What is Cere Network? All You Need to Know About CERE

IntermediateJun 21, 2024
Cere Network is a decentralized data cloud platform enabling secure data collaboration and interoperability across blockchain and traditional systems.
What is Cere Network? All You Need to Know About CERE

Cere Network is a decentralized data cloud platform enabling secure data collaboration and interoperability across blockchain and traditional systems.

The path to the first billion blockchain users lies in rapid enterprise adoption by businesses and their customer base across all industries. Enterprise adoption and decentralized blockchain networks have often been seen as opposing ideals due to the scaling-decentralization-security trilemma. Cere tries to resolve this paradox with a comprehensive solution for scalability, interoperability, and seamless integration of the global app ecosystem into a decentralized economy. Cere Network offers this holistic approach, paving the way for widespread blockchain adoption and integration.

What is Cere Network (CERE)?

Cere Network, launched by Fred Jin in October 2020, has rapidly established itself in the blockchain and cryptocurrency landscape through strategic partnerships, integrations, and community-driven initiatives. The platform aims to revolutionize data sovereignty and utilization in the AI era by leveraging blockchain technology for enhanced security and efficiency.

Cere has forged significant partnerships with platforms like Biconomy, Boba Network, and Polygon Studios to enhance interoperability and broaden the utility of its decentralized data cloud. Collaborations with Mars4, Rai Finance, and others showcase the platform’s versatility. An important development was integrating with Ankr, facilitating seamless connectivity and resource optimization for blockchain networks. Partnerships with global credit reporting agencies and Reef Finance further highlight Cere Network’s ambition to bridge traditional financial services with the blockchain world, enhancing transparency and trust.

Community engagement has been a cornerstone of Cere Network’s strategy. Launching through platforms like Republic, DAO Maker, and Polkastarter has enabled broader participation and investment, underlining its potential and appeal. Regular community updates, technical analysis, and incident reviews maintain transparency and trust with stakeholders, fostering a sense of community.

In 2023, Cere Network introduced CerePlay, a decentralized and plug-and-play game SDK, and Cere DAO, a community-driven governance model. CereFans, launched in the fourth quarter of 2023, empowers creators with total content control and full profit retention. Looking forward, Cere Network plans to focus on bringing AI to the edge through its decentralized data cloud, promising real-time data processing and analysis.

Cere Network is backed by investors like Arrington XRP Capital, and partners with reputable projects like Reef Finance, Litentry, DAO Maker, and Torus. In September 2021, Polygon invested $3 million in Cere Network, highlighting its unique Decentralized Data Cloud Integration and accelerating its integration into Polygon’s Protocol.

How Does Cere Network Work? Fundamentals and SaaS-DeFi

Cere Network is built on a set of fundamental principles crucial for the enterprise adoption of blockchain technology. One of these principles is network interoperability, ensuring high-volume data processing and throughput. The Cere platform is a consortium of interoperable blockchains combining specialized chains, apps, optimization tools, and services to facilitate required speeds and network security. This unique setup allows for optimized blockchain interoperability, which is essential for developing next-generation blockchain ecosystems. Cere achieves frictionless cross-chain transfers of value and information through a hub and spokes model. The Cere core blockchain acts as the network’s nexus, with enterprises operating their connected side chains and bridges connected to major Layer-1 networks like Ethereum and Polkadot facilitating data and asset transfers. This heterogeneous model allows data exchange between enterprise partners’ public or permissioned chains via the Cere core blockchain, which is used for data encryption and identity management.

Data security and privacy are also prioritized in Cere’s data-driven network, designed with GDPR and CCPA compliance in mind. This ensures that enterprises operating in tightly regulated jurisdictions have the customization and tools to manage data compliance and privacy effectively. This feature turns regulatory barriers into competitive advantages. By offering a robust data security framework, Cere ensures that enterprise customers can confidently operate consumer-focused applications, knowing that their data is secure and compliant with international standards. This makes Cere particularly appealing to businesses that must adhere to strict data protection regulations while still leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology.

