Pump.Science is a game that forces you to revisit your school-level science and revisit the horrors of not understanding anything about it.
I’m kidding.
Pump.Science is actually a pretty cool game. Your objective in the game is to conduct scientific experiments. These experiments are aimed at maximizing the lifespan of the organisms they are conducted on.
At the end of the experiment, the final score is calculated via the PLE: Percentage Lifespan Extension. It calculates how much longer the animals live with the tested drug. These experiments are conducted in phases.
If at the end of the ongoing experiment, the market cap of the compound’s token hits the next threshold, the next experiment is funded.
The progression of the game is simple — conduct experiments on simpler organisms first before moving on to the more complex ones. The game is effectively divided into 3 levels:
The first set of experiments is done on worms. The cost of a high-quality drug experiment on them costs around $300-$500.
If the experiment is proven to be successful on worms, then it is conducted on flies. This experiment would cost anywhere between $2k-$3k.
If the drug is successful on flies, then it is tested on mice. They usually live for 2-3 years. The experiment cost revolves in the $30k-$60k bracket
Remember the funding amounts from above as they’ll make sense in just a minute.
The very natural question to ask next is — where does crypto come into the picture? 🤔
The game implements milestone-based funding. Suppose you are a sunny drug sorcerer who has discovered a new drug that can extend the human lifespan.
You need money to conduct experiments. You submit details of your intervention and create your tokens via Pump.Fun. These tokens are then bought by interested market participants (like the filthy yet classy degens whose lores reverberate through the meme gardens).
Those tokens are then sold at:
This opens up room for any interested individual to participate in the research. This is referred to as stadium science. The experiments are conducted live in front of our eyes. And we, as speculators/experts/researchers/enthusiasts, can participate as we desire. (and perhaps make a buck here or there).
So you get fun, excitement, knowledge, and entertainment all at the same time — kinda like a mental orgasm (sorry, onlyfans).
These experiments are conducted at Tracked Bio (in the Fly Box), or at Ora Biomedical’s WormBot. All the experiments are live-streamed i.e., you can track how the compound in use impacts the animals being tested.
Pump.Science naturally plays a critical role within the broad sector of DeSci. But where does it fit in under the broader DeSci picture? More importantly, how does it help realize the goals of the sector? Let’s briefly dive in.
DeSci basically connects us filthy degens to the world of funding scientific innovations. Picture this. You’re sitting locked up in a room smoking 100 cigarettes a day, aping the next shitcoin posted in your Telegram chat. You’re probably making $1k a day. But you’re losing out on several days of your life. So, how do you insure against losing those precious days to filthy habits? By funding scientific development.
But where does crypto and decentralization come into all of this?
DeSci basically allows you to:
Despite how crazy it sounds, the scientific funding and research sector is ripe for disruption. It is not as fair as it should be, and a lot of top talent producing great things often have their work swept under the rug.
For a sector that contributes so much to society, settling for sub-optimal is never the answer.
Therefore, despite how ludicrous the cross-section of crypto and science sounds, it is great to see projects like Pump.Science take the leap into the unknown by harnessing the speculative, memetic, permissionless, and transparent nature of crypto, and using it to help elevate a sector as important as scientific innovation.
In a cross-section so unique, the sky is genuinely the limit.
For more on DeSci and how it combats TradSci’s challenges, check out our guide on DeSci.
Now, I know most of you are salivating at the thought of getting your grubby ape claws into the Pump.Science ecosystem. So, just to ensure you don’t get rugged, we will give you a simple guide on how to get involved.
Head to Pump.Science. Review the ongoing experiments with the given drugs. Select which one you’d like to participate in. Trade the token of that experiment on Pump.Fun.
Remember that the outcome of the game is contingent on one factor: Percentage Lifespan Expansion (PLE).
The higher the PLE, the longer the animal lives, and hence the effective the compound. As of writing, there are two compounds being tested: Rifampicin and Urolithin A.
So, here’s what you need to do.
Select the compound that you’d like to review first.
