Odaily Planet Daily News According to the news, the data protection blockchain Midnight Network has launched its test network. The team said: "Midnight Network, as a partner chain of Cardano, aims to be compatible with other chains and unlock seamless ZK DApp development. Midnight's infrastructure provides new programmability for developers to build large-scale applications and allows them to design according to local regulations." (CoinDesk)
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A rede de proteção de dados blockchain Midnight Network, lançada como parceira da Cardano, lança o Testnet
Odaily Planet Daily News According to the news, the data protection blockchain Midnight Network has launched its test network. The team said: "Midnight Network, as a partner chain of Cardano, aims to be compatible with other chains and unlock seamless ZK DApp development. Midnight's infrastructure provides new programmability for developers to build large-scale applications and allows them to design according to local regulations." (CoinDesk)