Created by the Singaporean company Enjin in 2017, Enjin, an innovative blockchain-based platform, focuses on providing services for the creation and management of virtual goods in gaming, social networks, and online marketplaces. Its primary goal is to offer a decentralized solution for virtual goods, simplifying the integration of blockchain technology into games and apps through its software development kits (SDKs). Enjin's offerings include a trading marketplace and the Enjin Beam feature. They allow users to buy, sell, and share virtual goods easily. Enjin Coin (ENJ), the platform's native cryptocurrency, facilitates transactions within the Enjin marketplace and represents value exchange within the Enjin ecosystem. Enjin’s commitment to sustainability, highlighted by its participation in the Crypto Climate Accord and its efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, further enhances the project's appeal and sustainability.