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Week in Ethereum News -The Latest Ethere...
Week in Ethereum News -The Latest Ethereum News and Upcoming Events This Week
2023-06-25, 02:26
[//]:content-type-MARKDOWN-DONOT-DELETE ![](https://gimg2.gateimg.com/image/article/1679274503ethereum.jpeg) ## Eth News and Links ### Dencun (Cancun + Deneb) upgrade Latest all core devs – execution (ACDE) [call video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09Kzi2x06UM&t=105s "call video"). Summary by [Tim Beiko](https://twitter.com/abcoathup/status/1672007424033816577 "Tim Beiko"). Notes from [Tim Beiko](https://twitter.com/timbeiko/status/1671927373749686272 "Tim Beiko") and [Christine Kim](https://www.galaxy.com/research/insights/ethereum-all-core-developers-execution-call-164/ "Christine Kim"): [Overview of execution spec tests](https://notes.ethereum.org/danceratopz/execution-spec-tests-overview-202306 "Overview of execution spec tests"), Python suite of state & blockchain tests Dencun upgrade discussions: EIP4844 precompile address moved to 0xA, EIP4788 storage size bounded, EIP5656 (MCOPY) tests added and Engine API spec changes EIP4844 devnet 6 had issues, restart as devnet 7 once stable client releases & pass hive tests EIP repo to split out app layer ERCs Consensus specs [v1.4.0-beta.0](https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/releases/tag/v1.4.0-beta.0 "v1.4.0-beta.0"): Deneb feature complete, stable unless issues found EIP4844: Kelvin: [Mr. Moloch's ephemeral album party](https://kelvinfichter.com/pages/thoughts/moloch/ "Mr. Moloch's ephemeral album party") contribution to KZG ceremony ### Layer 1 [Reth v0.1.0-alpha](https://www.paradigm.xyz/2023/06/reth-alpha "Reth v0.1.0-alpha"): execution layer client in Rust, syncs archive node in 50 hours with 2TB database using NVMe SSD, also SDK for building EVM infrastructure, Apache/MIT license EthereumJS [v6](https://twitter.com/efjava_script_/status/1671137022478540802 "v6") (final release before v7): updates <a href="/price/ethereum-eth" target="_blank" class="blog_inner_link">Ethereum</a>-cryptography, adds allowUnlimitedInitcodeSize option and removes non-finalized state code (EIP4844) [Verkle tries](https://verkle.info/ "Verkle tries") info website ### Client releases Consensus layer: Lodestar [v1.9.0](https://github.com/ChainSafe/lodestar/releases/tag/v1.9.0 "v1.9.0"): fix reduced slashing DB size by 97%, slashing protection export format compatible with other clients and flag to disable peer scoring for testing Nimbus [v23.6.0](https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth2/releases/tag/v23.6.0 "v23.6.0"): history prune enabled by default, processes untimely attestations without expensive state replays and use Keymanager API for voluntary exits Execution layer: Erigon [v2.47.0](https://github.com/ledgerwatch/erigon/releases/tag/v2.47.0 "v2.47.0"): fix for v2.45.0, no resync required ### For Stakers [Execution Layer client diversity improved](https://clientdiversity.org/#distribution "Execution Layer client diversity improved"), Geth around 50% ### Research [Fast amortized KZG proofs](https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/033 "Fast amortized KZG proofs") [Speculative execution DoS attacks](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/371641235_Speculative_Denial-of-Service_Attacks_in_Ethereum "Speculative execution DoS attacks") using conditional transactions to exhaust resources and/or transaction pool spamming ### Layer 2 [Zora Network](https://docs.zora.co/docs/zora-network/intro "Zora Network") for NFTs, optimistic rollup built on OP stack, live [Arbitrum Orbit chains](https://developer.arbitrum.io/launch-orbit-chain/orbit-gentle-introduction "Arbitrum Orbit chains") (layer 3): guide to launch a devnet L2Beat [Stages](https://medium.com/l2beat/introducing-stages-a-framework-to-evaluate-rollups-maturity-d290bb22befe "Stages"): rollup maturity framework from stage 0 (run by the operators) to stage 2 (fully managed by contracts) [Shared validity sequencing](https://www.umbraresearch.xyz/writings/shared-validity-sequencing "Shared validity sequencing") proposal to enable cross-rollup interoperability Vitalik: [L2 to L1 & cross-L2 reading](https://vitalik.ca/general/2023/06/20/deeperdive.html "L2 to L1 & cross-L2 reading") to implement cross-chain social recovery wallets with a keystore in one location & wallets in many locations ### EIPs/Standards EIPs: Meta [EIP7199](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-7199 "EIP7199"): Linter scope [EIP7212](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/7212/files "EIP7212"): Precompile for secp256r1 curve support ERCs (app layer): [ERC838](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/7186/files "ERC838"): ABI specification for REVERT reason string [ERC7196](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/7197/files "ERC7196"): Simple token [ERC7201](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-7201 "ERC7201"): Namespaced storage layout [ERC7202](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/7202/files "ERC7202"): Offchain checks (for low cost ERC1155 distribution) [ERC7204](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/7204/files "ERC7204"): Contract wallet management asset [ERC7208](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/7210/files "ERC7208"): MetaNFT keystore contracts ### Stuff for developers Hardhat: [v2.16.0](https://github.com/NomicFoundation/hardhat/releases/tag/hardhat%402.16.0 "v2.16.0"): adds extendable providers, wrap network provider with custom logic [Hardhat-ledger plugin](https://github.com/NomicFoundation/hardhat/releases/tag/%40nomicfoundation/hardhat-ledger%401.0.0 "Hardhat-ledger plugin"): send transactions & sign messages [Alloy](https://www.paradigm.xyz/2023/06/alloy "Alloy"): rewrite of ethers-rs, includes Solidity's type system in Rust Guide to [Solidity data locations](https://blog.smlxl.io/solc-internals-part-2-data-locations-2f6517aeb154 "Solidity data locations") (memory, calldata & storage) Cookbook [ChefGPT](https://twitter.com/cookbook_dev/status/1670866221066235904 "ChefGPT") Remix plugin to answer Solidity questions including on current contract [Intro to Ape](https://snakecharmers.ethereum.org/intro-to-ape/ "Intro to Ape") (contract development framework for Python devs) using WETH as an example <a href="/price/uniswap-uni" target="_blank" class="blog_inner_link">Uniswap</a> v4 [flash loan template](https://github.com/jtriley-eth/uni-v4-core-flashloans#readme "flash loan template") Seaport [Validator & Navigator](https://twitter.com/z0age/status/1671531066287353858 "Validator & Navigator"): helper contracts to scan orders for errors and fulfill respectively Simon de la Rouviere: [Daisychains NFT onchain SVG animation](https://www.untitledfrontier.studio/blog/behind-the-scenes-crafting-the-onchain-daisychains "Daisychains NFT onchain SVG animation") [Andrew had one free mint] [Smoldata](https://www.smoldata.xyz/ "Smoldata"): zero-ETL indexing for contracts ### Security Astaria (NFT lending) [vulnerability disclosed](https://twitter.com/AstariaXYZ/status/1671215491069927429 "vulnerability disclosed"), protocol paused with tokens rescued, beacon proxy could be manipulated to load rogue implementation allowing self destruct Foundation NFT contracts [vulnerability disclosed](https://twitter.com/0xngmi/status/1671344096441499648 "vulnerability disclosed"), contract owner can self destruct implementation, destroying minted NFTs Tincho: [questions auditors should ask devs](https://blog.theredguild.org/auditors-what-do-you-ask-developers/ "questions auditors should ask devs") before a secure code review. ### Ecosystem Etherscan [code reader](https://etherscan.io/code-reader "code reader"), answers questions about a specific contract address, OpenAI API key required, beta ### Enterprise Paul Brody: [Ethereum for Business](https://www.uapress.com/product/ethereum-for-business/ "Ethereum for Business") book [SAP demoing cross border payments with USDC](https://blogs.sap.com/2023/06/15/cross-border-payments-made-easy-with-digital-money-experience-the-future-today/ "SAP demoing cross border payments with USDC"): customers can pay a sample invoice on testnet ### Notable at app layer Maker [sDAI](https://twitter.com/makerdao/status/1671220727322906624 "sDAI") (savings DAI): tokenized DSR-enabled DAI, ERC4626 Utopia [transaction templates](https://twitter.com/utopialabs_/status/1671276761013690373 "transaction templates") for Safe multisig on mainnet PartyDAO [Party](https://twitter.com/prtydao/status/1671926165395718205 "Party"): create groups with lightweight voting to take onchain actions Mirror [collectable embeds](https://dev.mirror.xyz/3gA4vAjijdwueXtmZ9WIkqh3my6R8jbLmZwPr37dQ2U "collectable embeds"): mint or buy on secondary NFTs embedded in posts [Noun Nyms](https://twitter.com/personae_labs/status/1671557431552544768 "Noun Nyms"): persistent pseudonyms for Noun holders with reddit-like interface [Eth_script_ions](https://twitter.com/dumbnamenumbers/status/1669822912579223552 "Eth_script_ions"): create/transfer digital artifacts using data URI in