Monad: A New Paradigm for Community Building

IntermediateOct 07, 2024
Monad is a high-performance Layer 1 blockchain project designed to enhance transaction processing speed and reduce costs through full compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The article provides a detailed overview of Monad's technical architecture, consensus, and execution mechanisms, as well as its unique community-building strategy. By encouraging active participation and creative contributions from community members, Monad successfully garnered significant market attention even before launching its test network.
Monad: A New Paradigm for Community Building

1. Introduction

The importance of community in the blockchain industry has been repeatedly emphasized. While communities are often seen as a key factor in determining a project’s success or failure, it is rare to find exemplary cases where the community truly contributes to the project, builds strong bonds among members, and receives proper recognition and attention from the team.

In today’s market environment, where new projects are constantly being launched, the first challenge is to capture the attention of limited market participants and convert them into community members. Even when a community reaches a certain size, due to the investment-driven nature of the market, community activity often dwindles quickly if the project’s token price declines. This has been a common occurrence throughout the relatively short history of the blockchain industry.

These challenges to building a meaningful community are becoming increasingly severe. However, recently, one project has achieved unprecedented community activity, gaining significant market attention even before launching its test network. That project is Monad, a high-performance Layer 1 blockchain compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). In this article, we will explore the two pillars driving Monad’s development: its technology and its community, with a special focus on how Monad is introducing a new paradigm for communities in the blockchain industry.

2. What is Monad?


Monad’s co-founder and CEO, Keone, previously worked in high-frequency trading (HFT) at the renowned proprietary trading and cryptocurrency firm, Jump Trading. During his eight years in traditional finance, Keone observed that most blockchains, like Ethereum, struggled to handle the massive scale required by traditional financial systems, which typically process 2 to 4 million transactions and over $1 trillion in nominal transaction volume daily. This experience made him realize that the limited scalability of blockchain was a major barrier to its broader adoption. To bridge the gap between traditional finance and decentralized finance (DeFi), Keone set out to create a network that significantly enhances scalability, enabling it to handle transactions at the scale of traditional finance. This vision laid the foundation for Monad.

As mentioned earlier, Monad’s primary goal is to improve scalability by accelerating transaction processing speed and reducing costs. While several new Layer 1 projects like Solana, Aptos, and Sei have also launched with a focus on scalability, Monad stands out by offering full compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This ensures that Monad fully supports Ethereum developers and decentralized applications (dApps), effectively positioning itself as a “faster, cheaper Ethereum” and distinguishing Monad from Ethereum and other Layer 1 solutions.

3. Monad: Fast and Cheap Ethereum

First, let’s dive into the technical aspects that have brought Monad significant attention. Two key features stand out: 1) achieving portability through full compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and 2) achieving scalability through Monad’s unique consensus and execution architecture.

3.1. Portability: Fully Embracing Ethereum

Portability refers to the ability to migrate Ethereum dApp smart contracts to Monad without modifying any code. This feature allows Monad to fully integrate into the Ethereum ecosystem, which has the largest pool of capital and users in the blockchain industry. Monad achieves this portability through two key components: 1) comprehensive EVM bytecode compatibility and 2) complete Ethereum RPC compatibility.

3.1.1. Complete EVM Bytecode Compatibility

Bytecode is the format in which the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) stores and executes contracts on the Ethereum network. Smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language must be compiled into bytecode to be processed by the EVM. Monad’s EVM bytecode compatibility ensures that any contract deployed on Ethereum can be seamlessly transferred to Monad without any modifications. This compatibility allows Monad to accommodate the approximately 1,100 dApps currently running on Ethereum. By enabling easy migration, Monad significantly addresses the challenges new blockchain ecosystems often face, such as attracting popular dApps and their user bases, thus enhancing its competitive position in the market.

3.1.2. Complete Ethereum RPC Compatibility

Ethereum RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is a protocol used for communicating with Ethereum nodes, allowing access to data and transaction transmission using the JSON-RPC standard. The complete EVM bytecode compatibility enables Monad to directly migrate dApps from Ethereum, while RPC compatibility ensures that various tools interacting with Ethereum nodes (such as MetaMask, Etherscan, Dune, and Hardhat) can be seamlessly used within the Monad ecosystem.

3.2. Scalability: Achieving 10,000 TPS

Scalability refers to the network’s ability to facilitate rapid transaction processing while maintaining low transaction costs. Transactions per second (TPS) is one of the key metrics for evaluating a network’s scalability. On March 14, Monad announced via its official Twitter account that its development network had achieved 10,000 TPS. This milestone indicates that Monad has successfully created an environment capable of processing 1 billion transactions per day.

The ability of Monad to achieve such high scalability stems from its unique consensus and execution mechanisms. In this section, we will delve into the core components of Monad’s consensus and execution mechanisms, which are key to achieving this exceptional level of performance.

