What is Gravity Chain? All you need to know about Galxe’s Omnichain Blockchain

Beginner7/11/2024, 2:41:25 AM
Uncover the secrets behind Galxe’s Gravity Chain omnichain blockchain designed for mass adoption. Explore its core features, use cases, and how it’s reshaping the blockchain landscape.

The crypto space faces critical challenges that are slowing down its adoption rate. With existing blockchains struggling to handle the increasing transaction volumes demanded by a growing user base, blockchains operating independently, lacking efficient communication channels, and complex user experiences - there is a need for a solution that can solve these problems.

Galxe’s Gravity Chain emerges as a solution to these problems, promising seamless cross-chain interactions and enhanced Web3 functionality.

What is Galxe?

Galxe, formerly known as Project Galaxy, is the largest credential data network in the Web3 space. Created in 2021, Galxe is an open credential infrastructure network, enabling developers and brands to build more impactful products and connect with the right communities.

Galxe aims to be an open and collaborative credential data network accessible to all developers in Web3. It provides the infrastructure for community members to curate digital credentials and contribute to the data network. Galxe’s goal is to address the fragmentation of credential data, which is often scattered across closed databases owned by various applications and institutions. By centralizing and aggregating this data, Galxe ensures that it is accessible to the individuals who should have it and the applications that need it.

Galxe Products

  • Galxe Identity Protocol: A permissionless self-sovereign identity infrastructure powered by zero-knowledge proof technology. With the Galxe Identity protocol, users can own, manage, and share verifiable credentials securely and privately.
  • Galxe Passport: A universal identity for Web3. It securely stores identity information, allowing users to use it across various applications with privacy protection.
  • Galxe Quest: The leading platform for Web3 community growth and engagement. It connects projects with millions of users through reward-based loyalty programs. Over 414 million quests have been completed, shaping Web3 reputations.
  • Galxe Score: The Web3 reputation score across the metaverse. It unlocks exclusive benefits based on users achievements, expertise, and assets.
  • Galxe Compass: The one stop guide to exploring airdrop campaigns across Web3. Users can track active campaigns and engage directly in on-chain tasks using Galxe’s compass.
  • Galxe Alva: The AI copilot built for Web3 research and exploration. Whether as a browser extension or chatbot agent, Alva provides real-time insights and in-depth analyses across the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape
  • Gravity Chain: This is the latest product of Galxe. Gravity Chain builds upon Galxe’s foundation, bridging credentials across different blockchains.

What is Gravity Chain?

Source: Gravity Chain website

Galxe developed Gravity Chain, a Layer 1 blockchain that serves as an omnichain—a bridge connecting various blockchains and ecosystems. It transcends the limitations of individual chains, enabling seamless interactions.

Gravity Chain facilitates cross-chain transactions, allowing users to move digital assets between networks effortlessly. Whether swapping tokens, transferring NFTs, or executing smart contracts, Gravity Chain streamlines the process. It employs zk-SNARKs, a cryptographic technique that enables efficient verification without revealing transaction details. This enhances security while maintaining privacy.

Core Features of Gravity Chain

Cross-Chain Transactions

Gravity Chain breaks down the barriers between blockchains, allowing developers to define and settle transactions across multiple networks. Here’s why this matters; Imagine seamlessly swapping tokens from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain or executing a smart contract spanning Solana and Polygon. Gravity Chain enables efficient and secure cross-chain interactions.

Efficient Verification with Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)

Gravity Chain supports zk-SNARKs, a cryptographic technique that verifies transactions without revealing sensitive details. This cost-efficient verification ensures both privacy and scalability.

Enhanced User Experience (UX)

Gravity Chain introduces cryptographic building blocks such as the “secp256r1 curve” through precompiled contracts. This enables use cases such as cost-effective passkey authentication for Account Abstraction wallets, making user interactions smoother and more secure.

High-Performance Execution

Gravity Chain integrates Reth, the fastest execution layer, and Jolteon (AptosBFT), a state-of-the-art consensus algorithm. Together, they provide high throughput and near-instant finality. This ensures that transactions happen swiftly, and developers can build responsive applications.