Another core principle is the consumer enterprise focus. Unlike generic Layer-1 blockchain projects, Cere is set up as a decentralized SaaS with an enterprise-first focus. Through its plug-and-play data onboarding procedures and APIs, consumer data becomes tangible on the blockchain, suitable for efficient and secure utilization on the decentralized data network. This approach allows enterprises to quickly and easily integrate blockchain technology into their existing systems, providing a seamless transition to decentralized data management. By focusing on the needs of enterprises, Cere ensures that its platform is practical and valuable for real-world applications, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to leverage blockchain technology.

Decentralization is the final fundamental principle. Traditional blockchain solutions often compromise either decentralization or enterprise usability. However, Cere bridges this gap by offering both from the ground up. By leveraging its interoperable blockchain network, Cere pioneers true enterprise scalability and enhances usability without sacrificing decentralization. This balance is crucial for businesses requiring a high degree of control and flexibility in their operations while benefiting from the security and transparency offered by a decentralized network. Cere’s approach ensures that enterprises can fully harness the power of blockchain technology without being constrained by the limitations typically associated with decentralized systems.

Source: cere network whitepaper

These fundamental principles of network interoperability, data security, consumer enterprise focus, and true decentralization position Cere Network as a robust and versatile enterprise platform. By addressing the key challenges that have historically hindered enterprise adoption of blockchain technology, Cere provides a comprehensive solution that meets the needs of modern businesses. Next, we will explore Cere’s SaaS-DeFi approach, further extending its decentralized finance capabilities.


Cere Network’s SaaS-DeFi bridge revolutionizes enterprise access to decentralized finance, enabling seamless integration of financial instruments into the DeFi space. This approach empowers businesses to leverage a suite of DeFi capabilities, facilitating enterprise SaaS marketplaces, vendor-to-vendor collaborations, and leveraging accounts receivables (AR). By connecting corporate cash flow and assets already onboarded onto the Cere SaaS platform with the DeFi landscape, enterprises can better utilize their sidelined capital, optimize financial operations, and create frictionless customer payment experiences. This integration taps into the liquidity of DeFi, providing enhanced financial flexibility.

Cere’s SaaS-DeFi model allows businesses to convert assets using decentralized exchanges (DEX) and bridges, enabling direct business-to-consumer payments, staking vouchers, and consumer rewards. Furthermore, it offers a platform for a developer and analyst job marketplace and facilitates lending and borrowing among participants. By financializing enterprise B2B assets and liabilities, Cere’s approach addresses the retail revolution’s limits, potentially mitigating bubble risks by introducing new financial instruments into the enterprise sector. This strategy ensures businesses can access and apply these new financial tools sustainably and efficiently.

The Cere Layer-1 blockchain core underpins an interoperable hybrid network that bridges enterprise chains with fully decentralized public networks like Polkadot and Ethereum. Combining best practices from SaaS and the blockchain sphere with plug-and-play integration APIs and SDKs, Cere excels in real-world applications, encouraging and accelerating enterprise adoption. Data exchange and value transfers are conducted among these private chains via smart contracts, which are linked with Cere’s SaaS-DeFi portal. This interoperability ensures seamless integration of enterprise operations with decentralized finance.

Source: cere network whitepaper

In conclusion, Cere Network’s pioneering SaaS-DeFi bridge provides enterprises with a robust framework to integrate and utilize DeFi instruments. This approach not only optimizes financial operations but also enhances liquidity and operational efficiency, paving the way for broader enterprise adoption of decentralized finance.

Cere Network Use Cases

Cere Network provides transformative use cases across various industries by leveraging its decentralized data cloud (DDC) and innovative SaaS-DeFi solutions. These use cases demonstrate Cere’s commitment to enhancing data security, efficiency, and usability.

  • Decentralized Content Delivery: Stream data stored on Cere’s edge node infrastructure with unmatched speed and cost efficiency. This allows advanced use cases like permissioned media streaming to NFT holders, offering a censorship-resistant platform. It enables content creators and distributors to securely share media without relying on centralized servers, ensuring greater control over their digital assets.
  • Data Asset Storage: Store data on Cere’s secure and accessible network, free from malicious intent. The network makes data insightful and actionable via Web2 dashboards and notifications, ensuring maximum utility. Enterprises can leverage this feature to enhance their data management practices, enabling real-time analytics and decision-making without compromising security or data integrity.
  • User Data Storage: The DDC SDK encrypts and segments user interactions with applications, organizing them in a decentralized timeline. This paves the way for optimized ETL operations and hyper-personalization through AI agents, enhancing user experience and engagement. By securely storing user data, businesses can offer personalized services and recommendations, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Website and App Hosting: Hosting websites or apps on Cere DDC ensures scalability and cost efficiency. This approach eliminates the typical overhead and maintenance associated with traditional server management, allowing apps to serve users effectively. Companies can benefit from reduced infrastructure costs while maintaining high performance and reliability, ensuring their digital platforms can scale seamlessly with growing demand.