3.2.1. Consensus

Monad’s consensus mechanism consists of four key components:

  1. MonadBFT: This is Monad’s unique consensus algorithm that processes multiple rounds (rather than a single round) of block proposals, voting, and final results in a pipelined manner.
  2. Shared Mempool: To verify the hash values (unique identifiers) of proposed blocks under MonadBFT, each node shares its Mempool (the storage area for transactions awaiting validation).
  3. Delayed Execution: Unlike Ethereum’s consensus structure, Monad separates consensus from execution, allowing nodes to first agree on the order of transactions before proceeding to execute them.
  4. Transport Costs and Reserve Balances: This system addresses the potential issue of transaction failures due to insufficient gas fees. When users submit transactions, they prepay transport costs, which are refunded if the transaction is successfully executed. The reserve balance refers to the dedicated balance each node reserves to cover transaction fees.

Monad’s innovative MonadBFT algorithm separates block consensus from execution, specifically designed to enhance scalability by enabling fast transaction processing and reducing costs. Each of the four components is meticulously crafted to complement and support the others in addressing potential challenges posed by scalability. For instance, the shared Mempool alleviates issues for nodes that have only received block hash values, while the transport cost and reserve balance system resolves the gas fee shortages that may arise from delayed execution.

3.2.2. Execution

Monad’s unique execution mechanism revolves around two key elements:

  1. Optimistic Parallel Execution: This mode of operation assumes that all operations are valid, allowing the transactions of the next block to be processed in parallel before the consensus of the previous block is finalized. If any errors are detected during the validation phase, specific transactions are re-executed. Ultimately, the results of all transactions are lined up linearly, similar to Ethereum.
  2. MonadDb: This custom database stores state information and supports asynchronous input/output operations. This feature enables the system to begin processing the next transaction without waiting for the final confirmation of the previous transaction’s result.

Monad’s approach to enhancing scalability is not limited to parallel execution. Monad recognizes that one of the biggest challenges to EVM scalability is the bottleneck caused by state access, which is why it developed its own database, MonadDb, to address this issue. Regardless of how many threads are used for parallel processing, the effectiveness is significantly reduced if state data in the database cannot be accessed simultaneously.

4. Community: The Alpha and Omega of the Project

Monad’s recent surge in popularity is not only due to its fast transaction processing speed but also significantly attributed to the pivotal role of its community. While the importance of community in the blockchain industry has been repeatedly emphasized, few projects have successfully mobilized community members like Monad, especially before the launch of its test network. Monad stands out as a rare example where community participation is recognized and actively practiced, with the project’s official social media accounts and key foundation members regularly highlighting community engagement. In this chapter, we will explore the unique structure of the Monad community, its core values, and its growth background.

4.1. Design direction of Monad community

The Monad community is open to everyone, but not all members are treated equally. On its main platforms—Twitter, Telegram, and Discord—Twitter serves as the channel for external branding, while Discord and Telegram differentiate access and activity levels based on members’ contributions and duration of participation.

In the early stages of community development, Monad faced challenges in promoting active engagement among members. To address this, Monad established a tiered system that offers different levels of access based on members’ contributions. Keone and Kevin elaborated on the principles behind this structure during an interview on the “Good Game Podcast.” When Monad’s Discord server launched in October 2022, all participants were assigned the “Pioneer” role to encourage their active involvement. However, contrary to expectations, many members with the role did not remain active. This experience taught Keone and Kevin two important lessons: first, the criteria for role assignment needed to be more stringent; second, encouraging broader community activities beyond simple, repetitive tasks is crucial.

In 2023, a significant turning point occurred with the announcement of a $19 million Series A funding round led by DragonFly Capital. At that time, participation on Monad’s Discord server was limited, but following this news, demand for engagement surged, prompting Monad to open its Discord server to the public. Instead, private chat rooms were used to distinguish existing community members from new ones in Monad’s Telegram.

Next, we will examine the structure and characteristics of the Monad community on Discord and Telegram.

4.2. Structure of the Monad community

4.2.1. Discord

In the Monad Discord community, members’ access to content and scope of activities are determined by their assigned roles. This structure incentivizes community members to participate in various activities to earn roles with higher permissions. The anticipation of future rewards, especially following the Token Generation Event (TGE), further fuels this motivation. Although the Monad Foundation has not formally announced role-based rewards, the news of partner Wormhole conducting airdrops based on member levels has led participants to expect similar methods from Monad in the future.

Activities within the Monad Discord community, such as chatting, daily tasks, and creating Monad-themed memes, have been ongoing for quite some time, helping the project establish a unique identity. Memes like Molandak, Moyaki, and Chog have become synonymous with Monad, all created through the spontaneous efforts of community members. The Monad Foundation has embraced these characters and integrated them into various branding initiatives, including the establishment of guilds and merchandise production.

