Arthur Hayes: Estados Unidos podría adoptar un "capitalismo con características chinas", BTC podría alcanzar los 100,000 dólares

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【Arthur Hayes: Estados Unidos puede implementar un 'capitalismo con características chinas', BTC podría alcanzar 1 millón de dólares】El cofundador de CEX, Arthur Hayes, publicó su último artículo titulado '¿Negro o blanco?' en el que afirma que el próximo gobierno de Trump podría adoptar un modelo de desarrollo económico similar al de China, al que llama 'capitalismo con características chinas'. Hayes anticipates that the new government will promote the reshoring of manufacturing to the United States through large-scale fiscal stimulus and industrial policies. The policies will include providing tax incentives and subsidies to key industries, as well as offering cheap financing through the banking system. It is expected that this will lead to rapid expansion of bank credit, potentially exceeding the $4 trillion stimulus scale during the pandemic. Against this backdrop, Hayes believes that BTC will become the best choice to combat the depreciation of Moneda fiat, with the potential to reach $1 million.

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