This page is not intended for residents and citizens of Spain, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and other Spanish-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Español
This page is not intended for residents and citizens of France, Canada and other French-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Français (Afrique)
高盛全球大宗商品研究主管Jeff R. Currie表示,用加密货币代替黄金对冲通胀并不合理,而加密货币更加适合替代铜的位置。Currie说到,通货膨胀有好的,也有不好的。好的通货膨胀是通过需求拉动的,这时候我们应该借助加密货币、铜、石油进行对冲。而不好的通货膨胀是由于供应短缺造成,尤其是芯片一类的短缺,这时我们应该通过黄金进行对冲。
This page is not intended for residents and citizens of Spain, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and other Spanish-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Español
This page is not intended for residents and citizens of France, Canada and other French-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Français (Afrique)