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At this age, the meaning of going to a concert is not to chase stars, but to go on a date with youth. You are on the stage and I am in the sea of people, and youth is standing in front of me. You shined on stage, and we burst into tears in the audience... Why do so many people cry when watching the concert live? Because there are too many people born in the 708090s, not many people are married to love, and not many people are married to the person they love the most. Even when I was listening to a concert, I couldn't help but burst into tears when the prelude started playing. I think of the melody that flows out every day on the recess radio in high school, and of those fearless youth years. Looking at the crowd of middle-aged men and women with fat bodies and thinning hair, it turns out that youth is so far away from us. In that era of material and spiritual scarcity, we were like crazy weeds and wildflowers, growing wantonly and boundlessly without guidance or direction. It seems that we are surrounded by all the rules and requirements. The repressed feeling and the desire to be understood deep in our hearts are constantly intertwined and collided, becoming emotions that we suppress and cannot release. That was youth, when I was still thinking about what career to choose in the future and what kind of person to marry. Now, in a few years, arrangements for the marriage of the children will begin one after another. We have almost forgotten that we once had hopes and dreams. Don’t laugh at those who get wet in the pouring rain, and don’t laugh at those who shed tears while singing. Those tears have nothing to do with the singer or a certain person. It is to remember the time that I loved the most, and to accept the helplessness of having to grow old despite not wanting to grow old.
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yes, I haven't seen you in a long time.
It's been a long time since I've seen you update, and I'm looking forward to it
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If you are destined to have no results with this person, but you love this person very much, will you choose to go through the process, or turn around and leave? If it's me, I will go all out, I will use all my enthusiasm on this person until all my enthusiasm is exhausted, and I will hold her tightly until I can't hold her anymore. In this relationship, I have a clear conscience, I am worthy of her, I am worthy of myself, it doesn't matter whether the result is good or not. People are mortal, what is the result? Marriage will result in divorce. Is growing old called the result? There will always be someone who will leave early. The probability of meeting is extremely small. It would be a pity to miss each other because of a difference in thought. Therefore, we should try our best to avoid leaving regrets in life.
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If you love it, you will love it, but leave him alone
Love bravely and enjoy being loved. Running in both directions. This is love, eating what is in the bowl and thinking about what is in the pot. It seems shrewd, but in fact it is the beginning of failure in life. Those who are carefree are as bad as they are.
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The cow or the wolf? [Wronged]
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People who are curious to take pictures of you are even more envious of
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There is a line in "Spiritual Journey": "It is not necessary to be successful to be alive. A life that only likes to look at the sky, take a walk, and eat pizza is also very good. I came to this world just to see how the flowers bloom, how the water flows, and the sun. When the sun rises, when does the sun set. Experience interesting things and meet unforgettable people.” Indeed, we are so busy that we ignore a truth, that is, many things don’t need to be meaningful. It doesn’t mean that it is meaningful. There is no standard answer in life, but what is imprinted in our minds is to get ahead. When you are anxious and infighting, please remember that life is just the superposition of various experiences. This answer sheet is full of random writing. As long as you want, you can do those seemingly meaningless things, such as being in a daze, watching the sunrise, and counting the stars. Your experience is the greatest meaning. Life does not have to do what the world thinks is meaningful, the meaning is bestowed by oneself. This is right, don't be defined by others, in a short life, we should spend our life happily. It is the wilderness, not the track. As long as you are enjoying it at the moment, it is meaningful. There is only one kind of true heroism in the world, and that is Recognize the truth of life and still love life, be your own hero!
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Who said no?
There is nothing wrong with thinking that wealth is a little free. In reality, too many things around me require money and energy to pay for.
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It's been a long time, let's make a fuss, hello old friends! [Pip][Pip][Pip][Naughty][Naughty][Naughty]
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把握趋势,狂赚2024 ✌️
Long time no see, long time no see you message
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One of my deep feelings in the past two years is that heavy work and huge mental pressure will really consume almost all of a person's curiosity. Before I didn't work, I really had a lot of things I wanted to do, a lot of curiosity, and a lot of happiness for no reason. In a very happy moment, even if it is raining heavily outside, there will even be sudden love in my heart. It may be to love someone, it may be to feel that it is good to be alive. In short, it was some kind of sudden inspiration, some kind of ecstasy when I realized that I could experience such a wonderful moment in life, which cannot be shared with others. I originally thought that I would always live in such a dreamlike way, regardless of emotional gains and losses, like sea water that would never stop. But I was wrong. After working for a long time, my mind and soul just want to rest. I often feel that I may still have a lot of things I want to do in my will, but my physical strength and mind really can't keep up. I will understand that to stop loving each other means that two people can no longer comfort each other. I will accept that manpower is sometimes poor. This kind of pain and trouble cannot be told to any specific person, and it is impossible to talk about it. I know that I have tried my best to face life, and I have been kind enough to others, but I am really tired. Sometimes I'm so tired that I can't tell anyone, I'm so tired. Can you help me, can you give me a break. I realized that everything I had built over the years had to be maintained by myself without anyone behind me. I realized that anything I wanted in this world had to be exchanged for something equally precious to me. There is no way to relieve this heartache. Sometimes I really want to do nothing for the rest of my life, just be in a daze, and pass my whole life.
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Sister, I love you
I think so
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Flash Madai🏖️🏖️🏖️
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haven't seen you for a long time! more and more beautiful
Nice body
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pull out my italian cannon, that's the fuck [show teeth]
How can my cannon hit you
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Omnipotent chatgpt, help me save a Yangshuo copywriting
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Mortgage Loan Car Loan Various Loans
I want Estee Lauder
I can only tighten my belt
Blowing the sea breeze and eating salty kelp
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