Tim Beiko proposed to update EIP 7723, which does not involve any core protocol changes to the Ethereum network.

Odaily Planet Daily News EF (Ethereum Foundation) protocol support leader Tim Beiko shared a proposal for an update to EIP 7723. This EIP is not a change to the core Ethereum protocol, but outlines the various stages that EIPs affecting the Ethereum protocol must go through before being activated in a network-wide upgrade. Beiko suggests that EIPs marked as 'Considered for Inclusion' or CFI should be considered as EIPs that developers plan to include in development networks, including any future development networks. Additionally, EIPs marked as 'Scheduled for Inclusion' or SFI should be considered as EIPs that developers plan to upgrade in the next upcoming development network. Beiko explained, "The reason for doing this is that it can help us limit the amount of content introduced at once on the development network, so if we want to put 10 items into SFI, then we should indicate that we want to deploy these 10 items on the next development network, and if we think that's too much, then we must choose which subset we actually want to put in the next development network." Beiko added that he will complete this change in EIP 7723 by next week unless there are comments or objections.

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