Wang Zhiwen had a classic line in 'Heavenly Path': 'I no longer argue with others now, because I have come to realize that everyone can only consider issues from their own perspective. If you have money, do things well; if you don't have money, be a good person. Your goodness to others is like a candy, once eaten, it's gone, while your flaws are like scars that will always exist.'

Lu Xun said, "The snake does not know it is poisonous, and people do not know they are wrong, because everyone only sees the problem from their own perspective."

The joys and sorrows of adults are not the same. The same things are always different in the eyes of different people. The positions are different, and less is more valuable. The levels are different, so there is no need to explain. The cognition is different, so there is no need to force it.

It is said that summer insects cannot speak of ice, and a well frog cannot speak of the sea. The person standing on the mountaintop sees a vast ocean, while the person halfway up the mountain can only see desolation.

Everyone can only live within their own cognitive radius and only believe what they see. Therefore, never argue with others or even try to convince them, otherwise, you will only fall into their trap and waste your own life.

Drink with good friends, chat with like-minded people. Don't argue about who's right or wrong, know when to keep quiet, and take a step back when necessary.

In this life, one is filled with bitterness and suffering, but no matter the situation, one must adhere to two principles: never abandon one's conscience as a person, and never cross the bottom line when doing things.

Do things as a person first, and establish morality as a person. People with bad conduct will eventually become lonely. Don't ruin your character for the sake of interests; don't lose people's hearts because of calculation.

When doing things, don't aim to cover everything, but put in your best effort and be down-to-earth; When interacting with others, you don't have to please everyone, but you should be honest and open. In dealing with people and situations, don't try to be a savior of the world, but make sure your conscience is clear. Only then can you live a peaceful life.

The human heart is like a well, deep and unfathomable, the world is unpredictable, and one knows one's own joys and sorrows.

The greatest truth about human nature is: never satisfied. You may give in every time, but as long as you refuse once, the other party will scold you for being impolite, heartless, and forget all the good things you did before.

Shengmien and Doumichou, there will always be some greedy people in the world who forget your kindness and doom your heart. An ungrateful heart cannot be nourished, and don't indulge those who do not appreciate you.

Heart for heart, if not exchanged, then turn away. Time is limited, don't waste energy on bad people and things. Tea is just tea, food is just food. Speak with caution, don't sell your heart entirely. Share kindness with those who deserve it, and protect yourself from harm.

"The egret stands in the snow, fools see the egret, the wise see the snow, and the knowledgeable see the white." Different perspectives and situations naturally lead to different views. Therefore, the most important thing for adults is to restrain the desire to argue with others.

Life is short, guard your heart, walk your own path. Different stands don't need to be argued, this is a kind of cultivation, as well as a kind of respect. Know people without judging, know reasoning without arguing.

The most open-minded way for a person to get along with the world is: not understanding your actions, but respecting your choices; not agreeing with your methods, but understanding your helplessness.
The greatest confidence in life is allowing everything to happen.
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