Always emphasize...If BTC suddenly falls without warning and does not affect your life...most people will not have a good outcome. The money in life and the money in the crypto world need to be separated from each other to achieve time for space...If all historical patterns can be fully verified in the future, then there will be no poor people...Although controversial things have risks, as long as they conform to your investment logic, do not pay too much attention to fluctuations.
rise, can wipe the glass
fall, can also wipe glass
Sometimes, thinking carefully about what people really need may provide more confidence in investment. As long as it is heading towards making the financial system more fair, all assets are worth holding for the long term.
I have seen many skilled individuals. Sometimes, there are periods of exponential growth... I used to have such a period myself. However, if the investment strategy is not changed in a timely manner, the high risk of long-term high leverage betting makes it impossible to go far. The wheels of history cannot stop, but there may be twists and turns. As long as we are alive, it is good. I hope Gate can do better in financial management... so that more long-term holders can have continuous income.
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