This page is not intended for residents and citizens of Spain, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and other Spanish-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Español
This page is not intended for residents and citizens of France, Canada and other French-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Français (Afrique)
当以太坊推出伦敦硬分叉(London Hard Fork)时,这种拍卖系统被一种自动交易结构所取代,这种交易结构可在不需要手动输入的情况下轻松收取费用。此外,还引入了一种小费机制,在用户和矿工之间提供点对点连接——尽管有了新的自动化系统,但用户仍愿意为交易支付更多费用,直接向矿工付款。此外,还可选择设置限制费,以便在定价过高时取消交易。
This page is not intended for residents and citizens of Spain, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and other Spanish-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Español
This page is not intended for residents and citizens of France, Canada and other French-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Français (Afrique)