Secure and Robust Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Mechanism

Gravity’s Proof-of-Stake will be powered by combining G token native staking and restaking protocols, including Babylon and EigenLayer. These restaking protocols incentivize a cross-spectrum community to collectively safeguard the Gravity chain making security a shared responsibility.

EVM Compatibility

Gravity Chain is fully EVM-compatible, making deploying and interacting with smart contracts familiar and straightforward.

Technology Behind Gravity Chain

Zero-Knowledge Proofs (zk-SNARKs)

Gravity Chain leverages zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge), a cryptographic technique that allows users to prove the validity of a statement without revealing the underlying data. This ensures transactions remain confidential while shielding sensitive information from prying eyes. With zk-SNARKs, Gravity achieves efficient verification as transactions are verified succinctly, reducing computational overhead and ensuring cost-effective operations and scalability.

Staking-Powered Architecture

Validators play a pivotal role in Gravity Chain’s security model. They stake tokens as collateral, demonstrating their commitment to network integrity. By doing so, validators actively participate in consensus, proposing and validating blocks. Their economic interest aligns with the network’s stability, creating a self-reinforcing mechanism.

Staking isn’t just about financial commitment; it’s about safeguarding the entire ecosystem. Validators ensure that transactions are valid, preventing malicious actors from disrupting the network. The collective effort of validators fortifies the Gravity Chain against attacks, making it resilient and robust.

Advanced Consensus Mechanisms

Gravity Chain’s consensus mechanism relies on PoS (Proof-of-Stake) with validators taking turns to propose and validate blocks based on their stake. This design minimizes energy consumption compared to Proof of Work (PoW) systems while encouraging active participation and rewarding those who contribute positively to the network.

Gravity Chain combines PoS with Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) to enhance security. This ensures that consensus can be reached even in the presence of malicious nodes.

Galxe Ecosystem Integration

Gravity Chain is a vital component of the Galxe ecosystem. Here’s how it fits in:

  1. Existing Suite of Products: Gravity Chain will harmoniously coexist with Galxe’s suite of products, including Quest, Compass, Passport, Score, Alva, and the Galxe Identity Protocol. These interconnected tools will create a robust environment for users and developers.

  2. Cross-Chain Settlement: Gravity Chain will serve as the settlement layer for user intents across any chain. Imagine seamlessly executing transactions, swapping assets, or interacting with smart contracts—all while Gravity handles the intricacies behind the scenes.

  3. User Activity: Gravity Chain is estimated to handle over 60 million monthly transactions. That’s twice the activity of Ethereum. It’s not just active; it’s hyperactive, establishing itself as one of the most vibrant chains in the Web3 space.

Use Cases of Gravity Chain

Balance Abstraction with Yield

Gravity Chain enables users to manage their digital asset balances efficiently. With Gravity users can abstract their balances across different chains, optimizing yield by participating in liquidity pools, staking, or yield farming. Gravity Chain’s cross-chain capabilities make this seamless.

Intent-Based Transactions

Navigating infrastructure-level transactions between chains can be daunting. Gravity simplifies this process by allowing intent-based transactions — whether it’s a recurring payment, a token swap, or a smart contract interaction — and executing it across the relevant chains automatically. Developers can create platforms where users buy ETH on any chain with minimal slippage. Users don’t need to worry about sourcing liquidity — it’s all handled seamlessly by Gravity.

Gas Abstraction

Gravity Chain abstracts gas fees. Users no longer need to bridge tokens between chains to complete multi-chain transactions. With support for smart contract wallets, Gravity enables transaction batching and gas sponsorships.

Omnichain Loyalty Points

Galxe Quest’s existing loyalty points system will be migrated to Gravity, with all loyalty points becoming on-chain. Gravity Chain will power loyalty points marketplaces with features like permission control, snapshot taking, and points trading. This will make Gravity the foundational layer for fully on-chain quests.

Gravity Chain Release Schedule

Gravity Chain is planned to be released in two phases

  1. Gravity Alpha Mainnet: The Alpha Mainnet, launched in early June 2024, serves as the initial launch phase for Gravity Chain. It is an Ethereum Rollup powered by the Arbitrum Nitro stack. Early adopters and developers can explore Gravity’s features firsthand during this phase. The Gravity Alpha Mainnet is a real-value testnet where users can experiment, provide feedback, and identify issues. This feedback will help Gravity Chain’s development team actively iterate the blockchain and fine-tune the network for stability and performance.

