Draw With Credits, Win Great Prizes
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Every -- credits get one chance to draw.
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Draw With Credits, Win Great Prizes
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Earn Honor Credits
Visit Gate Post "Credits Center" to earn honor credits.
Honor Credits Draw
Click 'Draw Now'. Every -- honor credits get one chance to draw.
View Prizes
Check prizes in 'My Prizes' and wait for the rewards to be distributed.
What's the Gate.io community honor credit?
Gate.io Honor Credits is specially introduced for Gate.io community users. By completing specific tasks, users can earn honor credits and unlock various honor privileges.
How to earn honor credits?
Complete specified tasks in Gate Post 'Credits Center' to earn honor credits. Please refer to the Honor Credits tasks for specific details.
How to participate in the honor credits draw?
Complete tasks in Gate Post 'Credits Center' to earn honor credits, then you can use honor credits to draw. Every -- honor credits get you a chance to draw.
What are the benefits of honor credits?
Honor credit benefits include: Exclusive honor-level tag, Exclusive honor-level avatars, Gate.io community limited avatars, Gate.io exclusive merchandise, Physical honor medals, Text highlighting privileges in post comments and live stream, Boosting content posts enter the “Hot” list, Prioritizing live streamer ranking.Stay tuned for the imminent release of Honor privileges!
Head to the announcement for more details.