Below is an overview of the currently established roles, along with their relevant permissions and methods for acquisition:

4.2.2. Telegram community

Monad’s Discord provides an open community space for everyone, while Telegram offers a more private environment for members who have made significant contributions to Monad over the long term. Currently, there are three active chat groups: OG Chat Group, House of Molandak, and House of Moyaki (formerly known as Purgeatory).

Members who actively participate in online and offline community activities can access Monad’s Telegram chat groups. This includes engaging with the community on Twitter and Discord, attending various Monad offline gatherings, and making significant contributions to Monad’s branding efforts. Only users who demonstrate such commitment can receive invitation links to the House of Molandak or House of Moyaki from privileged members or directly from Monad Foundation members.

Members of the House of Molandak and House of Moyaki chat groups are expected to actively engage in ongoing community activities, including weekly tasks assigned to each group. Outstanding members in these tasks (about 10 members from each chat group) have the opportunity to join the OG chat group weekly. However, even in the OG chat room, members must continue to participate in weekly tasks and remain active.

To prevent entry into private chat groups from becoming the ultimate goal, Monad has implemented a “Thursday Purge Day” system in these three Telegram chat groups. This system clears 25 to 50 members with very low engagement every Thursday, reinforcing active participation and ensuring that only the most dedicated members remain in the chat groups, effectively fostering a culture of sustained and enthusiastic engagement.

Recently, the private chat groups of Monad announced the cessation of weekly tasks, reflecting the Foundation’s understanding of the fatigue and dissatisfaction felt by community members due to the pressure of continuous participation. The Foundation now encourages members to contribute to the community at their own pace and willingness. However, “Purge Day” continues to be enforced, meaning that the pressure to stay active and engaged has not been completely alleviated.

4.3. Background of Monad community development

After exploring the history and characteristics of various channels within the Monad community, we will delve into the strategies driving Monad to become one of the most renowned communities in the industry.

4.3.1. Rejecting the Playbook

The term “playbook” refers to a set of standard strategies or rules commonly adopted in specific industries to achieve certain goals, essentially serving as guiding principles. In the blockchain industry, marketing and community building have traditionally followed established playbooks. This typically includes promoting the project’s advantages through social media posts and utilizing platforms like Galxe Quest or Layer3 to attract users and fans through simple tasks such as liking, retweeting, and answering questions.

These methods have proven effective in boosting early project metrics, such as followers, Total Value Locked (TVL), and Daily Active Users (DAU). However, Monad has chosen a different path, believing that these superficial metrics do not represent an ideal marketing strategy or community development approach. Therefore, Monad has adopted a novel strategy that deviates from industry norms.

From the beginning, Monad’s primary goal in community building has not just been to increase numbers, but rather to cultivate a vibrant, stylish brand image by encouraging community members to engage in humorous and meme-based activities on social media. This fosters a culture where those who see these posts feel a genuine desire to voluntarily join the community.

Kevin is the core figure behind Monad’s unique strategy, leading its development efforts. Widely known as “Intern” on Twitter, Kevin brings a fresh perspective to Web3 marketing. In his article “10 Rules for Marketing and Community in Cryptocurrency: A Systematic Design,” he outlines these innovative approaches.

[Kevin’s 10 Rules for Cryptocurrency Marketing]

  1. Stop posting ads.

  2. Compete for attention with influencers and entertaining content on Twitter, not other protocols.

  3. Marketing and community strategies should adopt a systematic approach.

  4. Invest heavily in the community.

  5. Publish top community content and engage through main and founder accounts.

  6. Associations matter more than knowledge.

  7. Do not blindly copy and paste others’ strategies.

  8. Quality over quantity.

  9. Do things that cannot be scaled.

  10. The community consists of real people with real lives and other commitments.

Notably, Rules 2 and 6 closely align with the core principles of the attention economy, a concept that has become mainstream in the advertising landscape of the social media era. The attention economy views human attention as a scarce resource directly linked to a company’s value, making it an important economic approach.

Brands like Nike emphasize concepts like freedom, boundlessness, and vitality over the technical advantages of their shoes; Red Bull focuses on the spirit of challenge and extreme sports rather than the caffeine content of its energy drinks. Similarly, Monad prioritizes effectively communicating its brand image through social media rather than highlighting the technical advantages of its products or investment scale, successfully attracting interest from Web3 users.

4.3.2. Embracing Web3 Native Culture

Rejecting traditional Web3 marketing strategies, Monad has chosen to embrace Web3 native culture, particularly through the use of memes. In the early stages of establishing Monad’s community identity, they adopted a purple version of the Pepe frog, one of the most iconic memes in the Web3 space. This character, colored in Monad’s signature purple, was widely shared as Telegram stickers and Twitter memes, ultimately making purple synonymous with Monad’s image. As the community grew, members began creating their own memes, giving rise to characters like Molandak, Moyaki, and Chog, which became representatives of Monad.

