It's another new year, and it's time for an exciting year to count your money .
In a blink of an eye, I have been in the currency circle for more than 4 years. From the beginning, the little leek that was cut and cried countless times has grown into an old leek [poor], and now no one can bite me [satisfied].
The first picture is my income in 2019. At that time, the principal was still very small, and the annual income was only more than 1 million RMB.

The second picture shows my income in 2020. Due to the growing funds, the income has skyrocketed to tens of millions of RMB.

The third picture shows my income of more than 5 million u in 2021, which should actually be more, because I have withdrawn a lot of food, drink and entertainment, and the withdrawn part has been subtracted from the income.

Many people don't believe that the currency circle can get rich quickly, but the currency circle is indeed the easiest field I have ever seen to get rich. A lot of fans watched my real funds accumulate little by little. I often don’t trade for several weeks, and I trade hundreds of times a day when there is a market. In fact, the key is to catch the big market several times a year. If you trade too frequently, you may double your capital by only trading for a few days a year.

In the new year, I will be more energetic and work hard to make money [struggle], and I will also arrange to participate in a series of offline conferences in the currency circle, and share front-line information with you at that time. I also wish everyone a fortune in the new year with me [showing teeth]
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