Cere Network’s approach to data ecosystems grants stakeholders full control over data usage and purpose, akin to Snowflake’s cloud data platform but with enhanced privacy and encryption. This fosters seamless data sharing with business partners, creating new business applications and use cases.

Cere Network revolutionizes data management and delivery, offering secure, efficient, and decentralized solutions that benefit enterprises and customers. Its innovative use of blockchain technology ensures businesses can leverage their data with unparalleled security and efficiency.

What is the CERE Coin?

CERE is the native token of Cere Network, used for transactions and governance. Its total supply counts 10 billion units, of which 6.9 billions are already in circulation (June 2024).

The CERE token serves as the cornerstone of its ecosystem. It plays a vital role in facilitating transactions, enabling governance, and securing the network through various staking mechanisms. As a utility token, $CERE powers the Decentralized Data Cloud (DDC) and SaaS DeFi framework, ensuring the network’s smooth operation and economic incentivization.

Token distribution is as follows: 6% for advisors, 14% for the foundation, 16% for private sale, 11% for public sale, 18% for the team, and 5% for seed sale. This structured distribution balances immediate needs and long-term sustainability, fostering a robust and participatory community.

CERE tokens are used for staking, particularly in Proof of Stake (PoS) and DDC staking, which incentivize network security and participation. Validators and node operators stake CERE tokens to earn rewards, thus maintaining the network’s integrity and performance. This staking mechanism ensures that those who contribute to the network’s security and functionality are appropriately rewarded, aligning individual incentives with the network’s overall health.

Furthermore, CERE tokens confer governance rights to holders, allowing them to vote on key decisions regarding the network’s operation and future developments. This community-driven approach ensures that the network evolves in a way that reflects the collective interests of its participants, enhancing transparency and trust within the ecosystem.

In addition to these functionalities, $CERE tokens are integral to SaaS utility and fees, facilitating business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions. This dual utility underscores the token’s importance in technical and economic dimensions, driving real-world enterprise demand and enabling seamless value exchange within the Cere Network.

Source: cere network whitepaper

Overall, the CERE Coin is essential to the Cere Network, underpinning its operations, governance, and economic incentives, fostering a secure, efficient, and community-driven blockchain ecosystem.

Cere Network Main Features

Cere Network offers a robust suite of features designed to meet the diverse needs of enterprises in the blockchain space. By prioritizing network and enterprise governance, consensus mechanisms, scalability, and plug-and-play integrations, Cere provides a comprehensive solution for modern business challenges.

Network and Enterprise Governance

Cere’s architectural design supports a wide range of governance models, from fully permissioned to fully public. The Cere Core Blockchain is governed through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), using the Cere token as a governance tool. Token stakers participate in chain consensus, securing the network and earning incentives through block rewards. Enterprise side chains on Cere can define custom governance models via DAOs, ensuring flexible and tailored governance structures. The Cere Foundation mediates between enterprise interests and core network interests, maintaining balance and resolving conflicts sustainably.


Cere embraces the future of blockchain as an interconnected ecosystem powered by interoperable networks. The Cere blockchain features a fast Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus framework compatible with Polkadot and Cosmos. Utilizing Substrate’s Web Assembly (WASM) based Smart Contract engine, Cere supports common programming languages, enhancing flexibility and developer accessibility. Side chains can define their state transition functions, allowing for highly customizable and flexible data exchange. Blocks are produced through a Proof-of-Stake BFT algorithm, finalized with a finality overlay mechanism, and block rewards are distributed to long-term stakers of CERE tokens.