Under Kevin’s leadership, Monad’s marketing strategy focuses on humorously conveying the project’s image through memes rather than emphasizing its technical advantages. This approach not only propelled explosive growth for the Monad community but also introduced a new trend in the Web3 industry known as the “Intern” account model. This model operates separately from the official account on social media, spreading market updates, project news, and brand image in a light-hearted, humorous manner through memes.

Monad takes a proactive approach in recruiting influential KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) on social media, placing them in significant roles within its marketing, ecosystem, and development sectors. Influential figures like Kevin, Threadguy, Tunez, and Bill have joined the Monad team, managing community engagement on social media, strengthening brand promotion through memes, and collaborating with other projects to expand the ecosystem.

In addition to integrating these KOLs, Monad is dedicated to embedding the values of “Monad-ness” throughout the organization, from the foundation to the community. To achieve this, Monad has appointed long-term active community members as community managers in their respective countries, even recruiting them as team members. This strategy helps maintain a consistent brand image, fosters deeper connections between the community and the project, and ensures that Monad’s spirit is shared and upheld at all levels.

4.3.3. Building a Genuine Community

Bill, Monad’s community lead, believes that the concept of “community” is often misunderstood in the industry. He asserts that a true community should not just be a collection of audiences focused on project updates, users participating in the product, and contributors to the code and brand. Instead, he believes that a genuine community is defined by the interconnections among its members, where people actively engage, exchange ideas, and co-create new value, such as memes. This principle guides the development direction of the Monad community.

Meaning of Interconnectedness, Source:X

Currently, most of the memes representing Monad are created by the community rather than the foundation. To date, a large number of Monad memes produced by community members are continually shared and used across various social media platforms, including Discord and Twitter. To foster unity with the community, the foundation actively participates in these creative activities, one of which is the weekly “Meme Monday” contest, where the foundation highlights the winning memes and their creators through its official account.

In addition to meme creation, the Monad community has extended its creative efforts to video production, physical merchandise creation, and even releasing remix tapes on SoundCloud, all based on Monad memes. This broad range of activities allows Monad community members, including those without blockchain or development expertise, to engage and have fun.

Examples of spontaneous and active participation within the Monad community include gatherings organized by community members in different countries. So far, meetups have been held in several countries, including Japan, China, and Thailand, with a significant success achieved at the Seoul meetup on July 18.

July 18th Monad Seoul meetup, source:Monad Korea official blog

5. Conclusion

5.1. Future challenges

The level of community engagement and content creation among Monad community members is unprecedented. However, this level of involvement has also placed increasing pressure and workload on members.

The structure of the Monad community distinguishes members based on their contributions and status within the community, reflected in aspects such as roles in Discord channels and access to private Telegram chat groups. Although the foundation has not officially announced it, most participants speculate that Monad may offer different rewards to community members based on these systems upon the launch of the mainnet.

To obtain more roles and join additional groups, community members must complete a series of tasks, including daily and weekly tasks set by Monad, as well as their regular activities on social media. In this process, participants are required to demonstrate their creativity and embody the essence of “Monad-ness.” Even after gaining entry to competitive Telegram chat groups, they must maintain a high level of engagement under the “Purgeday” system. This increasing workload and pressure correlate with the growth of the Monad community, leading some former members to criticize the community for its high demands and unclear standards for promotion and expulsion.

Moreover, as many projects struggle to retain users and capital post-airdrop, the importance of maintaining long-term user and capital retention has become increasingly evident. For the Monad team, sustaining the current level of community engagement after rewards may require a delicate balance between alleviating user fatigue and fostering community development.

5.2. Monad, sounding the alarm for the industry

Monad has emerged as one of the most prominent projects in the cryptocurrency industry, thanks to its unique consensus and execution architecture that achieves perfect EVM compatibility and scalability, along with its innovative community-building approach.

The project has introduced unprecedented systems, such as private Telegram chat groups, promotion and demotion systems, and community-driven meme creation tasks, garnering significant attention. While these strategies have increased pressure on community members and attracted criticism for resulting in fewer meaningful activities, it is undeniable that Monad emphasizes the critical importance of community in the blockchain industry and provides a new model for other projects to reference.

With market scrutiny intensifying, key questions remain: Can the Monad community maintain its vitality and engagement after the mainnet launch? How will rewards for community members be structured? Will the fully EVM-compatible Monad ecosystem be able to effectively absorb Ethereum’s ecosystem and capital? The answers to these questions will be crucial in determining Monad’s long-term impact and success in the blockchain space.


  1. This article is reprinted from [despread research]. The original title is “Monad: A new paradigm for community building”. The copyright belongs to the original author [Declan Kim ], if you have any objection to the reprint, please contact Gate Learn Team, the team will handle it as soon as possible according to relevant procedures.

  2. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article represent only the author’s personal views and do not constitute any investment advice.

  3. Other language versions of the article are translated by the Gate Learn team, not mentioned in, the translated article may not be reproduced, distributed or plagiarized.