  2. Gravity Mainnet: The Gravity Mainnet, planned to launch in Q2 2025, represents the culmination of development efforts. In this phase, Gravity Chain would have achieved stability, security, and scalability and would be ready for production use. In this phase, seamless cross-chain interactions will become the norm, and users can move assets effortlessly across different networks.

Proposed Tokenomics of Gravity Chain

Gravity Chain is set to introduce its native token, $G, as the lifeblood of the ecosystem. It plans to migrate existing $Gal tokens from the Galxe ecosystem to Gravity Chain, ensuring continuity for Galxe users and allowing them to engage seamlessly with Gravity Chain.

Here are the proposed utilities of $G

  • Governance: Holders of $G will be able to participate in decision-making. They will shape the future of Gravity Chain through proposals, voting, and protocol upgrades.
  • Staking Rewards: Validators can stake $G tokens to secure the network. In return, they will earn rewards, ensuring network stability.
  • Transaction Fees: $G will be used for transaction fees. Whether you’re transferring assets, executing smart contracts, or participating in DeFi, $G will power these interactions.


Gravity Chain isn’t just a blockchain—it’s a force that unites ecosystems, empowers users, and accelerates the Web3 revolution. It makes use of different technologies to ensure there are seamless cross-chain interactions within different blockchains. Gravity Chain joins forces with Galxe’s other tools to create a bigger ecosystem of secure and scalable networks. You can try out the Gravity Alpha Mainnet while keeping an eye on the launch of the full-scale Gravity Mainnet.

Autor: Angelnath
Tradutor(a): Paine
Revisor(es): Wayne、Matheus、Ashley
* As informações não se destinam a ser e não constituem aconselhamento financeiro ou qualquer outra recomendação de qualquer tipo oferecido ou endossado pela Gate.io.
* Este artigo não pode ser reproduzido, transmitido ou copiado sem fazer referência à Gate.io. A violação é uma violação da Lei de Direitos de Autor e pode estar sujeita a ações legais.

What is Gravity Chain? All you need to know about Galxe’s Omnichain Blockchain

Beginner7/11/2024, 2:41:25 AM
Uncover the secrets behind Galxe’s Gravity Chain omnichain blockchain designed for mass adoption. Explore its core features, use cases, and how it’s reshaping the blockchain landscape.

The crypto space faces critical challenges that are slowing down its adoption rate. With existing blockchains struggling to handle the increasing transaction volumes demanded by a growing user base, blockchains operating independently, lacking efficient communication channels, and complex user experiences - there is a need for a solution that can solve these problems.

Galxe’s Gravity Chain emerges as a solution to these problems, promising seamless cross-chain interactions and enhanced Web3 functionality.

What is Galxe?

Galxe, formerly known as Project Galaxy, is the largest credential data network in the Web3 space. Created in 2021, Galxe is an open credential infrastructure network, enabling developers and brands to build more impactful products and connect with the right communities.

Galxe aims to be an open and collaborative credential data network accessible to all developers in Web3. It provides the infrastructure for community members to curate digital credentials and contribute to the data network. Galxe’s goal is to address the fragmentation of credential data, which is often scattered across closed databases owned by various applications and institutions. By centralizing and aggregating this data, Galxe ensures that it is accessible to the individuals who should have it and the applications that need it.

Galxe Products

  • Galxe Identity Protocol: A permissionless self-sovereign identity infrastructure powered by zero-knowledge proof technology. With the Galxe Identity protocol, users can own, manage, and share verifiable credentials securely and privately.
  • Galxe Passport: A universal identity for Web3. It securely stores identity information, allowing users to use it across various applications with privacy protection.
  • Galxe Quest: The leading platform for Web3 community growth and engagement. It connects projects with millions of users through reward-based loyalty programs. Over 414 million quests have been completed, shaping Web3 reputations.
  • Galxe Score: The Web3 reputation score across the metaverse. It unlocks exclusive benefits based on users achievements, expertise, and assets.
  • Galxe Compass: The one stop guide to exploring airdrop campaigns across Web3. Users can track active campaigns and engage directly in on-chain tasks using Galxe’s compass.
  • Galxe Alva: The AI copilot built for Web3 research and exploration. Whether as a browser extension or chatbot agent, Alva provides real-time insights and in-depth analyses across the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape
  • Gravity Chain: This is the latest product of Galxe. Gravity Chain builds upon Galxe’s foundation, bridging credentials across different blockchains.