Next, review the details of that compound being live-tested on animals — as of writing, these compounds are being tested on flies first.
There’s a whole bunch of info here. Before you start plucking out your hair strands, let me explain.
Toggle the “Chart” button next to the “Feed” button.
Here, “Count” is what matters.
This basically shows how many flies are alive after taking the compound. If the number is 100% and the flies continue to remain alive using the compound — the PLE will be higher.
That is, it’s likely the compound gets tested on mice next (Level 3).
On the other hand, if the count is lower, then it means the compound is ineffective (lose-lose, no happy).
You can review the live feed of the flies by clicking on the “Feed” button. Check out the green “Live” button at the bottom to get a live feed.
Review the chart on Pump.Fun. Trade the tokens.
PS: If you’re looking for a more detailed understanding of what the other stuff means on the window, check this out. Source of the image.
Their endgame is simple. Take the help of the euphoric crypto world and fuel their hunger for mo’ money to drive real scientific protocols that optimize for expanding our healthspan.
These protocols can then fuel AI agents — that can further help optimize our lifestyles. The drugs that actually end up being successful towards the end can then be used for actual development.
Furthermore, their devs will secure IP rights to their idea too, and/or sell them to bidders.
You can even submit an idea for a new compound here. This makes scientific innovation for enhancing lifespan accessible to almost anyone under the sun!
Skin in the game: Pump.Science puts investors/users’ money where their mouth is. They’re letting the market decide the actual progress in human longevity. This has got to be one of the most coolest shit you’ll ever come across.
Did you ever think you a smoking degen who spends most of his time locked up on a computer will ever be able to contribute to science? Well, now you can!
In a recent discussion, they announced they plan to introduce 20 new compounds. This amounts to 1-2 tokens a day — which is what Pump.Fun is known for creating on a daily basis.
Also — this just came in…
You may not like the whole scientific side of experiments. But you’ll sure as hell be impressed by how cool Pump.Science makes it to be. I’m surely keeping an eye on the innovation these folks bring.
Pump.Science is a game that forces you to revisit your school-level science and revisit the horrors of not understanding anything about it.
I’m kidding.
Pump.Science is actually a pretty cool game. Your objective in the game is to conduct scientific experiments. These experiments are aimed at maximizing the lifespan of the organisms they are conducted on.
At the end of the experiment, the final score is calculated via the PLE: Percentage Lifespan Extension. It calculates how much longer the animals live with the tested drug. These experiments are conducted in phases.
If at the end of the ongoing experiment, the market cap of the compound’s token hits the next threshold, the next experiment is funded.
The progression of the game is simple — conduct experiments on simpler organisms first before moving on to the more complex ones. The game is effectively divided into 3 levels:
The first set of experiments is done on worms. The cost of a high-quality drug experiment on them costs around $300-$500.
If the experiment is proven to be successful on worms, then it is conducted on flies. This experiment would cost anywhere between $2k-$3k.
If the drug is successful on flies, then it is tested on mice. They usually live for 2-3 years. The experiment cost revolves in the $30k-$60k bracket
Remember the funding amounts from above as they’ll make sense in just a minute.
The very natural question to ask next is — where does crypto come into the picture? 🤔
The game implements milestone-based funding. Suppose you are a sunny drug sorcerer who has discovered a new drug that can extend the human lifespan.
You need money to conduct experiments. You submit details of your intervention and create your tokens via Pump.Fun. These tokens are then bought by interested market participants (like the filthy yet classy degens whose lores reverberate through the meme gardens).
Those tokens are then sold at:
This opens up room for any interested individual to participate in the research. This is referred to as stadium science. The experiments are conducted live in front of our eyes. And we, as speculators/experts/researchers/enthusiasts, can participate as we desire. (and perhaps make a buck here or there).
So you get fun, excitement, knowledge, and entertainment all at the same time — kinda like a mental orgasm (sorry, onlyfans).
These experiments are conducted at Tracked Bio (in the Fly Box), or at Ora Biomedical’s WormBot. All the experiments are live-streamed i.e., you can track how the compound in use impacts the animals being tested.
