Yin Fu Jing Ancient Edition
The way of observing the sky, holding the sky's actions, is enough. There are five thieves in the sky, and those who see them prosper. The five thieves are in the heart, and their actions are carried out in the sky. The universe is in hand, and all changes come from the body. The nature of the sky is human. The human heart is a mechanism. Establishing the way of the sky is to determine human beings. When the sky unleashes killing mechanisms, dragons and snakes rise on land; when humans unleash killing mechanisms, the heavens and earth are reversed; when the sky and humans unite to unleash, all changes are determined by mechanisms. There is skill and clumsiness in nature, which can be concealed. The evil of the nine orifices lies in the three essentials, which can cause movement or stillness. Fire is born from wood, and calamity is certain when evil arises; treachery arises in a country, and it will surely collapse when the time comes. Knowing this and cultivating oneself is called a sage.
Heaven and earth are the thieves of all things; all things are the thieves of man; man is the thief of all things. When the three thieves are appropriate, the three powers are peaceful. Therefore, it is said, 'When food is consumed at the appropriate time, the body is regulated; when the mechanism is moved, everything is peaceful.' People know its spirit and worship it, but they do not know why it is divine. The sun and moon have their fixed times and sizes. Holy achievements arise from them, and divine light emerges from them. Its theft is the mechanism, which cannot be seen or known by anyone in the world. The noble person obtains it and practices it, while the petty person obtains it and wastes it.
The blind have keen hearing, the deaf have keen vision. Cut off the source of profit, use the master ten times; return three times a day and night, use the master ten thousand times. The mind is born from things, dies from things, the mechanism is in the eyes. There is no kindness in the sky, but great kindness is born; swift thunder and fierce wind are nothing but dullness. The nature of extreme joy, the nature of extreme stillness; the extreme selfishness of the sky, the extreme public use; the control of birds lies in the air. The root of the living is the root of the dead, and the root of the dead is the root of the living; kindness arises from harm, and harm arises from kindness. The foolish regard the principles of heaven and earth as sacred, whereas I regard the principles of time and things as philosophical.
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