What is Gravity Chain?

Source: Gravity Chain website

Galxe developed Gravity Chain, a Layer 1 blockchain that serves as an omnichain—a bridge connecting various blockchains and ecosystems. It transcends the limitations of individual chains, enabling seamless interactions.

Gravity Chain facilitates cross-chain transactions, allowing users to move digital assets between networks effortlessly. Whether swapping tokens, transferring NFTs, or executing smart contracts, Gravity Chain streamlines the process. It employs zk-SNARKs, a cryptographic technique that enables efficient verification without revealing transaction details. This enhances security while maintaining privacy.

Core Features of Gravity Chain

Cross-Chain Transactions

Gravity Chain breaks down the barriers between blockchains, allowing developers to define and settle transactions across multiple networks. Here’s why this matters; Imagine seamlessly swapping tokens from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain or executing a smart contract spanning Solana and Polygon. Gravity Chain enables efficient and secure cross-chain interactions.

Efficient Verification with Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)

Gravity Chain supports zk-SNARKs, a cryptographic technique that verifies transactions without revealing sensitive details. This cost-efficient verification ensures both privacy and scalability.

Enhanced User Experience (UX)

Gravity Chain introduces cryptographic building blocks such as the “secp256r1 curve” through precompiled contracts. This enables use cases such as cost-effective passkey authentication for Account Abstraction wallets, making user interactions smoother and more secure.

High-Performance Execution

Gravity Chain integrates Reth, the fastest execution layer, and Jolteon (AptosBFT), a state-of-the-art consensus algorithm. Together, they provide high throughput and near-instant finality. This ensures that transactions happen swiftly, and developers can build responsive applications.

Secure and Robust Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Mechanism

Gravity’s Proof-of-Stake will be powered by combining G token native staking and restaking protocols, including Babylon and EigenLayer. These restaking protocols incentivize a cross-spectrum community to collectively safeguard the Gravity chain making security a shared responsibility.

EVM Compatibility

Gravity Chain is fully EVM-compatible, making deploying and interacting with smart contracts familiar and straightforward.

Technology Behind Gravity Chain

Zero-Knowledge Proofs (zk-SNARKs)

Gravity Chain leverages zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge), a cryptographic technique that allows users to prove the validity of a statement without revealing the underlying data. This ensures transactions remain confidential while shielding sensitive information from prying eyes. With zk-SNARKs, Gravity achieves efficient verification as transactions are verified succinctly, reducing computational overhead and ensuring cost-effective operations and scalability.

Staking-Powered Architecture

Validators play a pivotal role in Gravity Chain’s security model. They stake tokens as collateral, demonstrating their commitment to network integrity. By doing so, validators actively participate in consensus, proposing and validating blocks. Their economic interest aligns with the network’s stability, creating a self-reinforcing mechanism.

Staking isn’t just about financial commitment; it’s about safeguarding the entire ecosystem. Validators ensure that transactions are valid, preventing malicious actors from disrupting the network. The collective effort of validators fortifies the Gravity Chain against attacks, making it resilient and robust.

Advanced Consensus Mechanisms

Gravity Chain’s consensus mechanism relies on PoS (Proof-of-Stake) with validators taking turns to propose and validate blocks based on their stake. This design minimizes energy consumption compared to Proof of Work (PoW) systems while encouraging active participation and rewarding those who contribute positively to the network.

Gravity Chain combines PoS with Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) to enhance security. This ensures that consensus can be reached even in the presence of malicious nodes.

Galxe Ecosystem Integration

Gravity Chain is a vital component of the Galxe ecosystem. Here’s how it fits in:

  1. Existing Suite of Products: Gravity Chain will harmoniously coexist with Galxe’s suite of products, including Quest, Compass, Passport, Score, Alva, and the Galxe Identity Protocol. These interconnected tools will create a robust environment for users and developers.

