Okay, sit in the car. I went out to run errands, and by the way, I wrote something for everyone.
I think this point in time is more representative, my previous experience as a trader, many people will lose money in the current situation.
Some time ago, I didn't write about the market and trading, because at that point in time, the unilateral rise in the market, there was nothing to analyze, just buy it with your eyes closed.
This time, the magnitude of the price drop will be a little larger than that of the previous days.
In my personal judgment, there is no big negative news and expectations at present, and the probability of 🐮 turning bearish is extremely low. However, the channel of ETF will make a large number of traditional funds enter our industry, and a large amount of net inflow will make more traditional gold owners have more coins in their hands, thus becoming one of the important players in manipulating the market. To put it bluntly, traditional funds have the ability, strength, and channels to greatly influence the trend of the market. After all, compared with traditional finance, the blockchain industry is still on a small scale. ETFs have opened up the channel of traditional financial giants. This is the basic situation that everyone needs to be aware of.

After knowing the fundamental situation, it is time to deal with the trading methods in this situation.
First of all, we are not clear, or 100% sure that the current price trend will continue to fall or rise, the particularity of our industry, strange things often happen, so no one dares to be 100% sure of its next trend, can only predict the trend with probability. Even if he is a large money trader behind the scenes, after all, there are so many hands, and he may still behave inconsistently.
Therefore, the method and choice of buying and selling are very important. Okay, give the dry goods.
My suggestion:
1. Don't go all, don't go all!!Don't go all!!
2. It is recommended to buy in moderation and choose mainstream currencies.
3. Continue to buy or sell according to the next trend. If it goes down, increase the position, and if it rises, you can reduce the position appropriately while retaining the bottom position. Because the general direction is still bullish. The reason for reducing positions is to ensure that you always have the capital to buy when the pin falls, or when it falls sharply in a short period of time.

Someone must have asked, "Brother Fei, you say so much, what are you buying?" This is a brainless question, but I will also answer that you can't make a lot of money from BNB, OKB, GT, but you can't lose too much to buy. SOL, BTC, ETH are not afraid either.

Some people may ask, "Feige, the trend of the market, you said so much, what do you mean?" If you ask this question, then I'm relieved. Because you're willing to learn more about the market. My answer is to look at the development process of traditional finance, and the cases, and see how those capitals play traditional finance.
Well, that's all for now.
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