized the "crossover" of China's excellent traditional culture in the fields of culture, sports, and entertainment.

Advanced technologies such as digital intelligence reality and artificial intelligence have established the "new infrastructure" of the bit space in Gulangyu Island in the metaverse, and have also driven the classic IP of "All Staff Accelerating" to get rid of the curse of "comprehensive N-generation" and rejuvenate and upgrade. The entertainment industry outputs "soft power" under the protection of hard technology, which is a "two-way rush" of cultural inheritance and technological innovation. What new chapters will the technology-driven platform represented by China Mobile Migu write in the future? We also look forward to more exploration and changes in the industry in the future.

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