  2. Cross-Chain Settlement: Gravity Chain will serve as the settlement layer for user intents across any chain. Imagine seamlessly executing transactions, swapping assets, or interacting with smart contracts—all while Gravity handles the intricacies behind the scenes.

  3. User Activity: Gravity Chain is estimated to handle over 60 million monthly transactions. That’s twice the activity of Ethereum. It’s not just active; it’s hyperactive, establishing itself as one of the most vibrant chains in the Web3 space.

Use Cases of Gravity Chain

Balance Abstraction with Yield

Gravity Chain enables users to manage their digital asset balances efficiently. With Gravity users can abstract their balances across different chains, optimizing yield by participating in liquidity pools, staking, or yield farming. Gravity Chain’s cross-chain capabilities make this seamless.

Intent-Based Transactions

Navigating infrastructure-level transactions between chains can be daunting. Gravity simplifies this process by allowing intent-based transactions — whether it’s a recurring payment, a token swap, or a smart contract interaction — and executing it across the relevant chains automatically. Developers can create platforms where users buy ETH on any chain with minimal slippage. Users don’t need to worry about sourcing liquidity — it’s all handled seamlessly by Gravity.

Gas Abstraction

Gravity Chain abstracts gas fees. Users no longer need to bridge tokens between chains to complete multi-chain transactions. With support for smart contract wallets, Gravity enables transaction batching and gas sponsorships.

Omnichain Loyalty Points

Galxe Quest’s existing loyalty points system will be migrated to Gravity, with all loyalty points becoming on-chain. Gravity Chain will power loyalty points marketplaces with features like permission control, snapshot taking, and points trading. This will make Gravity the foundational layer for fully on-chain quests.

Gravity Chain Release Schedule

Gravity Chain is planned to be released in two phases

  1. Gravity Alpha Mainnet: The Alpha Mainnet, launched in early June 2024, serves as the initial launch phase for Gravity Chain. It is an Ethereum Rollup powered by the Arbitrum Nitro stack. Early adopters and developers can explore Gravity’s features firsthand during this phase. The Gravity Alpha Mainnet is a real-value testnet where users can experiment, provide feedback, and identify issues. This feedback will help Gravity Chain’s development team actively iterate the blockchain and fine-tune the network for stability and performance.

  2. Gravity Mainnet: The Gravity Mainnet, planned to launch in Q2 2025, represents the culmination of development efforts. In this phase, Gravity Chain would have achieved stability, security, and scalability and would be ready for production use. In this phase, seamless cross-chain interactions will become the norm, and users can move assets effortlessly across different networks.

Proposed Tokenomics of Gravity Chain

Gravity Chain is set to introduce its native token, $G, as the lifeblood of the ecosystem. It plans to migrate existing $Gal tokens from the Galxe ecosystem to Gravity Chain, ensuring continuity for Galxe users and allowing them to engage seamlessly with Gravity Chain.

Here are the proposed utilities of $G

  • Governance: Holders of $G will be able to participate in decision-making. They will shape the future of Gravity Chain through proposals, voting, and protocol upgrades.
  • Staking Rewards: Validators can stake $G tokens to secure the network. In return, they will earn rewards, ensuring network stability.
  • Transaction Fees: $G will be used for transaction fees. Whether you’re transferring assets, executing smart contracts, or participating in DeFi, $G will power these interactions.


Gravity Chain isn’t just a blockchain—it’s a force that unites ecosystems, empowers users, and accelerates the Web3 revolution. It makes use of different technologies to ensure there are seamless cross-chain interactions within different blockchains. Gravity Chain joins forces with Galxe’s other tools to create a bigger ecosystem of secure and scalable networks. You can try out the Gravity Alpha Mainnet while keeping an eye on the launch of the full-scale Gravity Mainnet.

Autor: Angelnath
Tradutor(a): Paine
Revisor(es): Wayne、Matheus、Ashley
* As informações não se destinam a ser e não constituem aconselhamento financeiro ou qualquer outra recomendação de qualquer tipo oferecido ou endossado pela Gate.io.
* Este artigo não pode ser reproduzido, transmitido ou copiado sem fazer referência à Gate.io. A violação é uma violação da Lei de Direitos de Autor e pode estar sujeita a ações legais.
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