This page is not intended for residents and citizens of Spain, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and other Spanish-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Español
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作为围绕金融、商业和政策的最大峰会之一,DealBook峰会将由艾美奖得主、《纽约时报》专栏作家、DealBook创始人Andrew Ross Sorkin主持。据最近的一份声明显示,有消息证实,一些当今的顶级商业和政策领袖将在此同一舞台上对其角色、产品、行业问题和其他相关领域展开讨论。颇有意味的是,SBF也被列为此次峰会发言者,并与众多行业名头一起参会,此消息在加密货币社区内引发了不小轰动。
据最近发布的一条推文显示,SBF确实将在峰会上与Andrew Ross Sorkin交谈,并暗示他将在即将到来的峰会上进一步论述他经营不善的公司FTX及其破产情况。
This page is not intended for residents and citizens of Spain, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and other Spanish-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Español
This page is not intended for residents and citizens of France, Canada and other French-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Français (Afrique)