A Golden Finance report stated that Huang Lizheng (Machi Big Brother) posted on the X platform that he had purchased 1% of two different USAcoinTokens and is ready to give them to Peter Schiff, because Peter Schiff may not even have these Tokens himself. One of the USAcoins has a stock of 21 million, and the other was launched on Pumpdotfun. According to the TokenEndereço displayed by Huang Lizheng, the current market capitalization of 'USACOIN' is about $2.3 million, and it is currently trading at $0.0022588, with a nearly 40% increase in one hour; the current market capitalization of 'USAcoin' is about $533,000, with a more than 60% increase in one hour.
Anteriormente, o economista e defensor do ouro, Peter Schiff, mais uma vez se opôs claramente à estratégia de reserva de Bitcoin e propôs alternativas que os Estados Unidos poderiam adotar, afirmando que, em vez de uma estratégia de reserva de Bitcoin, os Estados Unidos poderiam economizar uma grande quantidade de dinheiro criando a 'USA Coin'.
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Huang Lizheng: comprou 1% de dois tokens diferentes do USAcoin e está pronto para enviá-los para Peter Schiff.
A Golden Finance report stated that Huang Lizheng (Machi Big Brother) posted on the X platform that he had purchased 1% of two different USAcoinTokens and is ready to give them to Peter Schiff, because Peter Schiff may not even have these Tokens himself. One of the USAcoins has a stock of 21 million, and the other was launched on Pumpdotfun. According to the TokenEndereço displayed by Huang Lizheng, the current market capitalization of 'USACOIN' is about $2.3 million, and it is currently trading at $0.0022588, with a nearly 40% increase in one hour; the current market capitalization of 'USAcoin' is about $533,000, with a more than 60% increase in one hour. Anteriormente, o economista e defensor do ouro, Peter Schiff, mais uma vez se opôs claramente à estratégia de reserva de Bitcoin e propôs alternativas que os Estados Unidos poderiam adotar, afirmando que, em vez de uma estratégia de reserva de Bitcoin, os Estados Unidos poderiam economizar uma grande quantidade de dinheiro criando a 'USA Coin'.