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Announcements Check All Of The Gate.io Copy Trading Benefits!

Check All Of The Gate.io Copy Trading Benefits!

2022-09-13 10:04:38 UTC 20585 Read
Since the launch of Gate.io copy trading, many excellent traders have joined us. In order to optimize traders' experience, we have also launched a lot of benefit activities. Hurry up to check if there are any activities or benefit programs that you like?!

What is copy trading?

Gate.io copy trading is a trading aid that allows copiers to synchronously copy the lead trader's operation behavior on contracts. With a higher degree of freedom to operate, the trader can attract more users to copy him in trading, creating a larger space for dividends.
Click to enter: follow the best traders to trade
Gate.io Copy Trading-Traders Guide: https://www.gate.io/help/quants/copy-trading/26923/gate.io-copy-trading-traders-guide

As a trader, do you want these benefits?

<1> High profit sharing;

<2> Official promotion to help you quickly attract users to copy;

<3> Low transaction fees;

<4> Additional income besides trading

<5> Exclusive consultation channels;

< 6> Regular surprise gifts;

< 7> Professional communication community for trading

What can Gate.io offer traders?

< 1> Platform-leading profit sharing, up to 17%!

<2> Official platform resources to help traders quickly attract users to copy

<3> Exclusive activities to help traders achieve faster VIP upgrades and lower fees

<4> Regular exclusive activities to provide traders with a channel to obtain additional income

< 5> One-to-one dedicated customer service for you to consult

<6> Regular surprise rewards for excellent traders

< 7> Provides a professional communication group for copy trading: https://t.me/gateio_copytrading_global

Fill out the form to tell us which benefit you like best, or which one else do you want?: https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/2253

How do traders get these benefits?

1. Want to get high profit sharing?

The higher the trader's level, the higher the profit sharing, and the ace trader can receive an additional 1% sharing.

Requirements for traders to get updated through ordinary channels:

In order to meet the needs of more traders to faster upgrade, you can participate in our quick-upgrade competition, or you can get upgraded quickly through the internal exclusive channel (one-to-one customer service).

1.1 Quick- upgrade Competition

During the event, traders of the same level can be directly and automatically upgraded once they rank Top 3 in three or more indicators of the six: [Total Equity], [AUM], [ROI], [ROI Amount], [Maximum Drawdown Rate], [Win Rate]. Users who become traders during the event will get an additional upgrade slot.

Quick- upgrade Competition(ongoing): https://www.gate.io/article/27805

Case of the results of upgrade competition: https://www.gate.io/article/27773

Users who got upgraded successfully

1.2 Internal exclusive upgrade channels
You can add our dedicated one-to-one customer service: https://t.me/Kris88601, and provide the screenshots or proofs of your excellent transaction history. We will select the best traders to upgrade.

As an excellent trader, you can get an extra 1% profit sharing!

Excellent traders' resources: up to 17% leading income, up to 40% commission rebates, fees reductions, growth in fan, resource exposure, service upgrades, copying allowances, million subsidy rewards, institutional links.

1.3 "Join Copy Trading As An Excellent Trader‘’ event

If you perform well during the event, you can provide exclusive customer service with a screenshot of the trading performance of any platform or a certificate proving the ability to lead trading, so that you will be upgraded as an ace trader after our evaluation. In addition, you can be directly and automatically upgraded once if you rank Top 3 in three or more indicators of the six: [Total Equity], [AUM], [ROI], [ROI Amount], [Maximum Drawdown Rate], [Win Rate] among traders of your same level.
Details: https://www.gate.io/article/27372

Note: The last "Join Copy Trading As An Excellent Trader" event has ended, if you are interested in this activity, you can contact customer service: https://t.me/Kris88601. Or you can tell us in the form: https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/2253

1.4 Register directly for Gate.io Ace Trader Program: https://www.gate.io/copytrading/acetrader

2.Want to quickly attract users to copy?

We will regularly hold exposure and display activities, to screen out traders who have excellent trading performance in the event for all-round publicity, significantly helping traders increase the number of copiers.

2.1Rising Star Traders Exposure Competition

You can make a self-recommendation for exposure. Or if you rank Top 1 in the number of copiers increased, your ROI, the increase in AUM, and the ROI amount increased during the event, we will promote you on banner spot of Gate.io copy trading, copy trading recommendation list, Gate.io Posts, Gate.io Quant official twitter!
Rising Star Traders Exposure Competition(ongoing): https://www.gate.io/article/27789

The details of the result of the last exposure competition: https://www.gate.io/article/27648

The effect of exposure

Note: The number of copiers before the event is calculated on the day before the announcement of the result of rising star exposure, and the number of copiers after the event is subject to the data of Sept. 8th, 2022, 14:00.

2.2 Rising Star
Traders with good leading performance every week have the opportunity to be selected as trading stars to be promoted on social media.