Cere addresses the blockchain scalability trilemma with horizontal and vertical scaling solutions. Horizontal scaling is achieved through natural sharding, allowing enterprise-specific private chains to connect seamlessly into the Cere Layer-1 hub. This architecture prevents bottlenecks and ensures high performance. Vertical scaling leverages Layer-2 solutions, aggregating computations and state changes off-chain. Cere offers pre-built scaling modules for various industries such as retail, fintech, and media, which can be easily integrated and deployed as needed.

Plug-and-play Integrations

Cere provides a comprehensive toolset and SDKs for seamless implementation of its decentralized data cloud infrastructure into applications. By routing traffic through the closest node in its global edge network, Cere ensures faster data delivery and enhanced app performance. Cere’s commitment to security and privacy means that encrypted data is truly inaccessible, setting a new standard compared to traditional Web3 competitors. Familiar Web2 experiences, such as dashboards and notifications, are maintained in a Web3 environment, ensuring ease of use. Cere’s Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are tailored to meet specific app requirements and budgets, incentivized through $CERE grants.

Cere Network’s features offer a powerful and flexible platform for enterprises leveraging blockchain technology. By integrating advanced governance, consensus, scalability, and plug-and-play solutions, Cere stands out as a comprehensive and adaptable solution in the blockchain space. Next, we’ll explore how Cere’s SaaS-DeFi bridges traditional financial instruments with the DeFi space.


agagaCEREHUB is the key resource for everything related to CERE, providing real-time updates with full transparency. As global data production surges by over 100% annually, traditional cloud solutions struggle with centralization, silos, vendor lock-in, and complexity. CERE introduces decentralized data clusters, secured by the CERE blockchain, to address these challenges. These clusters enhance processing speeds, reduce latency, and distribute data load by operating closer to data sources, such as cars and watches.

In the CERE ecosystem, cluster management is vital, ensuring efficient data handling and seamless AI inference at the edge. These clusters integrate with the data cloud and validator protocols, maintaining data integrity and security while enabling decentralized cloud storage and processing. Discover CERE’s plans, establish a node to earn cloud data revenue, or deploy $CERE tokens to shape the protocol’s future.

Cere DAO

The CERE DAO is a cornerstone of Cere’s vision for a shared, open ecosystem. Inspired by projects like MakerDAO and Uniswap, it emphasizes decentralized, inclusive, and transparent governance. Established in 2019, Cere aims to distribute control across its ecosystem, ensuring no single entity dominates. The $CERE token powers Decentralized Data Clouds and rewards validators and stakers. Governance is executed by token holders via Polkassembly, who vote on proposals and fund allocations. Members can also join the Swiss Association or the General Assembly, enhancing their role in shaping Cere’s future. Active participation and community engagement are crucial for the DAO’s success and longevity.

Is CERE a Good Investment?

Cere Network’s extensive technical implementations and enterprise-focused solutions position it as a strong contender in the blockchain space. Its robust infrastructure, governance model, and interoperability features make it particularly attractive for enterprises leveraging blockchain technology. However, many enterprises have already developed internal solutions like Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs), which could present competition. While Cere shows great promise, potential investors should consider the existing landscape and whether Cere’s offerings can significantly differentiate it from in-house solutions already adopted by large enterprises.

How to Own CERE?

To own CERE, you can use the services of a centralized crypto exchange. Start by creating a Gate.io account and get it verified and funded. Then, you are ready to go through the steps to buy CERE.

News on Cere Network

As announced on Cere Network’s official blog on May 16, 2024, Cere Network announced the launch of its Dragon 1 Beta Cluster, a decentralized data storage solution aimed at revolutionizing cloud storage. With features such as over 99.9999% uptime, smart routing mechanics, and enhanced cache capacity, Dragon 1 offers superior performance compared to traditional cloud providers. The platform’s decentralized approach ensures data sovereignty and transparency, leveraging the CERE Mainnet for seamless user interactions and staking mechanisms. This marks a significant step toward decentralized, secure, and efficient data management.

Take Action on CERE

Check out CERE price today, and start trading your favorite currency pairs.

Author: Mauro
Translator: cCdar
Reviewer(s): Matheus、Wayne、Ashley
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by Gate.io.
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Gate.io. Contravention is an infringement of Copyright Act and may be subject to legal action.

