📺 "I‘m Going to Be Popular" live broadcast lottery is about to begin!
On June 26th (Wednesday) at 17:00, participate in the live draw for the ‘Popular‘ Creator Award and Comment Award, and win the lucky grand prize!
Immediately make an appointment to witness the award ceremony live, and there are plenty of red envelopes waiting for you to claim in the live room 🧧!

2 Creator Prizes * $100/creator
2 comments grand prize * $50 each
👉New live room comment area rewards
When the anchor selects the creator award, the first user in the comments section who guesses the winner of the creator award will receive a $10 reward.

How to participate in ‘I want to be popular‘
1. Post updates, get on the popular zone, and have a chance to win the weekly $200 creator prize.
2. Positive comments will be selected from the winning post to receive a weekly $100 comment prize.
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