About the Pilot Tokens Withdrawal Delay & Improvement
2024-09-22 02:22:01 UTC
14896 Read
At Gate.io, we prioritise the assets security and are committed to providing users around the world a convenient and secure trading experience. To meet diverse demands of users, we keep extending our service scope and have newly launched a Pilot section to provide users early access to new tokens that may have growth potential.
As the Pilot is a new feature that lists early-stage token projects, the assets in Pilot and Spot wallet are isolated to protect the security for the whole platform. Manual transfer is required when transferring assets between Pilot and Spot wallets.
Especially at the very beginning of Pilot, we have taken more conservative measures in reviewing asset transferring for safety consideration. However a long delay may occur to asset withdrawals in Pilot as a result.
In response to this, we are going to adjust the security strategies gradually at Pilot to shorten the delay in the next two weeks, and finally provide the same withdrawals and deposits speed as the Spot wallet assets.
For users who have suffered losses due to extra withdrawal delay at Pilot, we will provide you compensation based on the price differences for the delay.
If you are affected users, please submit a ticket. We will distribute compensation to you as soon as we have completed the info collection.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our 24/7 customer support.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
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Gate.io Team
September 22, 2024
As the Pilot is a new feature that lists early-stage token projects, the assets in Pilot and Spot wallet are isolated to protect the security for the whole platform. Manual transfer is required when transferring assets between Pilot and Spot wallets.
Especially at the very beginning of Pilot, we have taken more conservative measures in reviewing asset transferring for safety consideration. However a long delay may occur to asset withdrawals in Pilot as a result.
In response to this, we are going to adjust the security strategies gradually at Pilot to shorten the delay in the next two weeks, and finally provide the same withdrawals and deposits speed as the Spot wallet assets.
For users who have suffered losses due to extra withdrawal delay at Pilot, we will provide you compensation based on the price differences for the delay.
If you are affected users, please submit a ticket. We will distribute compensation to you as soon as we have completed the info collection.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our 24/7 customer support.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Gateway to Crypto
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
Telegram: https://t.me/gateio_en
Gate.io Team
September 22, 2024