What is Cere Network? All You Need to Know About CERE

IntermediateJun 21, 2024
Cere Network is a decentralized data cloud platform enabling secure data collaboration and interoperability across blockchain and traditional systems.
What is Cere Network? All You Need to Know About CERE

Cere Network is a decentralized data cloud platform enabling secure data collaboration and interoperability across blockchain and traditional systems.

The path to the first billion blockchain users lies in rapid enterprise adoption by businesses and their customer base across all industries. Enterprise adoption and decentralized blockchain networks have often been seen as opposing ideals due to the scaling-decentralization-security trilemma. Cere tries to resolve this paradox with a comprehensive solution for scalability, interoperability, and seamless integration of the global app ecosystem into a decentralized economy. Cere Network offers this holistic approach, paving the way for widespread blockchain adoption and integration.

What is Cere Network (CERE)?

Cere Network, launched by Fred Jin in October 2020, has rapidly established itself in the blockchain and cryptocurrency landscape through strategic partnerships, integrations, and community-driven initiatives. The platform aims to revolutionize data sovereignty and utilization in the AI era by leveraging blockchain technology for enhanced security and efficiency.

Cere has forged significant partnerships with platforms like Biconomy, Boba Network, and Polygon Studios to enhance interoperability and broaden the utility of its decentralized data cloud. Collaborations with Mars4, Rai Finance, and others showcase the platform’s versatility. An important development was integrating with Ankr, facilitating seamless connectivity and resource optimization for blockchain networks. Partnerships with global credit reporting agencies and Reef Finance further highlight Cere Network’s ambition to bridge traditional financial services with the blockchain world, enhancing transparency and trust.

Community engagement has been a cornerstone of Cere Network’s strategy. Launching through platforms like Republic, DAO Maker, and Polkastarter has enabled broader participation and investment, underlining its potential and appeal. Regular community updates, technical analysis, and incident reviews maintain transparency and trust with stakeholders, fostering a sense of community.

In 2023, Cere Network introduced CerePlay, a decentralized and plug-and-play game SDK, and Cere DAO, a community-driven governance model. CereFans, launched in the fourth quarter of 2023, empowers creators with total content control and full profit retention. Looking forward, Cere Network plans to focus on bringing AI to the edge through its decentralized data cloud, promising real-time data processing and analysis.

Cere Network is backed by investors like Arrington XRP Capital, and partners with reputable projects like Reef Finance, Litentry, DAO Maker, and Torus. In September 2021, Polygon invested $3 million in Cere Network, highlighting its unique Decentralized Data Cloud Integration and accelerating its integration into Polygon’s Protocol.

How Does Cere Network Work? Fundamentals and SaaS-DeFi

Cere Network is built on a set of fundamental principles crucial for the enterprise adoption of blockchain technology. One of these principles is network interoperability, ensuring high-volume data processing and throughput. The Cere platform is a consortium of interoperable blockchains combining specialized chains, apps, optimization tools, and services to facilitate required speeds and network security. This unique setup allows for optimized blockchain interoperability, which is essential for developing next-generation blockchain ecosystems. Cere achieves frictionless cross-chain transfers of value and information through a hub and spokes model. The Cere core blockchain acts as the network’s nexus, with enterprises operating their connected side chains and bridges connected to major Layer-1 networks like Ethereum and Polkadot facilitating data and asset transfers. This heterogeneous model allows data exchange between enterprise partners’ public or permissioned chains via the Cere core blockchain, which is used for data encryption and identity management.

Data security and privacy are also prioritized in Cere’s data-driven network, designed with GDPR and CCPA compliance in mind. This ensures that enterprises operating in tightly regulated jurisdictions have the customization and tools to manage data compliance and privacy effectively. This feature turns regulatory barriers into competitive advantages. By offering a robust data security framework, Cere ensures that enterprise customers can confidently operate consumer-focused applications, knowing that their data is secure and compliant with international standards. This makes Cere particularly appealing to businesses that must adhere to strict data protection regulations while still leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology.