Case study of promotion of trading star: https://twitter.com/Gateio_Quant/status/1564828944238784512?s=20&t=a1GPI9F19x-i7ICoaGu04A

The effect of promotion on twitter

Note: The number of copiers before the promotion is calculated on the day before twitter was posted, and the number of copiers after the promotion is subject to the data of Sept. 8th, 2022, 14:00.

2.3 Trading Big Time
If you have a particular highlight during the trading process, you will be screened as a trade with highlight moment to be promoted on the social media promotion of the day.

Case study of trader's big time: https://twitter.com/Gateio_Quant/status/1567154909124132865?s=20&t=a1GPI9F19x-i7ICoaGu04A

The effect of exposure on twitter

Note: The number of copiers before the promotion is calculated on the day before twitter of big time was posted, and the number of copiers after the promotion is subject to the data of Sept. 8th, 2022, 14:00.

3.Want lower transaction fees?

The higher the trader's VIP level, the lower the fees, the relationship between VIP level and fees: https://www.gate.io/fee

VIP Level Upgrade Program: Traders who trade during the event just need to reach a trading volume as half as that required by the current VIP upgrade standard, with copiers' trading volume counted in the volume of the trader! The higher the trader's VIP level, the lower the fees!

VIP Upgrade Program(Ongoing): https://www.gate.io/article/27753

4.Want to have income besides trading?

Gate.io copy trading platform will often hold trader- exclusive events and provide a huge prize pool waiting for you to share. You can also participate in copy trading commission rebate program, with up to 30% rebate.
Trader-exclusive event with huge prize pool

4.1Traders' recruitment event

The anchor of Gate.io Live who applies to register as a Gate io copy trading trader will be rewarded up to 100USDT if he leads trading and recruits more people to settle in Gate.io copy trading.

Details: https://www.gate.io/article/27074

Note: The last trader's recruitment program has ended, if you are interested in this activity, you can contact customer service: https://t.me/Kris88601. Or you can tell us in the form: https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/2253

4.2 Trader's Trading Competition

You will be rewarded up to 400USDT if you perform well in any one of the indicators: number of copiers, the copier’s fund amount, trader's initial ROI and trader's ROI amount.

Details: https://www.gate.io/article/26978

Note: The last trader's trading competition has ended, if you are interested in this activity, you can contact customer service: https://t.me/Kris88601. Or you can tell us in the form: https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/2253

4.3 Trader's Referral Competition
During the event, users who register as traders and lead trading or invite others to register as traders and lead trading will be rewarded up to 2500USDT per person.
Details: https://www.gate.io/article/27270

Note: The last trader's referral competition has ended, if you are interested in this activity, you can contact customer service: https://t.me/Kris88601. Or you can tell us in the form: https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/2253

4.4 Traders' Activation Plan!
This campaign is aimed at users who have applied to be traders but not activated after approval. If the users who successfully become regular traders and lead trade after activation, will have the opportunity to receive rewards of the same value as the ROI amount.

Details: https://www.gate.io/article/27225

Note: The last activation plan activity has ended. We will send you an invitation email every week for the future activation activity. Please check the email to participate in the activity & win the big prize.

4.5 Perfect Your Profile Picture And User ID & Add Customer Service to Win 500USDT

Details: https://www.gate.io/article/27186
Note: The last event has ended, if you are interested in this activity, you can contact customer service: https://t.me/Kris88601. Or you can tell us in the form: https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/2253

4.6 Traders' Commission Rebate Program, up to 30% Rebate!

Gate.io Copy Trading-Commission Rebate Program: Traders invite friends to participate in copy trading. The higher the invitee's trading volume, the higher the trader's rebate, up to 30% rebate.
Details: https://www.gate.io/article/27635

5.Don't Know Who to Consult When There Is A Question About Products ?

Add copy trading exclusive customer service: https://t.me/Kris88601

If you have any questions or suggestions while using the product, you can consult and give feedback to the one-to-one dedicated customer service.

6. Want to Receive Surprise Gifts Regularly?

Gate.io copy trading will filter out TOP20 traders in AUM according to the ranking of traders' AUM, and send them surprise gifts from time to time!

7. Want to Communicate With Other Professional Traders?

You are welcome to join Gate.io professional copy trading exchange community: https://t.me/Gateio_Copy_Trading, where many traders who are as good as you gather toghther. You can communicate with each other about trading skills and experiences.

In addition, this group will also give away surprising benefits from time to time. You are welcome to join and unlock.

We are eager to listen to every copy trading user, if you have any other desired benefits, or if you have any comments on existing benefits, you can fill out the form and let us know, we value each of your valuable comments: https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/2253

If you have any comments, you can give feedback in our TG group or add customer service.

Copy Trading TG group: https://t.me/Gateio_Copy_Trading

Copy Trading Customer Service: https://t.me/Kris88601


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