Monad: A New Paradigm for Community Building

IntermediateOct 07, 2024
Monad is a high-performance Layer 1 blockchain project designed to enhance transaction processing speed and reduce costs through full compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The article provides a detailed overview of Monad's technical architecture, consensus, and execution mechanisms, as well as its unique community-building strategy. By encouraging active participation and creative contributions from community members, Monad successfully garnered significant market attention even before launching its test network.
Monad: A New Paradigm for Community Building

1. Introduction

The importance of community in the blockchain industry has been repeatedly emphasized. While communities are often seen as a key factor in determining a project’s success or failure, it is rare to find exemplary cases where the community truly contributes to the project, builds strong bonds among members, and receives proper recognition and attention from the team.

In today’s market environment, where new projects are constantly being launched, the first challenge is to capture the attention of limited market participants and convert them into community members. Even when a community reaches a certain size, due to the investment-driven nature of the market, community activity often dwindles quickly if the project’s token price declines. This has been a common occurrence throughout the relatively short history of the blockchain industry.

These challenges to building a meaningful community are becoming increasingly severe. However, recently, one project has achieved unprecedented community activity, gaining significant market attention even before launching its test network. That project is Monad, a high-performance Layer 1 blockchain compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). In this article, we will explore the two pillars driving Monad’s development: its technology and its community, with a special focus on how Monad is introducing a new paradigm for communities in the blockchain industry.

2. What is Monad?


Monad’s co-founder and CEO, Keone, previously worked in high-frequency trading (HFT) at the renowned proprietary trading and cryptocurrency firm, Jump Trading. During his eight years in traditional finance, Keone observed that most blockchains, like Ethereum, struggled to handle the massive scale required by traditional financial systems, which typically process 2 to 4 million transactions and over $1 trillion in nominal transaction volume daily. This experience made him realize that the limited scalability of blockchain was a major barrier to its broader adoption. To bridge the gap between traditional finance and decentralized finance (DeFi), Keone set out to create a network that significantly enhances scalability, enabling it to handle transactions at the scale of traditional finance. This vision laid the foundation for Monad.

As mentioned earlier, Monad’s primary goal is to improve scalability by accelerating transaction processing speed and reducing costs. While several new Layer 1 projects like Solana, Aptos, and Sei have also launched with a focus on scalability, Monad stands out by offering full compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This ensures that Monad fully supports Ethereum developers and decentralized applications (dApps), effectively positioning itself as a “faster, cheaper Ethereum” and distinguishing Monad from Ethereum and other Layer 1 solutions.

3. Monad: Fast and Cheap Ethereum

First, let’s dive into the technical aspects that have brought Monad significant attention. Two key features stand out: 1) achieving portability through full compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and 2) achieving scalability through Monad’s unique consensus and execution architecture.

3.1. Portability: Fully Embracing Ethereum

Portability refers to the ability to migrate Ethereum dApp smart contracts to Monad without modifying any code. This feature allows Monad to fully integrate into the Ethereum ecosystem, which has the largest pool of capital and users in the blockchain industry. Monad achieves this portability through two key components: 1) comprehensive EVM bytecode compatibility and 2) complete Ethereum RPC compatibility.

3.1.1. Complete EVM Bytecode Compatibility

Bytecode is the format in which the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) stores and executes contracts on the Ethereum network. Smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language must be compiled into bytecode to be processed by the EVM. Monad’s EVM bytecode compatibility ensures that any contract deployed on Ethereum can be seamlessly transferred to Monad without any modifications. This compatibility allows Monad to accommodate the approximately 1,100 dApps currently running on Ethereum. By enabling easy migration, Monad significantly addresses the challenges new blockchain ecosystems often face, such as attracting popular dApps and their user bases, thus enhancing its competitive position in the market.

3.1.2. Complete Ethereum RPC Compatibility

Ethereum RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is a protocol used for communicating with Ethereum nodes, allowing access to data and transaction transmission using the JSON-RPC standard. The complete EVM bytecode compatibility enables Monad to directly migrate dApps from Ethereum, while RPC compatibility ensures that various tools interacting with Ethereum nodes (such as MetaMask, Etherscan, Dune, and Hardhat) can be seamlessly used within the Monad ecosystem.

3.2. Scalability: Achieving 10,000 TPS

Scalability refers to the network’s ability to facilitate rapid transaction processing while maintaining low transaction costs. Transactions per second (TPS) is one of the key metrics for evaluating a network’s scalability. On March 14, Monad announced via its official Twitter account that its development network had achieved 10,000 TPS. This milestone indicates that Monad has successfully created an environment capable of processing 1 billion transactions per day.

The ability of Monad to achieve such high scalability stems from its unique consensus and execution mechanisms. In this section, we will delve into the core components of Monad’s consensus and execution mechanisms, which are key to achieving this exceptional level of performance.