Another core principle is the consumer enterprise focus. Unlike generic Layer-1 blockchain projects, Cere is set up as a decentralized SaaS with an enterprise-first focus. Through its plug-and-play data onboarding procedures and APIs, consumer data becomes tangible on the blockchain, suitable for efficient and secure utilization on the decentralized data network. This approach allows enterprises to quickly and easily integrate blockchain technology into their existing systems, providing a seamless transition to decentralized data management. By focusing on the needs of enterprises, Cere ensures that its platform is practical and valuable for real-world applications, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to leverage blockchain technology.

Decentralization is the final fundamental principle. Traditional blockchain solutions often compromise either decentralization or enterprise usability. However, Cere bridges this gap by offering both from the ground up. By leveraging its interoperable blockchain network, Cere pioneers true enterprise scalability and enhances usability without sacrificing decentralization. This balance is crucial for businesses requiring a high degree of control and flexibility in their operations while benefiting from the security and transparency offered by a decentralized network. Cere’s approach ensures that enterprises can fully harness the power of blockchain technology without being constrained by the limitations typically associated with decentralized systems.

Source: cere network whitepaper

These fundamental principles of network interoperability, data security, consumer enterprise focus, and true decentralization position Cere Network as a robust and versatile enterprise platform. By addressing the key challenges that have historically hindered enterprise adoption of blockchain technology, Cere provides a comprehensive solution that meets the needs of modern businesses. Next, we will explore Cere’s SaaS-DeFi approach, further extending its decentralized finance capabilities.


Cere Network’s SaaS-DeFi bridge revolutionizes enterprise access to decentralized finance, enabling seamless integration of financial instruments into the DeFi space. This approach empowers businesses to leverage a suite of DeFi capabilities, facilitating enterprise SaaS marketplaces, vendor-to-vendor collaborations, and leveraging accounts receivables (AR). By connecting corporate cash flow and assets already onboarded onto the Cere SaaS platform with the DeFi landscape, enterprises can better utilize their sidelined capital, optimize financial operations, and create frictionless customer payment experiences. This integration taps into the liquidity of DeFi, providing enhanced financial flexibility.

Cere’s SaaS-DeFi model allows businesses to convert assets using decentralized exchanges (DEX) and bridges, enabling direct business-to-consumer payments, staking vouchers, and consumer rewards. Furthermore, it offers a platform for a developer and analyst job marketplace and facilitates lending and borrowing among participants. By financializing enterprise B2B assets and liabilities, Cere’s approach addresses the retail revolution’s limits, potentially mitigating bubble risks by introducing new financial instruments into the enterprise sector. This strategy ensures businesses can access and apply these new financial tools sustainably and efficiently.

The Cere Layer-1 blockchain core underpins an interoperable hybrid network that bridges enterprise chains with fully decentralized public networks like Polkadot and Ethereum. Combining best practices from SaaS and the blockchain sphere with plug-and-play integration APIs and SDKs, Cere excels in real-world applications, encouraging and accelerating enterprise adoption. Data exchange and value transfers are conducted among these private chains via smart contracts, which are linked with Cere’s SaaS-DeFi portal. This interoperability ensures seamless integration of enterprise operations with decentralized finance.

Source: cere network whitepaper

In conclusion, Cere Network’s pioneering SaaS-DeFi bridge provides enterprises with a robust framework to integrate and utilize DeFi instruments. This approach not only optimizes financial operations but also enhances liquidity and operational efficiency, paving the way for broader enterprise adoption of decentralized finance.

Cere Network Use Cases

Cere Network provides transformative use cases across various industries by leveraging its decentralized data cloud (DDC) and innovative SaaS-DeFi solutions. These use cases demonstrate Cere’s commitment to enhancing data security, efficiency, and usability.