calldata, similar to <a href="/price/bitcoin-btc" target="_blank" class="blog_inner_link">Bitcoin</a> Ordinals [BND](https://twitter.com/niftynaut/status/1671643671073005569 "BND") (German foreign intelligence) released dog NFTs Sudo v2 [gradual dutch auction bonding curves](https://twitter.com/0xmons/status/1670723757118480386 "gradual dutch auction bonding curves") [Gitcoin grants stack](https://twitter.com/grantsstack/status/1670836700392595456 "Gitcoin grants stack"): create & manage a grants program ## Job Listings Devconnect Istanbul: [Production Assistant](https://jobs.lever.co/ethereumfoundation/db6e2775-39d3-4eb9-9313-dfb15dfab9bc "Production Assistant") and [Volunteer Coordinator](https://jobs.lever.co/ethereumfoundation/401e0af5-f4a2-4e66-a724-4accb003113e "Volunteer Coordinator") Solidity team need a highly skilled [Developer Advocate](https://jobs.lever.co/ethereumfoundation/b9e33c9e-48ee-464f-a672-d51eece2b99d "Developer Advocate") ### Regulation/business/tokens FT: [Crypto.com internal trading teams](https://archive.is/qBF6W "Crypto.com internal trading teams") potential conflict of interest ### General/crypto [Polygon PoS proposal](https://forum.polygon.technology/t/pre-pip-discussion-upgrading-polygon-pos-to-a-zkevm-validium/12187 "Polygon PoS proposal") to upgrade to a zkEVM validium in 2024 [BSC adding layer 2](https://www.bnbchain.org/en/blog/introducing-opbnb-unleashing-a-new-era-of-scalability/ "BSC adding layer 2") (<a href="/price/optimism-op" target="_blank" class="blog_inner_link">Optimism</a> fork) on testnet [Security proof of Nova](https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/969 "Security proof of Nova") on a cycle of curves ## Upcoming Dates of Note (new/changes in **bold**) Jun 26 – Jul 17 – [CLRFund round 9](https://blog.clr.fund/clrfund-round-9-is-coming/ "CLRFund round 9") Jul 5-9 – [ETHBarcelona](https://ethbarcelona.com/ "ETHBarcelona") conference & hackathon Jul 17-20 – [EthCC](https://ethcc.io/ "EthCC") (Paris) **Jul 20–23 – [Pragma Paris](https://ethglobal.com/events/pragma-paris "Pragma Paris") & [ETHGlobal Paris](https://ethglobal.com/events/paris2023 "ETHGlobal Paris") hackathon** Aug 11-13 – [ETHMunich](https://ethmunich.de/ "ETHMunich") hackathon Aug 15-16 – [ETHToronto](https://www.ethtoronto.ca/ "ETHToronto") & [ETHWomen](https://www.ethwomen.com/ "ETHWomen") Aug 16-19 – [Ethereum Argentina](https://twitter.com/EtherArgentina/status/1625857633260552200 "Ethereum Argentina") (Buenos Aires) Aug 28-30 – [Science of Blockchain Conference](https://cbr.stanford.edu/sbc23/ "Science of Blockchain Conference") (Stanford University) Aug 30 - Sep 3 – [ETHWarsaw](https://www.ethwarsaw.dev/ "ETHWarsaw") conference & hackathon Sep 1-3 – [Ethcon Korea](https://ethcon.kr/ "Ethcon Korea") hackathon Sep 10-12 – [Ethereum Singapore](https://www.ethereumsingapore.com/ "Ethereum Singapore") hackathon & conference Sep 11-13 – [DappCon](https://www.dappcon.io/ "DappCon") (Berlin) Sep 15 – [Protocol Berg](https://protocol.berlin/ "Protocol Berg") (Berlin) **Sep 15-17 – [ETHChicago](https://www.ethchicago.xyz/ "ETHChicago") conference & hackathon** Sep 18-21 – [ETH Montréal](https://ethmontreal.xyz/ "ETH Montréal") hackathon & conference Sep 22–24 – [ETHGlobal New York](https://ethglobal.com/events/newyork2023 "ETHGlobal New York") Oct 5-6 – [ETHMilan](https://www.ethmilan.xyz/ "ETHMilan") conference Oct 6-8 – [ETHRome](https://ethrome.org/ "ETHRome") hackathon Oct 6–27 – [ETHOnline](https://ethglobal.com/events/ethonline2023 "ETHOnline") (ETHGlobal) virtual **Oct 13–15 – [Ethereum Kuala Lumpur](https://twitter.com/ethkl1/status/1670761473348624384 "Ethereum Kuala Lumpur") conference & hackathon** Oct 27–29 – [ETH Miami](https://ethmiami.net/ "ETH Miami") festival + hackathon Oct 28–30 – [ETH Lisbon](https://www.ethlisbon.org/ "ETH Lisbon") hackathon Nov 3-5 –[ ETH Lisbon](https://www.ethlisbon.org/ " ETH Lisbon") hackathon Nov 13-19 – [Devconnect](https://blog.ethereum.org/2023/04/20/announcing-devconnect-ist "Devconnect") (Istanbul) Nov 17-19 - [ETHIstanbul](https://ethglobal.com/events/istanbul "ETHIstanbul") (EthGlobal) <div class="blog-details-info"> <div>Disclaimer <div>Author: Andrew B Coathup and Evan Van Ness, WeekinEthereum.substack Team <div>Editor: Gate.io Blog Team <div class="info-tips">\*This article represents only the views of the author and does not constitute any investment suggestions. <div>\*Copyright is reserved by WeekinEthereum.substack Team. Please contact us to remove any infringement. </div>
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