3.2.1. Consensus

Monad’s consensus mechanism consists of four key components:

  1. MonadBFT: This is Monad’s unique consensus algorithm that processes multiple rounds (rather than a single round) of block proposals, voting, and final results in a pipelined manner.
  2. Shared Mempool: To verify the hash values (unique identifiers) of proposed blocks under MonadBFT, each node shares its Mempool (the storage area for transactions awaiting validation).
  3. Delayed Execution: Unlike Ethereum’s consensus structure, Monad separates consensus from execution, allowing nodes to first agree on the order of transactions before proceeding to execute them.
  4. Transport Costs and Reserve Balances: This system addresses the potential issue of transaction failures due to insufficient gas fees. When users submit transactions, they prepay transport costs, which are refunded if the transaction is successfully executed. The reserve balance refers to the dedicated balance each node reserves to cover transaction fees.

Monad’s innovative MonadBFT algorithm separates block consensus from execution, specifically designed to enhance scalability by enabling fast transaction processing and reducing costs. Each of the four components is meticulously crafted to complement and support the others in addressing potential challenges posed by scalability. For instance, the shared Mempool alleviates issues for nodes that have only received block hash values, while the transport cost and reserve balance system resolves the gas fee shortages that may arise from delayed execution.

3.2.2. Execution

Monad’s unique execution mechanism revolves around two key elements:

  1. Optimistic Parallel Execution: This mode of operation assumes that all operations are valid, allowing the transactions of the next block to be processed in parallel before the consensus of the previous block is finalized. If any errors are detected during the validation phase, specific transactions are re-executed. Ultimately, the results of all transactions are lined up linearly, similar to Ethereum.
  2. MonadDb: This custom database stores state information and supports asynchronous input/output operations. This feature enables the system to begin processing the next transaction without waiting for the final confirmation of the previous transaction’s result.

Monad’s approach to enhancing scalability is not limited to parallel execution. Monad recognizes that one of the biggest challenges to EVM scalability is the bottleneck caused by state access, which is why it developed its own database, MonadDb, to address this issue. Regardless of how many threads are used for parallel processing, the effectiveness is significantly reduced if state data in the database cannot be accessed simultaneously.

4. Community: The Alpha and Omega of the Project

Monad’s recent surge in popularity is not only due to its fast transaction processing speed but also significantly attributed to the pivotal role of its community. While the importance of community in the blockchain industry has been repeatedly emphasized, few projects have successfully mobilized community members like Monad, especially before the launch of its test network. Monad stands out as a rare example where community participation is recognized and actively practiced, with the project’s official social media accounts and key foundation members regularly highlighting community engagement. In this chapter, we will explore the unique structure of the Monad community, its core values, and its growth background.

4.1. Design direction of Monad community

The Monad community is open to everyone, but not all members are treated equally. On its main platforms—Twitter, Telegram, and Discord—Twitter serves as the channel for external branding, while Discord and Telegram differentiate access and activity levels based on members’ contributions and duration of participation.

In the early stages of community development, Monad faced challenges in promoting active engagement among members. To address this, Monad established a tiered system that offers different levels of access based on members’ contributions. Keone and Kevin elaborated on the principles behind this structure during an interview on the “Good Game Podcast.” When Monad’s Discord server launched in October 2022, all participants were assigned the “Pioneer” role to encourage their active involvement. However, contrary to expectations, many members with the role did not remain active. This experience taught Keone and Kevin two important lessons: first, the criteria for role assignment needed to be more stringent; second, encouraging broader community activities beyond simple, repetitive tasks is crucial.

In 2023, a significant turning point occurred with the announcement of a $19 million Series A funding round led by DragonFly Capital. At that time, participation on Monad’s Discord server was limited, but following this news, demand for engagement surged, prompting Monad to open its Discord server to the public. Instead, private chat rooms were used to distinguish existing community members from new ones in Monad’s Telegram.

Next, we will examine the structure and characteristics of the Monad community on Discord and Telegram.

4.2. Structure of the Monad community

4.2.1. Discord

In the Monad Discord community, members’ access to content and scope of activities are determined by their assigned roles. This structure incentivizes community members to participate in various activities to earn roles with higher permissions. The anticipation of future rewards, especially following the Token Generation Event (TGE), further fuels this motivation. Although the Monad Foundation has not formally announced role-based rewards, the news of partner Wormhole conducting airdrops based on member levels has led participants to expect similar methods from Monad in the future.

Activities within the Monad Discord community, such as chatting, daily tasks, and creating Monad-themed memes, have been ongoing for quite some time, helping the project establish a unique identity. Memes like Molandak, Moyaki, and Chog have become synonymous with Monad, all created through the spontaneous efforts of community members. The Monad Foundation has embraced these characters and integrated them into various branding initiatives, including the establishment of guilds and merchandise production.