  • Decentralized Content Delivery: Stream data stored on Cere’s edge node infrastructure with unmatched speed and cost efficiency. This allows advanced use cases like permissioned media streaming to NFT holders, offering a censorship-resistant platform. It enables content creators and distributors to securely share media without relying on centralized servers, ensuring greater control over their digital assets.
  • Data Asset Storage: Store data on Cere’s secure and accessible network, free from malicious intent. The network makes data insightful and actionable via Web2 dashboards and notifications, ensuring maximum utility. Enterprises can leverage this feature to enhance their data management practices, enabling real-time analytics and decision-making without compromising security or data integrity.
  • User Data Storage: The DDC SDK encrypts and segments user interactions with applications, organizing them in a decentralized timeline. This paves the way for optimized ETL operations and hyper-personalization through AI agents, enhancing user experience and engagement. By securely storing user data, businesses can offer personalized services and recommendations, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Website and App Hosting: Hosting websites or apps on Cere DDC ensures scalability and cost efficiency. This approach eliminates the typical overhead and maintenance associated with traditional server management, allowing apps to serve users effectively. Companies can benefit from reduced infrastructure costs while maintaining high performance and reliability, ensuring their digital platforms can scale seamlessly with growing demand.

Cere Network’s approach to data ecosystems grants stakeholders full control over data usage and purpose, akin to Snowflake’s cloud data platform but with enhanced privacy and encryption. This fosters seamless data sharing with business partners, creating new business applications and use cases.

Cere Network revolutionizes data management and delivery, offering secure, efficient, and decentralized solutions that benefit enterprises and customers. Its innovative use of blockchain technology ensures businesses can leverage their data with unparalleled security and efficiency.

What is the CERE Coin?

CERE is the native token of Cere Network, used for transactions and governance. Its total supply counts 10 billion units, of which 6.9 billions are already in circulation (June 2024).

The CERE token serves as the cornerstone of its ecosystem. It plays a vital role in facilitating transactions, enabling governance, and securing the network through various staking mechanisms. As a utility token, $CERE powers the Decentralized Data Cloud (DDC) and SaaS DeFi framework, ensuring the network’s smooth operation and economic incentivization.

Token distribution is as follows: 6% for advisors, 14% for the foundation, 16% for private sale, 11% for public sale, 18% for the team, and 5% for seed sale. This structured distribution balances immediate needs and long-term sustainability, fostering a robust and participatory community.

CERE tokens are used for staking, particularly in Proof of Stake (PoS) and DDC staking, which incentivize network security and participation. Validators and node operators stake CERE tokens to earn rewards, thus maintaining the network’s integrity and performance. This staking mechanism ensures that those who contribute to the network’s security and functionality are appropriately rewarded, aligning individual incentives with the network’s overall health.

Furthermore, CERE tokens confer governance rights to holders, allowing them to vote on key decisions regarding the network’s operation and future developments. This community-driven approach ensures that the network evolves in a way that reflects the collective interests of its participants, enhancing transparency and trust within the ecosystem.

In addition to these functionalities, $CERE tokens are integral to SaaS utility and fees, facilitating business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions. This dual utility underscores the token’s importance in technical and economic dimensions, driving real-world enterprise demand and enabling seamless value exchange within the Cere Network.

Source: cere network whitepaper

Overall, the CERE Coin is essential to the Cere Network, underpinning its operations, governance, and economic incentives, fostering a secure, efficient, and community-driven blockchain ecosystem.

Cere Network Main Features

Cere Network offers a robust suite of features designed to meet the diverse needs of enterprises in the blockchain space. By prioritizing network and enterprise governance, consensus mechanisms, scalability, and plug-and-play integrations, Cere provides a comprehensive solution for modern business challenges.

Network and Enterprise Governance

Cere’s architectural design supports a wide range of governance models, from fully permissioned to fully public. The Cere Core Blockchain is governed through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), using the Cere token as a governance tool. Token stakers participate in chain consensus, securing the network and earning incentives through block rewards. Enterprise side chains on Cere can define custom governance models via DAOs, ensuring flexible and tailored governance structures. The Cere Foundation mediates between enterprise interests and core network interests, maintaining balance and resolving conflicts sustainably.


Cere embraces the future of blockchain as an interconnected ecosystem powered by interoperable networks. The Cere blockchain features a fast Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus framework compatible with Polkadot and Cosmos. Utilizing Substrate’s Web Assembly (WASM) based Smart Contract engine, Cere supports common programming languages, enhancing flexibility and developer accessibility. Side chains can define their state transition functions, allowing for highly customizable and flexible data exchange. Blocks are produced through a Proof-of-Stake BFT algorithm, finalized with a finality overlay mechanism, and block rewards are distributed to long-term stakers of CERE tokens.