Pump.Science naturally plays a critical role within the broad sector of DeSci. But where does it fit in under the broader DeSci picture? More importantly, how does it help realize the goals of the sector? Let’s briefly dive in.
DeSci basically connects us filthy degens to the world of funding scientific innovations. Picture this. You’re sitting locked up in a room smoking 100 cigarettes a day, aping the next shitcoin posted in your Telegram chat. You’re probably making $1k a day. But you’re losing out on several days of your life. So, how do you insure against losing those precious days to filthy habits? By funding scientific development.
But where does crypto and decentralization come into all of this?
DeSci basically allows you to:
Despite how crazy it sounds, the scientific funding and research sector is ripe for disruption. It is not as fair as it should be, and a lot of top talent producing great things often have their work swept under the rug.
For a sector that contributes so much to society, settling for sub-optimal is never the answer.
Therefore, despite how ludicrous the cross-section of crypto and science sounds, it is great to see projects like Pump.Science take the leap into the unknown by harnessing the speculative, memetic, permissionless, and transparent nature of crypto, and using it to help elevate a sector as important as scientific innovation.
In a cross-section so unique, the sky is genuinely the limit.
For more on DeSci and how it combats TradSci’s challenges, check out our guide on DeSci.
Now, I know most of you are salivating at the thought of getting your grubby ape claws into the Pump.Science ecosystem. So, just to ensure you don’t get rugged, we will give you a simple guide on how to get involved.
Head to Pump.Science. Review the ongoing experiments with the given drugs. Select which one you’d like to participate in. Trade the token of that experiment on Pump.Fun.
Remember that the outcome of the game is contingent on one factor: Percentage Lifespan Expansion (PLE).
The higher the PLE, the longer the animal lives, and hence the effective the compound. As of writing, there are two compounds being tested: Rifampicin and Urolithin A.
So, here’s what you need to do.
Select the compound that you’d like to review first.
Next, review the details of that compound being live-tested on animals — as of writing, these compounds are being tested on flies first.
There’s a whole bunch of info here. Before you start plucking out your hair strands, let me explain.
Toggle the “Chart” button next to the “Feed” button.
Here, “Count” is what matters.
This basically shows how many flies are alive after taking the compound. If the number is 100% and the flies continue to remain alive using the compound — the PLE will be higher.
That is, it’s likely the compound gets tested on mice next (Level 3).
On the other hand, if the count is lower, then it means the compound is ineffective (lose-lose, no happy).
You can review the live feed of the flies by clicking on the “Feed” button. Check out the green “Live” button at the bottom to get a live feed.
Review the chart on Pump.Fun. Trade the tokens.
PS: If you’re looking for a more detailed understanding of what the other stuff means on the window, check this out. Source of the image.
Their endgame is simple. Take the help of the euphoric crypto world and fuel their hunger for mo’ money to drive real scientific protocols that optimize for expanding our healthspan.
These protocols can then fuel AI agents — that can further help optimize our lifestyles. The drugs that actually end up being successful towards the end can then be used for actual development.
Furthermore, their devs will secure IP rights to their idea too, and/or sell them to bidders.
You can even submit an idea for a new compound here. This makes scientific innovation for enhancing lifespan accessible to almost anyone under the sun!
Skin in the game: Pump.Science puts investors/users’ money where their mouth is. They’re letting the market decide the actual progress in human longevity. This has got to be one of the most coolest shit you’ll ever come across.
Did you ever think you a smoking degen who spends most of his time locked up on a computer will ever be able to contribute to science? Well, now you can!
In a recent discussion, they announced they plan to introduce 20 new compounds. This amounts to 1-2 tokens a day — which is what Pump.Fun is known for creating on a daily basis.
Also — this just came in…
You may not like the whole scientific side of experiments. But you’ll sure as hell be impressed by how cool Pump.Science makes it to be. I’m surely keeping an eye on the innovation these folks bring.