Below is an overview of the currently established roles, along with their relevant permissions and methods for acquisition:

4.2.2. Telegram community

Monad’s Discord provides an open community space for everyone, while Telegram offers a more private environment for members who have made significant contributions to Monad over the long term. Currently, there are three active chat groups: OG Chat Group, House of Molandak, and House of Moyaki (formerly known as Purgeatory).

Members who actively participate in online and offline community activities can access Monad’s Telegram chat groups. This includes engaging with the community on Twitter and Discord, attending various Monad offline gatherings, and making significant contributions to Monad’s branding efforts. Only users who demonstrate such commitment can receive invitation links to the House of Molandak or House of Moyaki from privileged members or directly from Monad Foundation members.

Members of the House of Molandak and House of Moyaki chat groups are expected to actively engage in ongoing community activities, including weekly tasks assigned to each group. Outstanding members in these tasks (about 10 members from each chat group) have the opportunity to join the OG chat group weekly. However, even in the OG chat room, members must continue to participate in weekly tasks and remain active.

To prevent entry into private chat groups from becoming the ultimate goal, Monad has implemented a “Thursday Purge Day” system in these three Telegram chat groups. This system clears 25 to 50 members with very low engagement every Thursday, reinforcing active participation and ensuring that only the most dedicated members remain in the chat groups, effectively fostering a culture of sustained and enthusiastic engagement.

Recently, the private chat groups of Monad announced the cessation of weekly tasks, reflecting the Foundation’s understanding of the fatigue and dissatisfaction felt by community members due to the pressure of continuous participation. The Foundation now encourages members to contribute to the community at their own pace and willingness. However, “Purge Day” continues to be enforced, meaning that the pressure to stay active and engaged has not been completely alleviated.

4.3. Background of Monad community development

After exploring the history and characteristics of various channels within the Monad community, we will delve into the strategies driving Monad to become one of the most renowned communities in the industry.

4.3.1. Rejecting the Playbook

The term “playbook” refers to a set of standard strategies or rules commonly adopted in specific industries to achieve certain goals, essentially serving as guiding principles. In the blockchain industry, marketing and community building have traditionally followed established playbooks. This typically includes promoting the project’s advantages through social media posts and utilizing platforms like Galxe Quest or Layer3 to attract users and fans through simple tasks such as liking, retweeting, and answering questions.

These methods have proven effective in boosting early project metrics, such as followers, Total Value Locked (TVL), and Daily Active Users (DAU). However, Monad has chosen a different path, believing that these superficial metrics do not represent an ideal marketing strategy or community development approach. Therefore, Monad has adopted a novel strategy that deviates from industry norms.

From the beginning, Monad’s primary goal in community building has not just been to increase numbers, but rather to cultivate a vibrant, stylish brand image by encouraging community members to engage in humorous and meme-based activities on social media. This fosters a culture where those who see these posts feel a genuine desire to voluntarily join the community.

Kevin is the core figure behind Monad’s unique strategy, leading its development efforts. Widely known as “Intern” on Twitter, Kevin brings a fresh perspective to Web3 marketing. In his article “10 Rules for Marketing and Community in Cryptocurrency: A Systematic Design,” he outlines these innovative approaches.

[Kevin’s 10 Rules for Cryptocurrency Marketing]

  1. Stop posting ads.

  2. Compete for attention with influencers and entertaining content on Twitter, not other protocols.

  3. Marketing and community strategies should adopt a systematic approach.

  4. Invest heavily in the community.

  5. Publish top community content and engage through main and founder accounts.

  6. Associations matter more than knowledge.

  7. Do not blindly copy and paste others’ strategies.

  8. Quality over quantity.

  9. Do things that cannot be scaled.

  10. The community consists of real people with real lives and other commitments.

Notably, Rules 2 and 6 closely align with the core principles of the attention economy, a concept that has become mainstream in the advertising landscape of the social media era. The attention economy views human attention as a scarce resource directly linked to a company’s value, making it an important economic approach.

Brands like Nike emphasize concepts like freedom, boundlessness, and vitality over the technical advantages of their shoes; Red Bull focuses on the spirit of challenge and extreme sports rather than the caffeine content of its energy drinks. Similarly, Monad prioritizes effectively communicating its brand image through social media rather than highlighting the technical advantages of its products or investment scale, successfully attracting interest from Web3 users.

4.3.2. Embracing Web3 Native Culture

Rejecting traditional Web3 marketing strategies, Monad has chosen to embrace Web3 native culture, particularly through the use of memes. In the early stages of establishing Monad’s community identity, they adopted a purple version of the Pepe frog, one of the most iconic memes in the Web3 space. This character, colored in Monad’s signature purple, was widely shared as Telegram stickers and Twitter memes, ultimately making purple synonymous with Monad’s image. As the community grew, members began creating their own memes, giving rise to characters like Molandak, Moyaki, and Chog, which became representatives of Monad.