Cere addresses the blockchain scalability trilemma with horizontal and vertical scaling solutions. Horizontal scaling is achieved through natural sharding, allowing enterprise-specific private chains to connect seamlessly into the Cere Layer-1 hub. This architecture prevents bottlenecks and ensures high performance. Vertical scaling leverages Layer-2 solutions, aggregating computations and state changes off-chain. Cere offers pre-built scaling modules for various industries such as retail, fintech, and media, which can be easily integrated and deployed as needed.

Plug-and-play Integrations

Cere provides a comprehensive toolset and SDKs for seamless implementation of its decentralized data cloud infrastructure into applications. By routing traffic through the closest node in its global edge network, Cere ensures faster data delivery and enhanced app performance. Cere’s commitment to security and privacy means that encrypted data is truly inaccessible, setting a new standard compared to traditional Web3 competitors. Familiar Web2 experiences, such as dashboards and notifications, are maintained in a Web3 environment, ensuring ease of use. Cere’s Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are tailored to meet specific app requirements and budgets, incentivized through $CERE grants.

Cere Network’s features offer a powerful and flexible platform for enterprises leveraging blockchain technology. By integrating advanced governance, consensus, scalability, and plug-and-play solutions, Cere stands out as a comprehensive and adaptable solution in the blockchain space. Next, we’ll explore how Cere’s SaaS-DeFi bridges traditional financial instruments with the DeFi space.


agagaCEREHUB is the key resource for everything related to CERE, providing real-time updates with full transparency. As global data production surges by over 100% annually, traditional cloud solutions struggle with centralization, silos, vendor lock-in, and complexity. CERE introduces decentralized data clusters, secured by the CERE blockchain, to address these challenges. These clusters enhance processing speeds, reduce latency, and distribute data load by operating closer to data sources, such as cars and watches.

In the CERE ecosystem, cluster management is vital, ensuring efficient data handling and seamless AI inference at the edge. These clusters integrate with the data cloud and validator protocols, maintaining data integrity and security while enabling decentralized cloud storage and processing. Discover CERE’s plans, establish a node to earn cloud data revenue, or deploy $CERE tokens to shape the protocol’s future.

Cere DAO

The CERE DAO is a cornerstone of Cere’s vision for a shared, open ecosystem. Inspired by projects like MakerDAO and Uniswap, it emphasizes decentralized, inclusive, and transparent governance. Established in 2019, Cere aims to distribute control across its ecosystem, ensuring no single entity dominates. The $CERE token powers Decentralized Data Clouds and rewards validators and stakers. Governance is executed by token holders via Polkassembly, who vote on proposals and fund allocations. Members can also join the Swiss Association or the General Assembly, enhancing their role in shaping Cere’s future. Active participation and community engagement are crucial for the DAO’s success and longevity.

Is CERE a Good Investment?

Cere Network’s extensive technical implementations and enterprise-focused solutions position it as a strong contender in the blockchain space. Its robust infrastructure, governance model, and interoperability features make it particularly attractive for enterprises leveraging blockchain technology. However, many enterprises have already developed internal solutions like Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs), which could present competition. While Cere shows great promise, potential investors should consider the existing landscape and whether Cere’s offerings can significantly differentiate it from in-house solutions already adopted by large enterprises.

How to Own CERE?

To own CERE, you can use the services of a centralized crypto exchange. Start by creating a Gate.io account and get it verified and funded. Then, you are ready to go through the steps to buy CERE.

News on Cere Network

As announced on Cere Network’s official blog on May 16, 2024, Cere Network announced the launch of its Dragon 1 Beta Cluster, a decentralized data storage solution aimed at revolutionizing cloud storage. With features such as over 99.9999% uptime, smart routing mechanics, and enhanced cache capacity, Dragon 1 offers superior performance compared to traditional cloud providers. The platform’s decentralized approach ensures data sovereignty and transparency, leveraging the CERE Mainnet for seamless user interactions and staking mechanisms. This marks a significant step toward decentralized, secure, and efficient data management.

Take Action on CERE

Check out CERE price today, and start trading your favorite currency pairs.

Author: Mauro
Translator: cCdar
Reviewer(s): Matheus、Wayne、Ashley
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by Gate.io.
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