Under Kevin’s leadership, Monad’s marketing strategy focuses on humorously conveying the project’s image through memes rather than emphasizing its technical advantages. This approach not only propelled explosive growth for the Monad community but also introduced a new trend in the Web3 industry known as the “Intern” account model. This model operates separately from the official account on social media, spreading market updates, project news, and brand image in a light-hearted, humorous manner through memes.

Monad takes a proactive approach in recruiting influential KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) on social media, placing them in significant roles within its marketing, ecosystem, and development sectors. Influential figures like Kevin, Threadguy, Tunez, and Bill have joined the Monad team, managing community engagement on social media, strengthening brand promotion through memes, and collaborating with other projects to expand the ecosystem.

In addition to integrating these KOLs, Monad is dedicated to embedding the values of “Monad-ness” throughout the organization, from the foundation to the community. To achieve this, Monad has appointed long-term active community members as community managers in their respective countries, even recruiting them as team members. This strategy helps maintain a consistent brand image, fosters deeper connections between the community and the project, and ensures that Monad’s spirit is shared and upheld at all levels.

4.3.3. Building a Genuine Community

Bill, Monad’s community lead, believes that the concept of “community” is often misunderstood in the industry. He asserts that a true community should not just be a collection of audiences focused on project updates, users participating in the product, and contributors to the code and brand. Instead, he believes that a genuine community is defined by the interconnections among its members, where people actively engage, exchange ideas, and co-create new value, such as memes. This principle guides the development direction of the Monad community.

Meaning of Interconnectedness, Source:X

Currently, most of the memes representing Monad are created by the community rather than the foundation. To date, a large number of Monad memes produced by community members are continually shared and used across various social media platforms, including Discord and Twitter. To foster unity with the community, the foundation actively participates in these creative activities, one of which is the weekly “Meme Monday” contest, where the foundation highlights the winning memes and their creators through its official account.

In addition to meme creation, the Monad community has extended its creative efforts to video production, physical merchandise creation, and even releasing remix tapes on SoundCloud, all based on Monad memes. This broad range of activities allows Monad community members, including those without blockchain or development expertise, to engage and have fun.

Examples of spontaneous and active participation within the Monad community include gatherings organized by community members in different countries. So far, meetups have been held in several countries, including Japan, China, and Thailand, with a significant success achieved at the Seoul meetup on July 18.

July 18th Monad Seoul meetup, source:Monad Korea official blog

5. Conclusion

5.1. Future challenges

The level of community engagement and content creation among Monad community members is unprecedented. However, this level of involvement has also placed increasing pressure and workload on members.

The structure of the Monad community distinguishes members based on their contributions and status within the community, reflected in aspects such as roles in Discord channels and access to private Telegram chat groups. Although the foundation has not officially announced it, most participants speculate that Monad may offer different rewards to community members based on these systems upon the launch of the mainnet.

To obtain more roles and join additional groups, community members must complete a series of tasks, including daily and weekly tasks set by Monad, as well as their regular activities on social media. In this process, participants are required to demonstrate their creativity and embody the essence of “Monad-ness.” Even after gaining entry to competitive Telegram chat groups, they must maintain a high level of engagement under the “Purgeday” system. This increasing workload and pressure correlate with the growth of the Monad community, leading some former members to criticize the community for its high demands and unclear standards for promotion and expulsion.

Moreover, as many projects struggle to retain users and capital post-airdrop, the importance of maintaining long-term user and capital retention has become increasingly evident. For the Monad team, sustaining the current level of community engagement after rewards may require a delicate balance between alleviating user fatigue and fostering community development.

5.2. Monad, sounding the alarm for the industry

Monad has emerged as one of the most prominent projects in the cryptocurrency industry, thanks to its unique consensus and execution architecture that achieves perfect EVM compatibility and scalability, along with its innovative community-building approach.

The project has introduced unprecedented systems, such as private Telegram chat groups, promotion and demotion systems, and community-driven meme creation tasks, garnering significant attention. While these strategies have increased pressure on community members and attracted criticism for resulting in fewer meaningful activities, it is undeniable that Monad emphasizes the critical importance of community in the blockchain industry and provides a new model for other projects to reference.

With market scrutiny intensifying, key questions remain: Can the Monad community maintain its vitality and engagement after the mainnet launch? How will rewards for community members be structured? Will the fully EVM-compatible Monad ecosystem be able to effectively absorb Ethereum’s ecosystem and capital? The answers to these questions will be crucial in determining Monad’s long-term impact and success in the blockchain space.


  1. This article is reprinted from [despread research]. The original title is “Monad: A new paradigm for community building”. The copyright belongs to the original author [Declan Kim ], if you have any objection to the reprint, please contact Gate Learn Team, the team will handle it as soon as possible according to relevant procedures.

  2. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article represent only the author’s personal views and do not constitute any investment advice.

  3. Other language versions of the article are translated by the Gate Learn team, not mentioned in, the translated article may not be reproduced, distributed or plagiarized.

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